Reminder that she got lots of people killed and was the real villain

reminder that she got lots of people killed and was the real villain

*grabs by throat*

Jonathan stole the key in the first place which led to the events of the movie making him the villain

everything was fine until she stole the book from the guy who knew not to open it

She's too good looking for me to care that she nearly doomed the planet.

One of my first crushes. Goddamn she was perfect in this movie.

This stupid woman got her partner killed and endangered everyone's lives with her meddling and her idea of "morals".


hellzya, so damn qt. Rachael Weiz is patrician taste always.

I'm convinced she turned me on not only to bookish girls, but the love of literature that would (I hoped) seduce them

Will this scene be in the remake with Tom Cruise?


>whats the worst that could happen?

I think I just about yanked my cock clean off at this scene. Also the one where she and Evie were fighting in a flashback. Damn.


>No harm ever came from reading a book

Surely as a librarian she should know that books can be incredible tools of destruction, through instruction and/or indoctrination - right?

Reminder that she is a total qt three point one four

Just watched this last night. Comfy movie. How could Fraser fall so low?

how dare you
your mother would be ashamed if she knew you posted slander like this on the internet

same user, one of my first movie crushs

Got replaced with younger and hotter people like Chris Hemsworth and shit for action flicks. Which meant no more money to pay for his homosexual fuck dates and so his woman got bored and fed up after she had kept the sham marriage going simply to keep fraiser in with the clique of 'family man'.

she was so fucking hot in that librarian outfit. In that whole movie, desu. It's mind blowing how despite being MILFier and bound in tight black clothes in the mummy 2 (not to mention the brass battle bikini) she wasn't even close to the original mummy levels of hot

>tfwywn have her like this
>tfw that fag Daniel Craig gets to do this every day and night
fuck this gay earth senpai

she also threw a long term curse to the only guy stupid enough to fuck her, truly a succubus