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is meera actually a host? discuss.
fixed backlink
Azor Jon
You didn't even get the back link right but it's a manlet thread so who cares really
Stop saying mean things to me, don't bully me.
Azor cuck king who knelt because he had a boner for the burgerqueen.
It's the other way around. Burgerqueen wants to fuck her nephew. she drools over his azor.
That thing around his neck looks dumb. what the fuck happened to wearing armour right? fuck wearing armour now or something?
Ok so we talking about the books then?
Of course Bran hasn't done anything wrong, he hasn't fucking done anything at all.
5 books of a boring shitty kid being carried around by a giant retard.
He has done about as much as Sansa who's universally known as a camera.
The only reason why Bran isn't known as such is because GRRM decided he was a god so he has some potential. And also he's not a camera because he's not even around interesting characters/settings, unlike Sansa.
No it isnt jonautist selfinsertfag.
Leaks say jon gives dany the northern kingdom not because they're trying to work out a mutually beneficial alliance but because he feels sorry for her that he got one of her dragons killed for a pointless wight expedition.
He's a cuck, he's worse than a regular cuck, he's a voluntary cuck who submits to people just because he wants to help unhurt their fee fees.
>having this much bias
Fucking kill yourself you pleb.
Still not done?
My favorite character is Osha!
/got/ was a mistake. Ban these threads nip hirucuck.
she drools over him after he connected with Rhaegal.
Jon wants to win the war. a piece of land is nothing to him if the people living on it would survive.
Hell, we all know he will sit on the Iron Throne due to being the Last Dragon's only living son. He can wife his aunty Dany after the war is over.
Excuse me can you read? I just told you he doesn't hand over the north to help win the war. He does it because hes pussywhipped. I know this must be hard for you to hear. how are you supposed to shamelessly project yourself onto such a whipped cuck and still keep your manly dignity? Its a hard life user ...
You guys are fucking nerds who argue over a fantasy tv show. You're the cucks.
>wife a barren chick
She won't dare let him kill off House Targaryen by doing that
and you are here doing what? getting pussy?
she is not barren, she just miscarriaged in book 5.
Womb never quickened fuckboy. learn words and what they mean
The More You Know
>She was bleeding, but it was only woman’s blood. The moon is still a crescent, though. How can that be? She tried to remember the last time she had bled. The last full moon? The one before? The one before that? No, it cannot have been so long as that.
learn to read.
You people have no idea how reproduction works and it's embarrassing. Just because you can have a period doesn't mean you'll automatically be able to carry a baby to term, and miscarriages are the opposite of a sign of fertility. Christ I'm not your middle school health teacher. I bet you think a clitoris is a type of venereal disease too?
Quickening is when you can feel the baby moving, try again.
Learn to define m8
So she's having regular monthly periods and might have missed a month at most. Shocking, absolutely unheard of. No woman has ever skipped a period due to stress or lack of proper eating before. She must be the most fertile woman on earth.
>2 months pregnant at the most
>you can feel baby moving
really mate?
>As she splashed her face, she saw fresh blood on her thighs. The ragged hem of her under-tunic was stained with it. The sight of so much red frightened her. Moon blood, it’s only my moon blood, but she did not remember ever having such a heavy flow.
Why are you ignoring
because this is a fantasy a series, and what GRRM has written is the fact. real world doesn't apply here.
Hold on how does having a miscarriage not exactly fit her curse of never being able to birth a living child. A miscarriage = "birthing" a dead child = she's still as barren as ever
months pregnant at the most
>>you can feel baby moving
She didn't feel movement which means her womb never quickened since quickening is when you can feel the fetus moving., Now did Mirri not say "when your womb quickens"? Ergo Dany's still barren cause her womb is poison.
Barren means not able to get pregnant, ever.
she bleeds after a very specific action: eating the poisonous berries.
It is very obviously a miscarriage
>It is very obviously a miscarriage
Which is well in line with her never being able to have kids. Fetus died before her womb quickened. Mirri is still right and Dany still can't have kids
>Barren means not able to get pregnant, ever.
Not that user but then it's just semantics. End result will be the same, she won't ever birth a living child and her womb won't quicken
Mirri was probably fucking with her.
semantics is very important in ASOIAF. GRRM has showed that many times.
>Mirri was probably fucking with her.
Yet she's been right and the miscarriage is in line with what she said
>semantics is very important in ASOIAF
Well I'm the one who first used the word "barren" itt to describe Dany's state so it's my semantics not George
Nobody ever referred to dany as barren except herself once throughout all 5 books and that was just her musing to herself. and to use that as evidence that she's actually fertile is splitting hairs.
seeAnd Jon was telling himself he was no Prince Aemon once. look where it is going.
And season 6 has her repeat for the first time since season 2, that she'll never bear a child.
Whith her infertility l, perceived infertility if you want to use that card or not, Dany won't risk it by marrying Jon and putting House Targaryen in danger of extinction after finally having hope
This is fucking autistic. Fucking look at what you wrote and apply your own logic.
I see no problem with that.
>Dany calls himself barren once.
>Jon says he is no Prince Aemon once.
>But he actually fucking is.
See? No problem.
That's not proof or a sign she'll ever have kids retard, now you're changing subject and goalpost away from the miscarriage argument which again fit Mirri's curse/prediction/taunt
proof? no.
sign? probably.
We know what happens to the prophecies that has been shown. They are not very reliable.
you are right, Mirri was pissed at them. she can easily lie.
>sign? probably
It's not
>We know what happens to the prophecies that has been shown. They are not very reliable.
This one has been. Moqorro's too, and PTWP soon, Melly is the real fuck up.
>you are right, Mirri was pissed at them. she can easily lie
A lie that Dany could've proved wrong long ago, even soon after killing Mirri, but hasn't and that still gets shown to be true Accept it danyfag
And fuck this, going to sleep danyfag
>It's not
and that's your opinion.
>This one has been. Moqorro's too, and PTWP soon, Melly is the real fuck up.
there was a stallion who mounts the world right? no? oh it is dead? ok, then.
> Accept it danyfag
this is the one I don't understand. at the begining of this thread I was called jonautist, in one of the previous threads a sansafag, now danyfag.
I think you guys have a problem with understanding that advocating an argument doesn't mean I have to fully endorse it. I just interpret it.
TWOW when?
march 9th, 2017 according to the amazon france.
Not sure if I can wait that long, every day without Maisie gf is pure suffering
>a man who gave over his life's work to a couple of smug hacks who don't even like or understand it to finish is a cuck
Preston as right again
Is that her father?
Probably some millionaire who bought her for "services"
well, she is lewd
Morning /got/
Friendly reminder that Syrio Forel survived and is currently disguised as Meryn Trant.
Thought /got/ might be interested in this. Feel free to discuss waifus, bran, or bitch about Stannis. Let them know.
ooo 'eck
azor david
azor big-nose more like
what does azor mean? just finished all of got last night
>that beard
I kinda feel like making a bunch of accounts to post stuff like "Trumpland? Hell yeah Trumpland 2016 MAGA!". I wonder if GRRM would delete them.
Also people are funny, second comment
>'After these latest Comey shenanigans'
Investigating a possible beach of security/criminal offense is a 'shenanigan'. But make sure to focus about some random shit Trump said a decade ago with friends in a party with the boyz or something because THIS is really important.
what did he MEANT by this?
His interns would delete them his blog is a massive safe space
He got so triggered by the puppygate he wrote three Winds of Winters about it in two months on his blog. Engaging him with different opinions directly would just delay him further.
>complaining about the words of a liberal author
You knew what you were getting into. Either deal or leave.
When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone
Was he really reborn amongst salt and smoke though?
his wounds were smoking and bowen marsh was crying over him.
>ywn be split roasted by Jaime and Euron
Cersei is the luckiest bitch alive.
So favourite book in the series and why? I like A Clash of Kings the most.
>Jon actually doing shit at the wall instead of acting like an entitled, whiny arrogant tosser
>Theon's chapters
>Based Stannis
>Anything involving Davos
>Arya's roadtrip and anything involving Harrenhall
>Prince that was promised
>Bran's chapters
I feel like I'm the only one who likes it most out of all the series. Sansa's and Catelyn's chapters felt a little weak but the people in Sansa's made up for it, The Hound, Joffrey, etc.
What do you think will happen to book Jon in TWOW?
his body will die, he will go into the ghost. then melly will resurrect him. he will come back as a hardened man.
He'll go nuclear and become punished Jon.
A Storm of Swords for me m8
Too typical of a choice but it is a good book.
Did anyone else dislike ADWD on first release but when thinking about it more found they enjoyed? The only chapters I really hated were Daenerys, I found everything in Essos a little boring outside of Tyrion's chapters who got better once he met up with Aegon and Brom. Northern chapters were 10/10
>I found everything in Essos a little boring outside of Tyrion's chapters who got better once he met up with Aegon and Brom.
That's a diplomatic way of saying "Tyrion is a tiresome little shit of a creator's pet".
When I reread I usually skip the trash and AFFC/ADWD are great when you do it.
there's a lot of shitty cahpters in there but the good ones are really good.
/got/ ineed you to hit me up with all the best Asoiaf pepe memes since i got a new phone and fill this folder.
fuck this shit, I need to move out of this neighborhood.
Why not just video record them and send it into the police?
Podeswa is directing in Itallica
Leaks confirmed again since he directs episode 7 and this has all the characters awayforthelads mentioned. Dragonpit scene to show the wight before Jon and Dany sail North and bone
Slow morning /got/
Man I missed this it's not fair. Someone post the not fit to breed bait
>and that's your opinion.
And that's your opinion too based on fucking nothing. That somehow one time saying she can't this or that means she will. I at least have Mirri's word, an unquickened womb, fetus dying before quickening and Dany in show and books acknowledging she won't have kids.
>there was a stallion who mounts the world right? no? oh it is dead? ok, then.
That's because Mirri killed and intervened using fucking blood magic with it cause turns out he would've been a conqueror based on other visions Dany saw with the Undying. There's been no magical intervention or Mirri level blood magic to fix Dany's inability to have kids and indeed the miscarriage fits with what Mirri said so no build up to Dany having kids.
Post your predictions for stuff that will happen in TWOW, here's mine:
>Marwyn is the POV prologue, sees things about Euron in his fires
>Euron sails towards Meereen and forges an alliance with Daenerys, she is still unsure of him but finds his fleet useful in her plans to invade Westeros, Selmy is incredibly cautious about his presence
>Daenerys hears about Aegon after word about Storm's End reaches, Tyrion meets up with Daenerys at this point to confirm he is indeed the real Aegon. Daenerys grows interested while Euron believes this could put a dent into his plans
>Aegon sends a message and offer of marriage to Daenerys, she accepts and Aegon mentions they should wed in Dragonstone
>Dragonstone happens, JonCon gets drunk because someone there from Dorne mentions how that isn't the real Aegon, he infects a whole lot of people with Greyscale, Euron takes either Daenerys or Aegon down into the really fiery parts of Dragonstone with the black priest he rescued in ADWD, he performs a ritual, Dragonstone goes boom, killing everyone above Euron's fancy new armour acts as a protective hazmat suit so he can perform the ritual and afterwards once emerging from Dragonstone's fiery ruins he uses the horn so he can control all of Daenery's dragons
>King's Landing also goes boom considering a quake happens during Dragonstone's eruption sets off the Wildfire
>Marwyn is the POV prologue, sees things about Euron in his fires
did you mean Moqorro or did you mean glass candles?
Right, I meant the glass candles.
>JonCon gets drunk because someone there from Dorne mentions how that isn't the real Aegon, he infects a whole lot of people with Greyscale
Which D are you?
>I think you guys have a problem with understanding that advocating an argument doesn't mean I have to fully endorse it. I just interpret it.
No it's cause like an autist you cling to anything to keep thinking things are fine, or will work out for your obsession in the way you want, in the face of evidence to the contrary.
You went from miscarriage means she can have kids to oh, Jon said this once so it'll happen in the opposite, Dany said this other thing and it'll happen in the opposite just because. Never mind we've been getting told Jon is king or prince in almost every book and especially the first. No such thing for Dany having kids
>will happen in TWOW
are you implying that TWOW will be released?