I'm high as fuck and thinking about giving away money!?

I'm high as fuck and thinking about giving away money!?

Pitch to me why you need the money and how much and I think I can make your dreams come true.

Hurry up before I wake up and realize what I'm doing

Other urls found in this thread:


recently got unemployed and have to pay for internet

I need money because I'm launchng a start up it's an app like uber but for people that dont have uber my app summons people that have the uber app and you get them to call an uber for you

Give me butt sex. Fuck the cash nigger lover


you fucking love me you need me
the way i will keep you up at night
make you run in circles
you must give me atleast $20
because i must also get high
to keep loving you
i must get high too

Want to buy my mother a bday gift, need about $30 more to get her what I want. Any amount would be appreciated user. God bless you


Nigga has a whole 163.18

seem like legit causes please donate to them OP


I gotta buy food. I'm hungry as fuck and haven't eaten proper food in days! Please help me, oh high user. For that I would be forever grateful.

unemployed guy here where i can find the paypal.me link?

it's okay found it

I'm not interested in money, but can I ask for a steam game instead?

is that all?

I want a porn subscription to brazzers OP faggot

hahaha great.

I have had a shitty week and b/c of the stress I have barely slept. Wife took off earlier this week and took the kids, the bitch was kind enough to empty my bank accounts as well. Payday is still 1 week away so I'll get by, would just need 20€ for beer so I can get drunk.

i just want more anime girls


looks like op is gone

That's too bad. Was hoping he could help me get that game...

Unemployed (although I still have SOME savings)

Like 10 bucksjust so I can buy alcohol

Hey thanks for giving

i would spend on night outs

Made an image for this retarded artist, was supposed to pay 40$, never did.

For weed..

For your mom

I need gas money to go suck a log of shit out of Andy sixx's asshole