Huh? What’s this?

Huh? What’s this?

I don't even like most of these bands and this is deeply offensive


So everyones fucking mum is a hipster

>First band is radiohead

wow these bands are really obscure. never heard of them

Is this the one with fucking Built to Spill in it?

I would love to see a picture of the person who wrote this garbage

Get with the times, grandpa. Sup Forums already sperged at this a couple months ago.

That was a wild ride, thanks OP.

>aphex twin

This list is pointless. If it is famous enough to be mentioned (no one wants to read a list of bands they have never heard about), it isn't hipster anymore

>aphex twin

>suggested post

Yeah ok...

The article called Radiohead a one hit wonder

Its just low effort bait, ignore

Wow an actually accurate list. Good on the clickbait site.

Doesn't mention 30 Seconds To Mars.
Leto wins again

>modest mouse

>flaming lips

what in the actual fuck

>Author is patrician enough to praise the talking heads
>Author is pleb enough to claim modest mouse is a rip off

>aphex twin
>scissor sisters
>arctic monkeys
>queens of the stone age
>the black keys
>panic! at the disco
>modest mouse
>death cab for cutie
how are any of these bands hipster

>Do you remember Radiohead's song "Creep" from 1992? Of course you do. Now try to name another cool song by them. Take your time...
true patrician

Sup Forums completely and utterly BTFO

This is literally just thinly veiled racism

Can't argue with this one tbqh

In all honesty, Radiohead are just a poor mans Muse, which in itself is fucking shit

Unironically one of the best lists I've ever seen.

Small-souled bugmen btfo!

so anyone who listen to run-of-the-mill indie rock or mainstream alt-rock is a hipster now?

>Hipster band
Prove me wrong

this image fucked me up
think im having a panic attack

hipsters don't go with the flow

This is basically Robert Christgau boiled down into 27 slides

That's literally how normal white men look.

Queens fans are like 50% hipster and 50% buttrock heads, they're very strange

they are pretty mainstream for hipsters

>name three (3) radiohead songs. take your time...

>27 lame bands
>27 WHITE bands
good goys

>memeford and sons
>aphex twin
>cage the elephant
>arcade fire
>bon iver
>panic at the disco
>vampire weekend
>actually using the word hipster
>actually using the word lame

creep, karma police, that one where his head is in that fishbowl thing

O I am laffin

is that John Theodore in the middle

They are

Too masculine

Hipsters tend to listen to the whitest music. Most blacks don't listen to MF Doom and A Tribe Called Quest or consider them in their top.

>hating aphex twin will make me interesting

Okay what that list actually made me upset

Man I was kind of excited to see someone try to rip into some really pretentious stuff, but all I got was super low quality bait of someone saying a bunch of mainstream stuff is bad because no reason other than they said so. Do they even understand what hipsters are?

Wow... This is actually... Spot on.

Sup Forums brainlet hipsters btfo. Get some taste fags ITT

what the fuc-

>using hipsters in 2017
they're 10 years late...


>first, aphex twin is not a band
>27 lame bands that hipsters love
thinking emoji

id like to see daft punk make a song as good as dance yrself clean fuck off

name 1 (one) interesting radiohead song that isn’t creep

>Animal Collective
>Their biggest hit is "Peacebone"

That's just what a hipster would say

Holy shit this is the holy grail of Sup Forums bait. I really hope the author of that article is a mutant.

highly accurate

It's not even good bait. All of it the explanations are just "cuz i said so". It'd be so much more entertaining if they said more than that. As is, it's super low quality.

>Karma Police
>Fake Plastic Trees
>No Surprises


Good job, by reading this you just gave these guys more money

>list of "hipster" bands
>all of them are top 40 artists

not even trying with this list

mumford and sons are definitely lame but how the fuck are they for hipsters?
I didn't expect that list to make me this mad. and not because it hated on bands I like but because someone actually got paid to do it and it's so obviously slapped together in like 10 minutes by some oaf

Was this article written 5 years ago?

This has already been posted, try again

Nice Sup Forums rage porn. Looks like it's working to upset the greatest amount of people.

it's not even factually correct in a lot of parts. i don't think Peacebone is even the most popular song on that album.

I literally and unironically agree with every entry on their list. Thought this was gonna be clickbait but it was really an epic takedown of a bunch of neckbeard favorites. Get fucked Sup Forums you fucking racist bigots.

>Peacebone is the most popular ANCO song
What is 'My Girls'?
>Aphex Twin is not a band but one guy
>QOTSA won a grammy
Pic related