What's up with all these white girls dating niggers? And I'm not talking about low class trashy sluts...

What's up with all these white girls dating niggers? And I'm not talking about low class trashy sluts, I'm talking about attractive, educated girls from good families who burn the coal.

What the actual FUCK??

it's because western men are turning into faggots and the ape-like negro is so much more of a man.. also more of an animal, but more of a man as well

maybe they tired of dumb redneck shits like u

women are attracted to high testosterone males with aggresive/dominating personalily. race is irrelevant.

implying niggers get decent girls

bait bait bait

that kind of guys opens up 200 attractive girls without any fear of rejection. Even if 95% of them reject him. He still gets to bang the attractive 5%, but this is just exaggeration. Women dont care so much about looks, so his pawn rate will be a lot better than 5%, more like 25%.

What's up with all these girls having sex? And I'm not talking about low class trashy sluts, I'm talking about attractive, educated girls from good families who burn the coal.

What the actual FUCK??

Nice thread Jamal.

But they're disowned by then and cmon anyone who fucks niggers isn't smart

lol.. just start dating black chicks...


Does it bunch your panties up to acknowledge the fact that people in real life don't know and don't give a shit about racist Sup Forums bullshit? That while you sit in a puddle of your own ball sweat shitposting about coal burners normal people are living their lives, having a good time and fucking each other without giving you or your autistic internet shrieking so much as a second though?

y'all a bunch of racist ass honkeys

If I were a nigger, God forbid, I'd want white pussy too... Especially given the alternative.



tanyaposter is still havin a giggle about how people go on Sup Forums just to bitch about niggers not being people

Wow, she's absolutely gorgeous.

Congrats to him.

Hell yeah white grrls love aggressive nukkas


>guaranteed replies


Oh look, it's John Cuckendorf pushing his duck fantasies again.

Meanwhile IRL an extreme minority of white girls (less than 0.10%) date blacks. Meanwhile black chicks that date white men are around 4%.

So that means, the future of niggers are white.

Most people in the real world (i.e. who don't live in their mom's basement) do not hate black people. Not to mention ever since obama got elected, it was like the final seal of approval to race mix because, if you can be a mulatto and become president of the united states of america, than anybody who ever said race mixing is bad for the kids is just plain wrong.

its called "rap" music for a reason user

Got any statistics on this? Whenever I see a Black/White couple its normally Black guy White girl.

>if you can be a mulatto and become president of the united states of america, than anybody who ever said race mixing is bad for the kids is just plain wrong
you act like thats some unattainable feat

depends on where you live i guess. Almost none of the white girls I see around town have black bfs. Mostly white guys and then Mexicans after that.