Yes, I donated

Yes, I donate monthly
Yes, Online harassment is real
Yes, Women are marginalized
Yes, Tech is pushing out women
Yes, Tech needs to be changed and diversified

Will you be with us or against us?

History will be on our side and books will be written about her.

Nice try


Phil pls go.


why this trannie always look miserable.?
You would tough that they change to be happy.


>that filename
baiting at levels that shouldnt be possible


The fuck is up with its mouth? Why are tranny mouths usually so jacked up?

>Yes, Tech is pushing out women

Doesn't that require women to ever actually have been part of tech?

go away wu

You should have donated her some psychiatric medication, paranoia can be cured

>Misusing assignment operator


Psychotic faggot ≠ woman

In a sane world John Flynt would be in a padded cell.

I've never bee more ashamed of my university then when I learned that he attended. At least he didn't graduate.


>Yes, Tech needs to be changed and diversified
Whenever an industry is diversified it becomes total shit. Academia is a great example of this. Women start getting professorships and suddenly tenure track jobs dry up and get replaced by a bunch of shitty adjuncts.

my fucking god


Wow I've heard this place was bad but I never thought that the sexism would be of this level.

You mean John Flint?

Howdy Johnny boy, how's it hanging?

I was told men couldn't experience sexism.

>I donate online to marginalised women.
Tech is doing what?
Does anyone know what is being spoken about here?
I wonder if this isn't some postmodern shit Sup Forums would be better off by ignoring completely.


Whos the guy with the long hair.?

Is it the drummer for AC/DC?

Body dysmorphia is real, transgender is not.

Chopping your dick off is worth 100 points in the oppression olympics.

Aren't you far from home?
If you trully want to leave sexims behind why not try to do something that help both sexes.
Like sex neutral custody courts, I know a couple of cases were by default really lousy mothers got his costudy just because vagina .

That is sexims that really impact in a negative way inocent kids.

Shit. Grab it's Fucking legs!


I know.... Wow, just wow.
The two weeks that I've been
it's just gotten worse and worse.
The casual racism, the transphobia
The word n*gger just thrown about
like it's just another insult.

Is there even MODS in this....

You're in the wrong echochamber/safespace.

women are lucky tech is pushing them out
pooinloos have taken over that field and made the salaries entirely uncompetitive

Gimme some adders and 24h

yeah no. pooinloos are terrible in that field and everyone knows it.

5 lines of code, 2 mistakes making the code completely fucked. That code will return error.

If your issue is women in tech then why did you post a picture of a man?

Watch closely. All of these liberals and trannies do weird shit with their mouths (obvious pun is obvious).
Once you become aware, it will bug the shit out of you.

Became a woman to match his already terrible programming skills.

Even if there were mods, can you imagine - these people would still be there, lurking in their basements, waiting, fantasising about rape and 'race war' and I can tell you they're almost certainly heavily armed with the most advanced high capacity assault clips.

>needing (You)'s this bad

must have a family to feed

Alright, clearly no real discussion about REAL issues happen in the notes on this website. I guess I'll have to take this REAL issue elsewhere uwu

This. I keep hearing this meme, but I only ever see pooinloos in tech support positions. Software development/engineering is mostly white dudes with a couple token black guys and white women. To be honest, the one or two black guys are usually pretty competent, but it seems to be rare to have a competent woman in a technical position. They're good in team management, though.

PS. Of course I'm assuming enumerated type variables are previously defined for Gamergater and Negative.

Hey Johnny boy maybe this time you'll note that poster ID is enabled on this board so you can't post threatening messages to yourself ans try to blame it on others

No nigger, this is a containment board.

Otherwise we'd buttfuck your precious reddit and tumblr.

You should swap your dildo for a kitchen knife, and try riding that tonight.

Pooinloos are shit at everything. I wouldn't trust them to fix my Serbian neighbour's tractor.

I agree, as even men are pushing out women from being women

I never understand why people black out the usernames

lol picture took me a second

Speaking from experience with them they're very dedicated to their job they're just typically terrible at it. Like props to them for working 12 hour days and staying at the office until like 9-11pm to have phone conferences with the US but it doesn't matter. I can't even begin to describe how much code I've had to throw out because it's a pile of trash. It's a net waste of time.

She looks kinda cool like this. Give her an eyepatch.


two weeks? gotten worse? get out of here you tranny nigger faggot loving kike

Holy shit, it did? I discovered that hysterical fag Shepherd Smith was there before me and now this fag after? Jesus. At least I went somewhere else for grad school.

? How will it return an error?

KEK. I have one. That's about true

Companies don't pay for excellence, just competence.

Fucking kill yourself.

I also want to mention that during my time working alongside them here in the US they were extremely pleasant to work with. Very nice people with a great sense of humor.

Didn't this tranny say his game was coming out on Tuesday a while back? What ever happened to it?

Oh come on. Shep's sexual tastes aside--he's a silly little catfish--he's pretty cool. He's been good to and for the university. But yeah the freak in OP's pic has a lot of people who remember him and they have plenty of stories to tell. He was nuts then too.

The Polish, though, are surprisingly capable. Everyone I've worked with from Katowice has been great. Toilet cleaners are moving up in the world.


What did he mean by this?

thats not a woman user

Haven't personally worked with any but I have heard that. is Polish and they are doing very well for themselves on the third party game key market.

>Yes, Online harassment is real
It should be real.

Because some fuckheads need to be told to shut the fuck up.

Especially edgy libs like Wu. She's an egotistic fetish driven degenerate moron.

History will never be on 'her' side because natural selection of memes will not allow it.

You lose Wu. Face it you cuck.


Holy shit the assignment operators in the if statements are giving me cancer

>be me
>work in major financial institution
>work in IT department
>entire management staff is female
>80% of project managers are female

There is no shortage of women in "tech." It's a fucking lie.


>women in tech