Why does this show fail on all levels, and suck so much?

Why does this show fail on all levels, and suck so much?

General shitty bazinga meme thread aswell.

It makes normal people feel intelligent for understanding it's "science" humor

its a show that stereotypes nerds then marketed as if it was meant for nerds., and written to make it seem like the audience was smart to get a really crude and classless jokes.

Number 1 scripted show on television so fuck off "patrician"

Really great show but the last 2 seasons just haven't been good.

Shut the fuck up.

No I'm serious, the last 2 seasons have greatly dropped in quality.

Lol I love it when y'all get so upset that the vast majority of people think your pretentious twats
Go on whine more please

True but 10 is looking much better so far

Dude your show that you watch is pretentious

yeah, I think 5-6 will be seen as the peak, and the Howard is going to space/Howard is back from space dozen-or-so episodes as being the peak of the peak. Advanced: Amy has made the last half dozen seasons bearable.

Those were the best so far although I am not a big fan of amy she is just a prop for Sheldon
At least this season we got fun sexy penny back

It's the Seinfeld of our generation, that is to say low brow humor for the retard masses.

Don't you hate that annoying buzz in your ear, you can never tell if it's a fly a mosquito or a annoying patrician begging for attention

you don't like Amy?? I LOVE what MB does with that character and I don't think there's another female doing comedy who can deliver a sly smile or brow raise for near as much effect as her. I think she's been brilliant tbqh senpai.

I like her I just think they use her just to react to Sheldon or sometimes penny. They never really give her much else to work with but she does do wonders with what she gets

true true she's not over used

>General shitty bazinga meme thread aswell.
this is literally the worst thing that came out of this shit series, you are cancer, faggot.

Literally anything Chuck Lorre touches is shit


Oldfag here. I remember when the Friends cast were so proud of doing their show. Now, you can feel The Big Bang Theory cast hate the crap that they are doing and only think about their monster paycheck. I envy them and feel sad about them at same time. kinda weird.

They just run out of story lines by putting everyone together too soon, all three couples are happy and not gonna break up

The only interesting story from the last couple of seasons was Raj dating the two hot chicks, but they seemed to have completely dropped it and the girls have gone from the show

it's not all bad

It started out OK, references to meme level science and a few vidya was good. Up to the 3rd season it was watchable, then all of a sudden they propped up the original male cast more as weirdos that you can point and laugh at and each character became more and more unfunnilly unrealistic. It literally became a chore to watch.

Honestly this is the worst show I've ever seen. People saying that the earlier seasons were good must have been watching a different show.

Agreed. A shame the ratings are still really strong. Sheldon will probably have a child before the fucking show ends.

>people actually praising bazinga show

Facebook/reddit/9gag crossposters should get their own board so they can spew their shit opinions there.

Why do people pretend they only make fun of nerds, when Penny is constantly made fun of as well? It's not just laughing at nerds.

I genuninely enjoyed the first 2 seasons years ago, then I lost interest.

I liked it until Leonard actually got Penny to fall for him. Since then it went down for me.

It's a shit show that panders to the normies.

The blonde small chick with the nice boobs arouses me hard though.

80% of the jokes are literally *nerds say something nerdy/scientific* - *penny makes dumb face* - *nerds repeat what they said, but slower*

In the last episode, Leonard will wake up from his long time dream where he had friends and was married only to go back to lurking on an image board and peeping on his hot neighbor Penny. In this reality, Sheldon never existed and Leonard was the obnoxious friend who those around don't wanna socialize with.

It's not even nerdy things it's just words without real meaning.
*Audience chuckels*
*Everybody bursts laughing*
*Standing ovation*

I just don't fucking understand.