What's your favorite album cover?

what's your favorite album cover?

The one with the Glow pt 2 with a Patrick Star quote



Someone post the Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space one

Saw this yesterday, I think it's this one now.


im gunna guess this is igloo ghost

Scream Bloody Gore and Show No Mercy have the spookiest yet happiest covers of all time

London Calling by The Clash and the new from Wu-Tang Clan

Not my favorite JMT album but I'll be damned if this cover isn't awesome.

looks like a cover for an educational computer game about the parts of a cell from the 90s

The back cover even has a fun picture where all of the fun colorful shapes plop to the floor!


Patrick is the real genius of Weezer


The best


both of those fonts are fucking horrible

why are her bottom teeth so long

Always this and with the other covers for each songs

10/10 album too
r8 lads

>reddit: the show


Mama Loi, Papa Loi
I see fire in the dead man's eye!

>asian ethnicity

this has already been settled on, her mouth is open





>tfw i didn't recognize the open mouth during that ridiculous thread
>tfw i see it plain as day now

Probably this.

Anyone have the pic?




Gotta be this one for me

this is tripe. fuck you stupid kids for liking it



Bumping the thread so more people can see this


not that

>Your dole dippers madam

Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness - The Smashing Pumpkins

T-Take it back


Unironically this


don't listen to that ass hole
