Greetings Sup Forums, I have came here from le epic website called reddit...

Greetings Sup Forums, I have came here from le epic website called reddit. I love finding new memes on reddit that I can post to Facebook and share with all my friends. I was told to come here by someone on reddit. Why is everyone so rude on this website and is there any nice boards

No fuck you get out new fag

Why are you so mean

What's a newfag?

Fuck off Redd*t faggot

the only RP I do is E

Why are you so mean to us? That's disgusting why would you post that. Did he die?

I dunno. I sure hope so.

Nice bait fag

Why do you hope he died


The bait is strong


One less emo fag in the world

How are you retards falling for the bait

daddy fuck me

>le epic website called reddit

OP this is a dead meme and a bad troll
please reconsider living for suicide

It isn't bait. I browse reddit every day. The narwhal bacon's at midnight

It isn't a troll and many people on reddit use "le" as well

We said le for like 3 months in 2011. Relax with that shit man.

I just want memes

>calling him a newfag
>falling for this tier level of bait

pretty sure we all know who the real newfag is here

Reddit were the first to use le


Stop calling it bait and post new memes I can share with friends. The frog guy is funny.


The delete system32 meme
The drink bleach meme
The mix bleach and ammonia meme
The neck yourself meme