Are you done posing as progressive Sup Forums?

Are you done posing as progressive Sup Forums?

Didn't the guy from Arbor Records reveal that Mondanile used to do sketchy things with Daniel Lopatin and James Ferraro

I was never progressive. Fuck blacks, jews, and queers.

Is this another "someone harassed me but I waited until everyone else started accusing others" episode?



Some of the Mondanile accusations are definitely fucked up but like half of them are "He asked me to go to the bedroom/bathroom with him then started kissing me, then stopped when I asked." Like, what did you expect to happen in his bedroom or bathroom?

Yes it's currently co-airing with "retarded Sup Forumstards learn again no one noteworthy in music agrees with their 'beliefs'"

Posted something on reddit about how he used to tour with and release music by James Ferarro, Ducktails, and OPN and how they were all really shady and into hard drugs and fucking teenage girls

>implying literally anyone thinks musicians are Sup Forums level right wing

burzum and lynyrd skynyrd

t. tourist

Ted Nugent and Kid Rock too

Since when were they running around yelling gas the jews?

bbout that life ay

she actually said she got a lawyer involved before.

I'd like more info and proof on OPN

Links? I'm really interested but currently what you're saying is heresay

This shit is approaching YouTube drama tier at this point

It amazes me people take them seriously. It's easy for a vindictive woman to lie and fuck up an innocent man's life.

Why is it you're first inclination to call the woman a liar. What does she even gain from lying about this? She's objectively a more successful and better artist that stupid ass Ducktails

I literally cant tell laurel halo and julia holter apart

I wouldn't call her a liar but are you not seeing why people would be skeptical when there's a current ongoing trend encouraging women to hop on a bandwagon?

>She's objectively a more successful and better artist that stupid ass Ducktails
which makes it even dumber for her to even be in a position of emotional abuse in the first place
couples argue. how would she let a guy less than her abuse her like that
makes zero sense


glad i pose as a racist nazi tbf friends. feels good that ive never raped anyone

Varg is a racist but he's also an anti capitalist tree hugging anti American hippie. He's not really a model right winger

So you're not actually a racist? I'm disappointed user

The person I was replying to implyied she was lying because it's "easy to fuck up an innocent mans life"

Why would she do that? Think about it logically pol faggots. What does she gain at all by coming out publicly that she's been harassed. Is she evil and wants to hurt other around her? Ah that's it isn't it

>everyone who doesn't bow down to me is Sup Forums
Unless you know her psychological profipe, you're just speculating as the rest of the people on the internet. You can't think "logically" about something you don't have any info about.

Laurel is right though. People who are progressive or liberal in appearance can oftentimes be shitmongers in disguise.

except, you too?

because she never made it clear about the emotional abuse. shes not trailer trash. shes a highly educated rich girl. why would she take abuse
also why do u assume im from Sup Forums???
pic related

Which is why I'm saying I won't call her a liar, but I am skeptical. Learn to read.

>shes not trailer trash. shes a highly educated rich girl.

This has virtually no bearing on anything though.

I'm not even trying to be presumptuous or beg the question, but why did everyone jump down Julian Assange's throat when he said what you're saying?

>This has virtually no bearing on anything though.
yes it does. statistically abuse has always come from lower income backgrounds.

I don't really give a shit about Matt, but when I got St. Catherine the best song on the album was the one he did with Julia Holter, so I'm interested that she spoke out.
While I'm inclined to believe these women, because as others have pointed out - why would they lie? But I still haven't seen a shred of evidence better than clipped jpegs of texts, of Holter, or Alice Glass, or any other woman who has stepped up lately. Where's the corroboration, pictures of bruises, other witnesses... anything? It's not enough to post a bunch of words on a site. I believe the women, in general - in that it isn't hard to believe a bunch of douchebag 'artists' that found sudden fame were bad at hiding their douchebaggery. But because people are innocent until proven guilty, every post outing an individual as a predator, or assaulter, or abusive, or anything with criminal and legal ramifications is complete slander without evidence.

That's great that women are showing solidarity, but this is the wrong way to do it, and if there's any justice, this is going to bite these women in the ass for coming out with these accusations with zero proof. It's not enough that a guy is a creep, and it's not enough that you just say that this guy acted in a certain way on a number of occasions and just write bald accusations like 'He emotionally abused me until I thought I was garbage", you need to outline the actual crimes taking place and provide proof. Also be sure not to get paid off, so that further claims actually hold water.
>If the guy did nothing wrong, why's he paying her off then???
Because that's how America works, not justice. It's more convenient for all parties if money exchanges hands and everyone drops it.

Wtf I hate Dream Theater, Progressive Metal now

Because he's literally been accused of rape and has clear motivation to shit on feminists whereas Laurel is more neutral? This is a weird question.

it's a huge female conspiracy to bring down the patriarchy

I'm a spic so if they accuse me of that i can accuse these indie chicks of being trump supporters

being skeptical is forming an opinion that you yourself are saying you do not have the proof to prove.
>it's being neutral user!
you're posting on a board about that it might be a lie and promoting others to treat it as such.

also for all we know. matt pushed her to become a better artist. too many vague statements from her

But you're applying vague statistical knowledge to a person from a different background, implying that wealthy or educated women have no excuse to not come forward when they are raped. What you're saying has no bearing on this situation.

>implying that wealthy or educated women have no excuse to not come forward when they are raped
when did julia said she got raped?????

I'll clarify: abused.

Chill were on Sup Forums it's customary to call people extreme things were you disagree

She said she hired a lawyer, coming out now gives her the chance to say her accusations at a time where the spotlight won't be totally on her because of everything else happening. I wouldn't want to admit that I was assalted or harassed, why would I want that to define my career. I was just saying that you shouldn't automatically assume someone is lying when they have no reason to do so.

>if you don't have any proof only correct way is to listen and believe blindly
That's some nice mental gymnastics there

You know, you're the cancer killing this board. I've never seen you talking about some ACTUAL FUCKING MUSIC. You're always only on the political, rape, gossip threads.

or take the side of the abused because god knows they need some one in their corner?

This isn't even accurate, I saw him slandering the only good Brand New album the other day

>not automatically believing a random claim from a person you never met means you support abusers
Did you just come from tumblr?

Who the fuck are any of these people

>accuses me of being from a diff board and calls me homophobic slurs
no dude pls go fuck off.

>I wouldn't want to admit that I was assaulted or harassed, why would I want that to define my career.
yikes this is really bad logic here.


i'm believing her because why would i support an abuser. Multiple women have come forward about him being fucking crazy. Now I expect this to go to court and get settled out and if it turns out theyre lying through their teeth about this then they are psychos who deserve to be publicly shamed.
But honest
you sound like an idiot. Music has always had a lot of liberal viewers. Stop fumbling in the dark for straws to pull.

I talk about music quite a bit. Thanks for cherry picking, dog (and derailing a thread because of your unhealthy obsession with me).

P.S., you're in a thread where nobody is talking about music, complaining that I'm not talking about music.

Pfffft I literally did not do this at all. I said Daisy was crap but that I am looking forward to Sci Fi.

this thread just proves women have taken over society.
nu-males will defend anything they say instantly just to hope that the girl will notice and fuck them lmao.

>unhealthy obsession with me
Don't flatter yourself, bitch.

>P.S., you're in a thread where nobody is talking about music, complaining that I'm not talking about music.

And that's supposed to make it ok? Fuck you.

>or take the side of the abused because god knows they need some one in their corner?

yes and the modern media is known for being very unsupportive of the abused. nobody at all is in their corner so they need every user on Sup Forums behind them

>I'm believing her because I feel like it and I only listen to my emotions
Should have just said that to begin with

as opposed to men sitting around and being racist and calling women whores because they cant get fucked? lmao.

according to laurel you're the future abuser not me :)
nice try fake progressive

You sound like you live in a VERY small bubble if you genuinely believe this.

It is interesting that people who support Matt on this board do not receive vitriolic replies on this level or at this frequency.

Progressives eating each other up never gets old.

>You sound like you live in a VERY small bubble if you genuinely believe this.
sounds like you may be a future abuser. why would u waste time defending her on Sup Forums's music board with guys like *me* who live in a small bubble like you said?
seems pretty dumb of you. whats the end goal of this anyway?

holy shit this board is numale central. thoroughly fucked. i should never get out of /classical/, like ever.

>implying classical isn't the most numale genre ever

I'm not even explicitly "defending her", I'm posting my opinions. Why do you post what you do? Your question is inherently silly.

>literally been accused of rape
That literally means literally nothing.
>motivation to shit on feminists

>no female composers to ever be seen or any retarded weak ass ideology
looks very non numale, my friend.

I'm posting my opinions.

>be a male
>be against third wave feminism
>"you're a conservative nazi sexist who can't get laid, and you're part of the problem"

>be a male
>be apathetic towards third wave feminism
>"if you don't support us you're against us. staying silent means you're either blind to oppression benefitting from it. you're part of the problem"

>be a male
>support third wave feminism
>"don't even try to speak on topics that you're too privileged to understand. abusers are more common amongst people like you who pretend to be progressive anyways. you're part of the problem"

dan lopatin and joel ford had a fight and have hated each other for years now

joel ford doesn't do much else besides simmer with resentment towards his ex-partner and the success he doesn't think dan deserves

harass joel on twitter asking what he knows about loptain and he will eventually crack and tell us the good stuff

Women should avoid men who self proclaim themselves to be male feminists. They are using it as a trojan horse so you will let your guard down and they can rape you.

a male feminist being a “predator” at the same time he works to alienate women from men as a whole.

Also im not leftwing, im a fascist.

yup. males are literally the opressed sex in current society.

just be an regular dude and fuck normies chicks. its simple
im a musician who tours, but i never fuck anybody in my scene.

nah don't bother. they rather call anybody who doesn't defend women nazi's and get raped by who never doubts women.

Normal man : "yeah they can wear pants or whatever stupid shit, i dont care, go away"



>be a male
>strawperson all feminists
Every time.

t.future rapists

stop dating indie chicks idiot. go date a christian girl

Your mistake was caring in the first place.
I don't mean this in a fedora way. Feminism is about women's issues. Let them work it out, no good will come of going out of your way to appease a movement that has nothing to do with you or your interests as a man.

>being accused of rape means nothing
>it doesn't mean that it changes how you respond to things
Okay, you moron.

Oh, wow, same here dude! What do you think about the state of Israel?

I like to suck cock.

>What do you think about the state of Israel?
no idea never been. have you? only traveled to spain and england once was fun.

please provide citations

i didn't say that, i just think its silly how no matter what stance they take, men always seem to be stuck in the box of having to feel bad for the actions of scummy guys

the post in the OP is literally saying its more likely that someone who tries to "act" progressive is more likely to be abusive than someone who doesn't. How is a guy who legitimately has progressive beliefs supposed to react to that?

Oh you're so obsessed with me, aren't you? Pathetic. To atone for that you must suck my dirty toes.

Only occasionally

Eh this isn't quite true, especially if you recognise the inherent egalitarian ideals of feminists who view women as the subservient sex. The role of men is incredibly important.

Are you getting off on pretending to be me?

Stop posing as me, fool.

>The role of men is incredibly important.
As the boogieman, and the object of derision.

>The role of men is incredibly important.
no its not. women don't need us

Idiots, stop this obsession with me. This is getting incredibly annoying. Don't you have anything better to do?

>a guy who legitimately has progressive beliefs
If you're a heterosexual male and support LISTEN AND BELIEVE Feminism Plus, you're doing it, at least subconsciously, to look progressive and enlightened, for the sake o garnering social approval and ultimately female approval my marketing yourself as a sensitive "ally".
A man has no other reason to support feminism. You can tell yourself you really care about slut-shaming and free abortions, but you have no reason to.

stop posting as me, Idiot

Never been outside the States but a friend wants me to visit Turkey. Should be fun.

Great thread derailment.