ITT: Your favorite supporting actors

ITT: Your favorite supporting actors

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>dude i hate every movie i'm in because it's below what i deem as "intellectual cinema" but i'll gladly accept a cheque from it lmao

He studied acting at my university.

Can't pronounce this niggers name but he's my favorite.

Have you watched Damages? He was really good in that. Hell, that show has some of my favorite supporting actors. Dylan Baker, John Goodman, Ted Danson, Martin Short, and William Hurt all come to mind.

>Young MiB
Timelinefags BTFO

whats your university and home address?

Hes just mid shrinkray

niggas gotta eat damn it

Yes, ive seen most of his work


Does he really say shit like that?

watch any interview he does for a film or westworld, if it's not some arthouse shit he openly resents it


Not a supporting Actor but I really like Colin Ferrell when he's in Irish stuff.

The ALL AMERICAN BADASS ANTI-HERO shit he normally does is beyond terrible.

Gary Oldman

Sam Jackson

I can't believe he's playing the villain in a fake/engineered world AGAIN

>"Enjoys the company of hung black men from time to time." Substance abuse problems. Formerly with Melanie Griffith. Married to Amy Madigan.

>Enjoys the company of hung black men from time to time."
Nothing wrong with that senpai

They were good lead actors in Pollock and Capote respectively


PSH is one of my favorite American actors. He was great in everything he did. It's just sad that he couldn't kick addiction.


This old cunt is good in everything she is in.

His best role was Robocop though.

Which oscars is this from?

Amy looks like she didn't expect him to talk.


This nigger here.

Steals the spotlight in everything he's in.

lol gotta respect the guy