Just found this on the base of my dick. Been with my partner since 2012 and we've both been faithful to each other...

Just found this on the base of my dick. Been with my partner since 2012 and we've both been faithful to each other. What do you guys think this is? Anything to worry about or just a bump?

it's a third nipple
source: i'm a doctor

Probably just an ingrown hair. I had them, and they went away with time. Unless shit starts to hurt, you're clear.

There's another lump that I keep cutting when I shave my pubes. It doesn't hurt and it's skin coloured just like pic above. Told other half I'm gonna go get checked to find out what it is. If anything.

Now she thinks I've been fucking around

Does it hurt? Is it hard? Describe it a bit more and i'll try and tell ya

hard to tell how large it is.. looks like random shit that grows on skin.

but good to get checked out.

can you take another pic that shows scale?

how the fuck did she even notice that?

If it doesn't hurt, and it's hard, check for missing pubes near the area where they are. It could just be ingrown airs. I recently was operated at something that originated from that, trust me you don't wanna lose as much as i did on your dick. If it's that, get that pinched out fast.

That's probablly a skin tag. Genital warts, even small ones have a top that looks like cauliflower.

You got the herps, faggit.


No pain at all, it's like a raised circular disk of skin. I've cut it off before with nail clippers and it was surprisingly non painful to remove. The skin inside is kind of gritty. Like sausage grizzle..


genital warts.

someone cheated

probably hasn't had enough time to develope

how did she notice it. this is important.

It's a damned skin tag you nimrod.

Its either a mole or a skintag
Dw about it
Grand wizard of medicine away

The red dot is the one I cut while shaving. Pic from before is lower down where the base of my cock is

if it starts hurting within like 2 weeks, get yourself checked. If it ends up being something sexually transmissive, sorry my dude but your partner might not be that faithful. Unless it was you the one that cheated

She never noticed it.
I told her I kept cutting it and I want to go get it checked just in case. Not sure if I'm being paranoid but she obviously thinks I'm up to no good

I've had the main one that I keep cutting while shaving for years. No pain at all

If it helps OP, get it tested so your other half gets off your back.... It's not exactly cool she thinks you've been sleeping around.

Also just keep an eye out skin tags, moles, blemishes that are more irregular. Dermatology is worth the money if you know you're at risk - I fall into that category myself.

First stage of a HIV lesion
But in all seriousness it’s looks like absolutely nothing like any symptom of an STI or STD. I think people often forget it’s still skin just like anywhere else. I have something very similar on the back of my hand. You’re good but if for whatever reason you really suspect an STI go get tested. It’s simple, really not that expensive, and can be confidential.

Well thanks Sup Forums you've actually been helpful and given me s bit of confidence my cock isn't infected.

Those are genital warts, I have the EXACT same strain (small, round, smooth, and red disc-shaped bumps). An ingrown hair is PAINFUL, red/purple, and hurts like a bitch if you touch it.

Don't worry though dude, there are like 160+ strains of HPV and in this day and age everyone has it/will get it. The thing about warts is you can contract them at some point in your life, not show noticeable symptoms, then years, sometimes even decades later, have another one appear if your immune system is weak.

Usually when a partner gives warts to their other partner someone thinks someone "cheated", as I said it is possible to contract these when you're 17, not show any symptoms, then give them to your wife when you're 60. And usually it is the girl who gives them to the guy because the warts hide inside their vagina, when is the last time your girlfriend had a pap smear?


She says she tested all clear in 2012. But I've only been with her since then.

Was it a PAP SMEAR though or just a standard blood/std test? Testing can't test for warts, you need a physical test of it's own to diagnose them. Most people are to lazy to do the invasive tests though, hence why everyone has warts lol.

Not sure. She's pretty insecure anyway so doesn't matter what I say she will always think I've been up to something. She knows I've had partners in the past but she'll think this is from something recent.

Well she needs a PAP smear if she hasn't had one yet, it's not even to figure out if she has warts, ALL girls need pap smears starting in their 20's to start screening for cancer cells on their cervix. Tell her to stop being an insecure ass and get a pap smear.

Told her to piss off it's not worth the stress for me tonight. Getting myself tester on Friday

Pic related. Our convo

Holy christ. Like I am not saying you defintely 100% have warts, it just looks like what /I have. BUT, if you DID have warts it doesnt mean you cheated like that shit can lay dormant for literally a century. She needs to research this shit before she accuses you of stuff asap...