I don't want a job, I dot want money either. I don't want a wife and kids, I don't want a car...

I don't want a job, I dot want money either. I don't want a wife and kids, I don't want a car. I don't want a house or anything like that. I don't have any ambitions or goals. And I don't really care about anything. All I want to do is eat, sleep and fuck like the rest of the animal kingdom. What's wrong with that? Everyone seems to expect me to become something great. But I say fuck it, I love life already why do I need to improve myself with degrees n shit?

You sound fucking lazy to be honest!

Then go out in the wild, and find out for yourself how easy it is to find food, clean water, and safety on a daily basis.

Same. I want to just win a bunch of money and keep living life rather than having to waste it wageslaving.

Or I could just take it cus it's free anyway
Ya caught me

tl,dr: i'm a waste of life and lazy

And I embrace it

If you are happy with your life there is absolutely no reason for you to change something. Job, Money and Education won't help you when you're not happy.

>I don't want a job, I dot want money either.
>All I want to do is eat, sleep and fuck like the rest of the animal kingdom.

What, you think animals don't put in effort to get food?
Predators hunt, herbivores more around like crazy (and have to stay clear of predators), it's a ton of work. Compared to that an office job is very little, very safe work compared to what you get out of it at the end of the day.
But fuck it, if you want to go be Diogenes 2.0 then do that. Nobody's stopping you, except your own desire to please others.


If you call hunting and gathering free.
If you're fine with catching disease from drinking filthy water.
If you're fine with enduring the hot climate of summer and the freezing climate of winter, all the while constantly trying to avoid being eaten by an animal higher than you on the food chain.

You take everything that you have now for granted because you were brought up in society. You do not know how good you have it.

Basically this
All the comforts that make you so complacent were made by hard working, accomplished people.

I don't have a desire to please others, that's kinda the point
It's free as in I live in the beautiful land of concrete and rain known as the UK where everything is handed to you on a plate


>I don't have a desire to please others, that's kinda the point
Then why are you on here whining about what people expect from you instead of out doing whatever the fuck?
Just let them think you're a failure, it shouldn't matter.

Asking why I should care about other people's expectations is not whining, but nice try, you almost twisted something successfully

lots of retards think facts are "whining"

Nigger that's because animals don't have responsibility. They can survive in the wild because they have done so for thousands of years without the aid from anything else. You on the other hand? I don't know you so I can't exactly say how you are being off on your own. But chances are you lived your entire life being taken care of by someone else so I'd say your chances of surviving on your own in the wild by hunting, finding shelter, and finding clean water on your own are pretty damn slim. But hey, if you wanna live off the land and only worry about yourself and your means of survival who are we to judge? I wish you luck

Why are you here then OP?

It's 2018 I don't need to survive in the wild

I don't want a wife, and kids, either.

I do want a car, cars are fun.

I want a house, because I'm unable to have a lot of entertaining things, and do a lot of entertaining things, without land of my own.

Accomplishing ambitions and goals leaves a good feeling.

The more knowledge and skill I have, the more I'm able to apply that, and get more of the things I want.

Then what the fuck are you going to do? Just live on the streets? Oh yeah so much better become a homeless person and while you're at it pick up a drug addiction as well

i work a shitty fucking management job i hate. everyone fun or interesting i ever worked with has moved on and been replaced by cucks and boring faggots. I hate the idea of being this fucking screw in a cog turning this machine that gives me no meaning and no purpose and the fact that i cant make enough money and just move out into the mountains and hunt my own food grow my own veggies and just live for myself makes me sick. Is this it has the human race just accepted that doing your duty retiring when you cant have any fun anymore and just dying. I just hope that one day a real self sustained ethic will become real somewhere and money and ridiculous laws that are designed to keep you inline just fade. any way life sucks we're all just cogs in a machine and its hard to break away from it.

>inb4 hippy ( im not)

Not buying it OP.
You're not planning to go live on the street as some fuck the system-statement. You're here because you want someone to tell you you're smart for deciding to mooch off the system so you won't feel like such a loser.
Mooch all you want, it's fine by me - moochers are part of the cost of having social security. But don't try to act like it carries any deeper meaning or that you hold the moral high ground, nobody will ever fall for that.

You'll want money and a house when your parents kick you out, you neet faggot

What's your favourite car? Mine is a Nissan skyline r32
You sound young

There are a lot of sober housing for homeless people.
The government at least provides nourishment credits.

Homeless people in America live a lot better lives than many people with homes in other countries.

You don't need to worry about clean food and water, and you don't need to worry about shelter.
If you don't have shelter, you can easily steal a tent, get clothing and sleeping bags from many donation areas, or even go into the woods of the park and make your own damn shelter.

You can find a building or cover to sleep under, or even a bridge.

You can cuddle with other homeless people, if you wanted to.

Even if you sell your nourishment credits for drug money, you can still rely on free meals everywhere, even if it's a bowl of shitty cereal every morning.

You can even walk around neighborhoods and ask if they can spare some food.

The probability of real starvation is extremely low in developed areas.

Not sure why you are curious, you have your mind made up do you not? Your curiosity begs validation for your point of view. Do or do not. You already have your answer.

Well done. You have worked out one of the fundamentals of life which many tards never realise.

You assumed all that? Impressive
I'm an orphan

So basically collect handouts because you're too worthless to get your shit together? Lmfao jesus christ that's fucking pathetic at least have some level of dignity

>Take out largest loan you can to cover initial expenses, ideally from as many banks as possible for extra cash
>Fuck paying it back that's not happening
>Go to Sweden, Russia, whereever
>Go innawoods with all your shit
>Set up
>It's not uncommon in Sweden, if anyone asks who you are just use a fake name. Nobody will bother you if you're far enough innawoods.
>If in Russia you can disappear for decades in Siberia. Nobody will ever find you.
>You'll be presumed dead and missing after a few years, debt collectors will take whatever you left behind and accept the loss.
>Loan money should be plenty to set up a log cabin and covering initial costs of visas and shit

Go do it user. Nothing stopping you but the fact you won't be able to come back because you'd be in crippling debt.

Having watched some stuff online about GT-Rs, I do quite like those.

However, I don't pay too much of mind to things I can't really afford.

Therefore, my favourite car, which I could realistically get if I saved money over a long period of time, and put in a lot of time and effort, is a modded out Honda Civic.
I have a little bit of a FWD and rally techniques on the streets fetish right now.

I like the 80s look, but I'm more familiar with working on the 90s models.

>jesus christ
That guy never had a job either.

Who do you think you're talking to? I'm just some guy who hopped into the thread and started rambling.

Wasn't he a carpenter?

He was a trained carpenter and condemned by Rabbis for performing miracles on the sabbath (when working was prohibited).

Nah fuck that i dont wanna live in shit ass sweeden and not to be able to freely move where i want

He was. And even if he didn't have a job it was over 2,000 years ago his only responsibility was survival for him and his family even if it was impressive to live past 40

In his youth maybe before he said fuck it and wandered being a mooch himself.

He was fictitious, boys. Let’s keep it real, eh?

And didn't he become a preacher or pastor? That's also a job

Was jesus even real though?

Irrelevant - he did, at one point, have a job, which was the subject of discussion.

Realer than OP's quack philosophy.

Actually it's proven that Jesus Christ was in fact alive and was a real person. Son of God? That's debatable amongst religious people but yes he was a real person

Philosophys for nerds

A complete moralfag too

Only in recent years.
Ancient Greek philosophers were bad ass dudes who fought wars and shit.

Well people used to bash each other's heads open for praying to a different god or going against another person's religion. Would you rather it to have stayed that way?

Granted it still happens in uncivilized shitholes like the Middle East but still

It is more exciting tho

You need to grow up. It is not sustainable to only do that shit. Be nice if it were

Kek, I was about to say so. We like to think were civilized but all we've done is become passive aggressive.

>Actually it's proven that Jesus Christ was in fact alive and was a real person.
You have a lot to learn. He was just as fake as every fabricated god.

Yeah that's cool but we are talking about jesus n shit now

Well according to the Bible OP has a point:
Matthew 6:31-34 : "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. "

This is my life, I make music and busk if I have a slow week or no venues to play. I live in a house share with my band mate. I play slap bass and sing so I get pussy nice and easy. Im fucked every day and I travel and volunteer at hostels if I wanna change environment

OP ain't looking for God, he's looking for an excuse to be a hippie squatter.

No reason he can't have both. Tbh he should just join a monastery and get it over with.

Holy shit, people like me exist I'll be honest here i'm a pretty decent looking guy who missed out on plenty of opportunities to get laid but i just didn't do it for some reason on top of that when i was in school people really expected a lot out of me i had gotten a few scholarships but i didn't go to college all i do is stay at home play video games all day wasting my youth but i fucking love it , no responsibility just chilling everyday , i couldn't love my life anymore than i already do right now

Maybe it'd be nice if that was enough for me, but it's not.

In Tyler, we trust.

Ain't there something you enjoy doing that you could use to make mad notes?