Halloween 2 (2009)

What kind of hot garbage did I just watch?
The previous film was so good.
How did Rob Zombie manage to fuck the franchise up so badly?

Unironically the best of the franchise.

They were both awful.

>rob zombie fucked the franchise
>when 4 to 8 exist
the franchise was already fucked beyond repair long before he even started making movies, even 2 is sub-par compared to the original and is only fondly remembered due to how fucking awful any movie past 3 was

>What kind of hot garbage did I just watch?

A masterpiece.

I unironically think Halloween 2 is much better than the original (remake). I think it's better than most of the original series's sequels too.

I think the main character's arc and story work together well, better than they have to in a slasher, and I think it's an extremely well made film on a technical level, and it's one of the few commercial slashers where an actual kill disturbed me and made me feel truly bad for the victim.

The 16mm handheld photography and the longer takes he uses and the empty sound spaces really got to me.

It's nothing like the original (original) Halloween and it stands apart successfully for that reason, whereas the first one just felt like a Platinum Dunes remakes of the original, with his attempts at making it something "more" failing because he's not much of a writer and the two halves didn't fit together well.

What this guy said;

I have fond memories of 4. But...nostalgia and goofiness aside, 5 and whatever cut of 6 you watch are garbage.

The reboot/sequels afterwards are passably mediocre 90's soft slashers.

>kill disturbed me and made me feel truly bad for the victim.

Which one?

>empty sound spaces really got to me.

Explain to a pleb what you mean by this

The kill with Danielle Harris (the lead girls friend).

It's shot realistically, long takes of just her getting stabbed many many times and screaming until she dies. It's gratuitous which makes it really uncomfortable and disturbing.

>empty sound spaces really got to me.

Thinking back it's probably wrong. I went and googled a scene, and there's heaps more music then I remember.

He just toned down the music and amped up the stabbing sounds.

Looking at it again though, I like the way he shoots a lot of stuff from a distance, looking through things, like a witness POV.

Brad Dourif's reaction really sold that scene, mixed with the cutins of what I'm assuming were real child home videos of Danielle Harris.

>Thinking back it's probably wrong. I went and googled a scene, and there's heaps more music then I remember.

Most of the scenes with Michael though are no music or ambient noises.

>Looking at it again though, I like the way he shoots a lot of stuff from a distance, looking through things, like a witness POV.

Pic related

It's easily the second best Michael Myers movie.

Rob Zombie's Halloween flicks are straight fucking garbage and you have trash ass taste if you think they have redeeming qualities other than McDowell and Dourif.

Emphatically this, how no one has beaten Rob Zombie to death for these films yet baffles me.

>"Dude white trash lmao"

I hope all the Jewish cock he took in his ass was worth it.

>> the previous film was so good
wew lad

Am I the only one who think Rob Zombie would have been more appropriate for Friday The 13th?

yeah more appropriate but he would still find a way to fuck it up

No, he should've done a Texas Chainsaw remake. The white trash aesthetic would've worked so much better for it. Halloween has always had that suburban feel to it. Not that trashy style Zombie went for.

>The white trash aesthetic would've worked so much better for it.
The reason why I suggested Friday The 13th is because there are white trash summer camps where shit like Jason's drowning would actually happen. And him remaking TCM would just be even more derivative at this point since that's the movie he's been ripping off for years.

That was my point. The style already fit, so it would've felt less like a Rob Zombie movie, which is always a good thing. If that happened with F13, you'd be able to see the trace of Zombie' shit stains.

>What kind of hot garbage did I just watch?
A great film.

This post sounds like a 12 year old wrote it

I wish.

This. So much this.



t. James Healey and the vulgar bunch

I don't know who that is
