Hey!!!! >:-|

Hey!!!! >:-|
Don't forget about this!!! Don't let them die in vain!!! :'(



>Mfw Heavy-R
>Mfw Fapping really hard to the video..

You better be a girl




Snitches get stitches.

Where is the liveleak version my guy?


why you gotta be so cruuuuuel, don't you know i'm human toooo

i'm gonna murder him anywayyyy

damn, not to the gore but to these fucking savages having to safety practices.. at least wear fucking gloves.

Shithole country that we have no wall to protect use. Libs telling us they are nice loving people and sue to stop a wall. Crap like this just proves Trump is right. There is shithole country's we all know it. We need to be protected from them. Time we take the libs out and let the Mexican cartels have fun with them

Stop buying drugs dumbass gringo lol then cartels wouldn’t exist

All racist edgy bullshit aside, the vast majority of the illegals coming to America are fleeing this kind of shit.

This is coming from a slightly right-leaning white guy that lives in Canada that also thinks they should close the border.

I would prefer us to send our military down there and stabilize the country and try to eradicate the cartels personally, but who am I to make those kind of leaps.


Lol I meant America's military, sorry.


I've come to think that these south american motherfuckers are actually worse than ISIS.

What does it feel like to have a knife cut you open, and your organs stabbed at? Is the body in so much shock you can't feel the pain? Or is it worse than you can possibly imagine?

>Wasting time, money, and effort on a shithole country