This really makes you think, doesn't it?

This really makes you think, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it Israel?

Pretty much all of them, Enrique.

That's a bit to vague to work with. There are way too many countries that fit this seeing how it's how every nation on Earth started.

Pretty much any major country or empire ever?

Why is Mexico more entitled to that land than another nation?


First post best post.


There are plenty of us still here and many had treaties


Losing territory in a war and by purchasing (Gadsden) is not theft.

When are we going to get non-shit slide threads?

really weird how it's a mexican poster this time

>mexicans are a native population


oh even the fucking real injuns butchered their way into their land holdings

Migration happens all the time, it's the strong that rolls over the meek.

>We stole land from Mexico

All African countries?

Texas maybe? California?

Mexicans are all rape babies. ''Hispanics" aren't a "race".

>Theft of other land.

Bitch, you got your ass handed to you in a month. ONE FUCKING MONTH!!!
I would say that you should be thankful that we let you keep the 1/3 of your country that we did, but hey, let's face it.
You've fucked up your narco-state so badly, you would have been better off if we took the whole damned thing.


No and no.



Texas won its independence fair and square, thank you very much.

Yeah we "stole" them after we kicked their ass in a war

>Mexican intellectuals

These guys are delusional as fuck, that probably counts as stealing to them.

Mexican-American War:
Mexican Deaths: 10,000
American Deaths: 13,283
Sure Amigo, you kicked our ass

This is how things operated pretty much from the beginning up until the end of WW2. Funny how you shitskins think you're above it somehow and imply only whites/UK/US can be named here.

A pyyrhic victory is still a victory, and I think even mexican intellectuals will agree that America came off better.

Is it Mexico?

Who has the land now, mexigger?

So the strongest win, go figure

American Southwest belonged to the Apache and Commanche not Mexicans.

I enjoy how the clearing of Native Americans was the worst genocide in the world... Yet it's never really held up.

80 million vs 50 million in all of WWII.

Mexicans cannot count above 10,000; it's part of Aztec tradition.

USA may not be the best, but it's a way better outcome than any of those three would produce

The Revenant made me realize that the pioneers fought tooth and nail for the right to claim America.

I'll take almost all of them for $500 Alex

This is why white people need to be wiped off the planet ASAP.


It makes me think of joining the border patrol and shooting every Paco on site.

It was a Frontier War to us, but it was on their front porch. At equal technology levels and considering the logistical difficulties, those numbers are pretty good for America.

All nations are partially built in those three. Just give me an example of a country and I can prove you.

China, Japan, Mongolia, Tukrey, pretty much any Muslim country that exists today, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Russia, UK, Germoney, Canada, France.

this is so deep the will check this shit in their calendar

If Injuns came from Asia, why are they so bad at math?

Texas fought a war for independence you dumb sandnigger.

Dumbass hijo de puta Santa Ana camps his men in a bowl surrounded by swamp land on three sides, posts no guards on the high ground, and has his army take a fucking nap while he rapes a woman in his tent.

Great military tactics there, Paco.

Brasil most likely is the answer.
Considering that only 4% of African slaves went to what is now the United States
The other massive collection of Slaves from Africa went to Brasil, this is due to the pope at the time and his solution to solve a settlement between spain and portugal


Mexico. The Spanish genocided the Maya then imported black slaves just like the USA did.

Then they slaughtered the Comanches and Apaches and took their lands.

spics dealt with slave trade far worse than we did

and they also chased around Geronimo and slaughtered indians as well

why do we get blamed for this shit

really makes you think

>tfw our ancestors weren't spineless faggots


>Ghanese Empire
>Ottoman Empire
>Japanese Empire
>Mughal Empire
>Russian Empire
>British Empire
>Incan Empire
>Aztec Empire
>Roman Empire
>Persian Empire
>United State of America
>Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
>Han Dynasty
>Peoples' Republic of China
>Mongolian Empire
>Spanish Empire
>French Empire
>Italian Empire
>Nazi Germany
>The Netherlands
>Ummayid Caliphate
>Mamluk Caliphate

first off mexico only had the land between 1821 and 1849.
before that it was spain. in fact most of Central america was at first Mexico/Spain too. They broke off because Mexico's government was so weak (not much has changed).
Second, during those 28 years they didn't settle the land, there was barely any population that answered to Mexico, etc
of course everyone realizes thats a augment AGAINST immigration right?

>name the country that...
>every country in asia, africa, and europe


Amirite guise?

The British Empire....
The Dutch Colonies
who am I missing

>murdered the Aztecs
>brought in slaves when the indigenous populations all died out
>didn't allow natives to own land

Sounds like you're talking about your own ancestors there Mexico.

Generations of inbreeding and DUDE WEED LMAO

Really made me think today Paco, thanks!

wait, I am sorry

If I am not mistaken the Aztecs, Mayans were at lost already by killing each other for hundreds of years. When the Spanish got there they were pretty much all dead after all the chimping out.

I don't get something about you Mexicans, while I've spoken to other hispanics you are the only ones(besides Peruvians, gold muh gold meme) that have a big grudge against the US but not Spain? explain your selves, you lost against the US fair and square.

You have the chance to turn it around if you had kept Maximiliano in power as a king because of jewmonies from Yurup but no your own dumb fucking logic played against your own ambitions, no land, no nothing.

Somehow now you want the land back and still cry about it? fuck off, if anything you guys are the biggest fucking failures since Maximiliano was killed. At least Central Americans don't give a shit about "muh ancestors" because guess what? its history and is long gone.

Grow the fuck up, make a name for your own country and get rid of all the fucking problems you have once and for all. Stop cucking around already and get your shit together


The leading cause of Indian death was smallpox and other Indians so hardly a genocide.


Africans were sold into slavery by other Africans. So just like the Indian case they only have themselves to blame.


They just stole that land from other people anyway. So whats the difference?

Hell if they were no country would have gotten anywhere. Esp this one.

Every country in history that ever held even a slight bit of power at any point. It's what humans do, deal with it.


I forgot to add we payed for the land too, even though we won the war, didn't steal it. Besides mexico actully stole it 's land form Aztecs

Because recently Mexicans have been claiming that they are actually somehow native to their land and nobody challenged them on it.

God gave them that land long before the brown people came.

Is it the Yellowknives tribe at the hands of the Dogrib Indians? Perhaps the Macu tribes at the hands of the Yanomami? No wait! I got it! It's the Kiowa, Omaha, Chippewa, Pawnee, and Otto tribes at the hands of the Lakota!

>yfw the nutjobs are right again
>yfw the iroqoius confederacy, Aztec empire and Peruvians all have European mix


The original doesn't even need to be changed. All the natives got BTFO by disease blankets and shit. Just shows we shouldn't let a bunch of foreigners in nicely and let our shit get fucked up like them. I can't believe people actually use this as an argument

Smallpox was purposefully spread via blankets. Bio warfare can still be blamed on humans. Still a Genocide.

We talking feathers not dots.

Literally every country ever. And yes, I know this is fucking b8, I lost.


Dude that's steal
If a larger and bigger bully(America) than you(Mexico) beats you and takes your lunch money isn't that stealing?

>had the kost slaves
>killed a lot of indians
>stole land from bolivia and paraguay
when will this menace of brazil pay for their crimes! ITS 2016 PEOPLE!

but they aren't native to it and even if they were their own shitty government lost it

You're a dirty cockroach. This really makes you think, doesn't it?

Stealing was not an international crime, and certainly not back then. You should have been smarter and stronger.


Genocide of the Byzantine Roman people. Enslaved the survivors and survivors of other European nations taken and then stole the Byzantine land which they changed from Anatolia to Turkey.

Fucking Turk roaches.

first of all
secondly we literally took all that fucking land from the war. even if more of us died which im sure isnt true we still won. also we compensated mexico for the land we "stole" so that clearly isnt stealing faggot illegal spic. have fun getting thrown over the wall

we paid you spics for the land dumbass. that isnt "stealing"

>Mexico claims land that isnt theirs
>Americans settle it
>Mexican criminals try to steal it
>Mexican criminals get defeated

was never yours to begin with

Implies intent. We didn't come with the intention of wiping them out simply a result.
All's fair in love and war

All of them

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, and Turkey to name a few.

*We forced your president at gunpoint to sell Mexican land

Literally the entire Islamic world.

You can barely manage the land you have now. Your country is a shithole and everyone is fleeing it. Not much has changed over the years for Mexico.

No, you misunderstand. We paid you off simply not to be a dick. We got the land through war.


we have had the land far longer then you ever did.
why you mad thou, if you had that land it would be shit like your country now and then where would your senable poor run to?

>start a war
>your enemy pays you for the land instead of just taking it
Fucking mexicans man, seriously

hey mexican intellectual, you should go to reddit, they'll appreciate your middle school thought processes a lot more.

I wouldn't call 10 bucks a fair payment