This board is pure reddit now time to abandon ship lads.
This board is pure reddit now time to abandon ship lads
>implying reddit has dank memes
>why can't the board be just memes and pedophilia??
OP is simply a triggered 16 year old that is REALLY into movies
>I can't articualte my thoughts so I'll call it reddit
now call me a cuck, it'll be ebin
3 things killed it
Nigger faggot posters
at least you can successfully report those threads
>open inside
Yea autism is a dank meme
How do you know what Reddit is like?
So, you're wondering how best to fix Sup Forums? That one's simple.
Have Interpol track down the autistic, Canadian pedophile that created the bot, that spams pictures of young child models relentlessly on Sup Forums. Believe it or not, he probably has one or more such threads active right now.
Then, murder him. I'm not just talking any "murder", either. I'm talking about horrendous, brutal, gruesome, inexplicably-torturous murder. Make that fat, greasy fuck suffer until his very last breath.
Then, we get a mod to make a sticky for precisely one year. That sticky will feature high-resolution photographs of the fat, greasy, autistic, Canadian pedophile's mutilated corpse. Other people will find themselves drawn to the sticky, see the photographs in lurid detail and think, "oh shit. If I don't get my head out of my ass and stop shitposting here, I could be next."
For bonus points and a little humor to ease the mood, have the very-first picture feature a plank of wood with blood stains on it next to the corpse, and the words (USER WAS BANGED WITH THIS POST).
THAT is how you fix Sup Forums.
Nice pasta reddit
This guy is right. But how do we fix it?
>бopeц зa cвoбoдy
Fuck off back to dvach, slavshit
it's simple
why do people even care? he doesn't post anything illegal so it's just annoying if anything, he posts with predetermined phrases so you can just filter them
i honestly don't see the problem and you're making him seem like this epic troller who's evading the law AND spamming on Sup Forums.
We wait for nagasaki to kill us off and see where we go next. That'll be good for a few years until leddit finds us again
>Lack of mods
it's tirech now or something
this never stops being funny or true
I laugh every damn time, kill the pedocunt cunnyspammer
There's no other place to go, though.
Reminder these are now reddit's words:
this blatant samefaggins is my favorite thing about pastabro :3
what about a grave
These two are all over reddit.
And you know that... how?
Heard it from a friend.
Sup Forums has long been dead since this board became an entry board for newfags. everyone is just eager to shitpost and meme just to fit in.
If you want serious film discussion there are better boards out there
>there are better boards out there
Like what?
They're polar opposites, Reddit has good thread starters and moderation but the comments are absolutely shite past the parents, and Sup Forums has shitposting but some actual good discussion in the posts
This board has gone to shit ever since Baneposting became a thing.
Ever since then, it's mostly been autists trying to produce "le ebig funny meme XD" out of countless films and TV shows.
look harder.
everyone's just memeing and baiting in here. during the golden age L O S T era there are still some comfy cinematography threads, nowadays the only good threads are LOTR threads
>go on Sup Forums on my phone
>adwares everywere including the ones that make your phone vibrate
>the board is now unwatchable
>go on Sup Forums
>no company want to associate themselves with alt-right
>even scam websites refuse
>feels good not being a cuck
I have a good discussion maybe once in two months on this website. Contrary of that I have political shit throwing fights almost everyday.
>good discussion
>shit opinions
tfw djangoposting is dead
Fucking this
Then go to reddit you fag
What I see
>Sup Forums
Some fun
No fun allowed stuck up shithole occupied by 13 year old pseudo intellectuals
You have to go back
We really need some sort of /lit/-esque board for film discussion.
And we should make it so that any frogposting, baneposting, memes or capeshit results in an automatic weekly ban.
That's the only way you could ever have serious discussion about film on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums
>some fun
ahahahahaah 'what did he meme by this'
>>go on Sup Forums on my phone
>>adwares everywere including the ones that make your phone vibrate
>>the board is now unwatchable
Mobile poster BTFO, fucking based
SO U TK HIM 2 DA BAR xd??1
>the only good threads are lotrfag redditor threads
Lord of the rings is the most overrated thing on this board and in cinema. Only fellowship was good.
/film/ will never happen faggot
>mobile posting
>not using adblock on your phone
Enjoy half of the board it used to be then.
>/film/ will never happen
Yes it canl, have you never considered that some boards have stricter moderation than others?
If you post frogs or 3D on Sup Forums you get banned immediately.
Why can't /film/ adopt a similar mindset to Sup Forums?
Literal mod cancer
Jesus Christ
>Literal mod cancer
How else are you supposed to have serious discussion without memes and Reddit shitting up the place?
Inform me.
>Cant have discussions I like without mods banning and censoring
You need to take a step back and think m8