Even kids are smart enough to turn down god

>Even kids are smart enough to turn down god

Whats your excuse now, Sup Forums?

Unless we're talking about Islam, in which case these posters are racist hate speech.

We should report it and say as a Muslim it's extremely offensive and hurtful and talk about how we didn't move to America expecting to see islam phobia

>Leftists exploiting children
nothing new here

Also, aren't these people the same ones who bitch and whine about indoctrination and people forcing religion down their throat? How is this any different?

Beat me to it. We should take these and photoshop a pic of Muhammad and put them on the internet, change the url to Allah and there you go: instant liberal hypocrisy


The lack of belief in gods has no intrinsic position within any political paradigm outside of an actual theocracy.

You are retarded.

fckh8 pedophile force detected

Change it to KidsWithoutAllah and then see if it gets anywhere.


>god is imaginary
>being a pan-tri-intra-sexual-demi catdog with z/zop/zilla pronouns is totes legit

no one gives a fuck what kids think because they dont

American Humanist Association is what I was referring to.

>having the typical child's opinion of any issue is a good thing

>taking advice from teenagers
Teens are literally the dumbest group of people on Earth, they read a couple books in high school written at a fifth grade level about thoughts everyone else has already had and think they're smarter than everyone else.

I just noticed
what the fuck happened here?

I would fuck the one on the left with rage, as long as she is 18 of course.


lol kids are the most retarded people on earth, uneducated and easily impressionable

You have very, very low standards. Would you fuck goats too like Ahmed?

Secular humanism is a jewish creation. even wikipedia will tell you humanists are disproportionately jews

There is no atheist population that breeds above death level.

There us no feminist society that breeds above replacement level.

Doomed ideologies.

Wrong. Atheism when applied on a large scale always leads to communism, even if individual atheists aren't communists themselves.

>Even young goys are falling for the atheism meme

>Reject God
>Become a tranny
>Kill self
>Toxic transphobia is killing kids!!!!

> This is as cringe as Christian propaganda
> Are they going to start making low-budget atheist adaptations of the power rangers too?

I dunno user, I can't really seriously get into religion personally.
I consider myself a "religious utilitarian". AKA, it doesn't matter if what a religion preaches is true, it matters what face t it has on society.
In this way, things like Christianity and Buddhism can be said to be a net benefit, while crap like Islam is still unbelievably horrible.

I wouldn't touch that bitch, I'de probably fuck a guy before going anywhere near that.

Effect*, damn autocorrect.

We'll talk when they actually know how the outside world works other than their parents house.



I think that's a good perspective to have. I'd consider you one of the good guys

Oh I thought ecology meme got away from your blood America.

Universe has no intelligence, it's not even a form of impersonal energy that models thing and nothing is connected.

Fuck up an forest - things are going to go in a totally new direction - there's no such thing as balance in nature, everything is just constantly adapting to the worse, because God placed so much genetic information in all of nature - it doesn't matter how much of it gets dropped - things will keep going.