>Gordon goes into help a restaurant
>70% failure rate after he leaves
Gordon goes into help a restaurant
restaurants are one of the hardest businesses to keep open.
>instead iof 100%
Doesn't seem so bad.
Blame stupid review sites instead.
oh cmon, those people in particular have serious mental issues...although that episode was great to watch
>crazy chick makes the server cry
most of the people who fail do so because of their own stupidity, repeating the same problems over again
if you had never run a restaurant before, you still wouldn't have the needed experience after appearing on tv, nor would someone's attitude and personality magically change for the better
What's the easiest businesses?
your mom :D
>100% are on their way to failure
>he saves 30%
whoring. specifically camera whoring. desperate guys will pay bank for you to remove your bra, then they get all horny and will pay even more for you to start playing with your tits. it is the easiest job in the world and you're completely safe, don't even have to show your face
You can give someone a shot in the arm, but you can't guarantee that your aid will actually get them to change their ways when you leave, or that the business is actually salvageable when you get to them.
I was actually hoping for 'non horseshit' answers but i appreciate the time anyways
a restaurant owned by the mob
Answers you don't like to hear aren't horseshit. Go be a webmaster, host camwhores, take a percentage
This show and restaurant impossible both have terrible survival rates. Bar rescue is just as bad too. People who go on these shows don't want to change they just want the publicity that comes from being on them. Once the cameras leave and the "they were on tv aspect dies off if they haven't actually tried to change the way they run their failing business it's just going to be delaying the inevitable
You forget to mention the fact that they specificaly pick disaster places for increased view count. I doubt they actually pick places thay can be salvaged
>be Gordon Ramsay
>eat food
>it's shit
Usually by the time Ramsey comes to help the restaurant is already too far gone to help. I know in the last season they were choosier about which potential applicants they'd pick to make sure they had a chance of recovering before Ramsey went there.
considering like 90% of restaurants go down the toilet within the first 1-3 years of being open i'd say that's pretty decent
How far up his own @$$ that the only food that's good is his own? His taste buds must be broken or he's a liar
They probably give them a better chance of surviving than they had before they arrived, and they also likely improve the resale value of the property.
whores, drugs, and alcohol, always in demand
>be restaurant owner
>see Gordon mooching about in your joint
>pay your Italian chef and his cousin to kill him and then get rid of the body
Have you seen this show? A lot of the place Ramsay picks are in the toilet and are run by morons who are grossly incompetent. If you started a business building houses and didn't know how to build a house what do you do? You fucking learn, you learn your own trade (if house building were a trade). A lot of these people can't be assed doing that (or are too fucking stupid) and even give him attitude about changing their ways. Honestly given some of the people on the show I'm surprised it has a success rate as high as 30%.
I'd pay to watch him eat a fillet o' fish sandwich from McDonalds off the floor of somebody's car
>it's a the owner has never stepped foot in the kitchen before and just wants to sit at the bar and greet people episode
Yep. It's how most of the athletes who lose all their money do it.
Well that was before they just started buying jewelry not know that reselling it will always be a loss.
you've literally never watched any of Ramsay's stuff. He's complimented the chefs on a few instances.
>Go to a restaurant that so bad they are willing to be embarrassed on TV in order to get help
>Try the food
>It's amazing
>"Nothing for me to do here folks"
Of course most of it is not going to impress him, he's a world famous fucking chef who can step into any restaurant around the world and eat. Plus he dramas it up a bit in his shows.
There's heaps of them like that. Where people running a restaurant can't even properly season food. One of the most basic things a chef should be able to do. Just blows my mind that these people didn't go bankrupt earlier.
>you've literally never watched any of Ramsay's stuff.
You can't "literally" say that, as this is really quite rare.
There was one case where Gordon's elite advices caused the bankruptcy of a restaurant just two weeks later.
The owner became a prostitute.
to be honest, that's what I want. I own it, everybody else runs it.
Most owners on the show know they are getting a free renovation and money so they sell the restaurant for profit after.
She was a ticking time whore, it was just bad timing on his part. The sidewalk was paved with cocks and she was walking on her asshole
Shit, should have looked it up first. nvw.
>the only food that's good is his own
He plays up the 'it's shit' persona a lot on some TV shows, especially the American ones (Hell Kitchen etc.). He's much more reasonable and commends good food in other shows, for example one show where they were trying to find the best x restaurant in England.
>"Gordon did absolutely nothing for me, so instead I decided to swap my restaurant for life as a hooker"
Yeah this totally normal person had their life wrecked by Ramsay, uh huh.
t b h he isn't that picky, I've seen him really enjoy simple food
he just gets very mad when people use frozen stuff like it's fresh or try complicated things with premade stuff, and that's most places that have no standards
it's very obvious that he would be absolutely okay with even a mediocre omelette and bacon strips if it was made with just fresh ingredients and I can understand his reasoning.
Were Gordon's changes sustainable? Going after local produce and stuff might look good but organic/home grown stuff can be more expensive.
Also how many panicked after he left and just did a 180 back to their comfort zone, blaming him when they went back to the ways that were losing them business in the first place?
This. From the other shows he's on it looks like he'd be really happy with just a grilled cheese as long as it was cooked properly and well.
So many went right back because they were the owner/cook and felt insulted that their food wasn't good. If you want your place to succeed, you call in Gordon for help, then you ignore everything and tell everybody else they're the problem for not enjoying your food.
There was one nigger bitch in season 4, Blackberrys? I think it was? He renovated their dining area and bought them some fantastic stoves. He left and she reverted back to her old look but kept the stoves. Then they went out of business. I want her to die
Unless YOU are keeping your business afloat by buying your food yourself, your food isn't good enough to keep the restaurant going, you're insane and need to try a different tactic because this one isn't a success
The restaurants are always on the verge of going bankrupt to begin with because the employees and owners are often insane.
"Gordon Ramsey goes down to a relatively successful local restaurant and helps it improve a bit" doesn't make for very fun viewing.
>70% failure rate after he leaves
If they weren't failing he wouldn't be going there in the first place.
Why is he so melodramatic?
It's for the audience of a certain country.
post the related youtube comparison
Did you see him on MasterChef Kids?
He's downright nasty to them, even the hot ones
growing and selling mushrooms
legal or illegal ones
There's a reason why these restaurants are already in a shit condition. Ramsay offers a momentary band-aid and hopes that it sticks.
But most of the time these people rip the band-aid off the instant he leaves and return to their own, shit ways that got them into their situation in the first place because they don't want to serve another mans food and ideas, which is understandable but stupid when you're in a serious debt.
There's a spanish version of this show with a guy who is a brute but deep down a nice guy and not a butthurt asshole like ramsay, and the success rate after he leaves is somewhere above 50%.
Chicote fucking sucks
Still with cubes you have to maintain strick sterile practice or you get infected spawn
C'mon man if they're too stupid to cook a pizza what makes you think they can manage a business cooking pizza?
So alcohol is not a drug?
casinos and bookies
Does anyone else not like his sense of interior design with his "restaurant makeovers?" Most of the places he foes to really need it, but the hip and trendy redesigns he creates seem out of place for many restaurants.
>Willingly put your failing business onto a show about incompetent restaurants where a british dude yells at you for microwaving shit
>Act all defensive over his advice
Well wtf was he suppose to do? They ask HIM to come give advice and they dont take it.
Truly Ramsay is at fault here.
Eh, dunno bout dat.
>That one ep of Bar Rescue with the pirate themed bar in a business district
>Guy changed the bar to fit the local demographic but they got incredibly upset and changed it back to a pirate bar in the end
UK Ramsay usually picks places which aren't so bad by the looks of it. None of them were in as bad a state as the US places or at least the show doesn't portray them as badly.
Then again the owners in the UK version usually aren't so full of themselves either.
he was supposed to stfu and give them free stuff :^)
Lawn care, especially mowing
People are constantly firing their mowers, landscapers, etc. because either the service people or the customer is a retard. It's usually the latter.
There's plenty of work and the markets are limited. Expanding past 3 counties is exceedingly difficult. This is good for entry level people.
If you are willing to work your ass off and do quality work, and you aren't just memeing, you can try this.
The only problem is the employees you'll be getting are at the bottom tier of society and carry all those problems with them.
The more south you get the more competitive and hard the work.
t. Lawn spraying service owner in florida
Yes, my favorite episodes were the ones where the food was actually good and they fucked up actually running the place or something.
One was a southern cajun place iirc.
I'm in Florida
You just exaggerating, or do you have to start with the hard work and then move onto spraying?
I can confirm this, and also say that working a full day in 100+ degree weather as an unaware teenager is a very illuminating experience.
Spraying is much more technical and requires more issues with compliance and the like
I was talking about mowing because the markets are even smaller and the work is simpler. The employees are even less qualified, being the absolute lowest class.
>are you just exaggerating
Working outside in florida spraying and mowing is rough. The only worse job in the same terms is probably roofing.
Our guys *prefer* to work in the rain.
Typically you don't move from one to the other.
You do realize he only spends about a week with each restaurant right? That's not enough time to change the lazy habits of some of the owners.
>The sidewalk was paved with cocks and she was walking on her asshole
I would watch this
Former roofer here. Can confirm. Also nice trips of truth.
Fucking roofing in miami during the summer. May as well be the surface of the fucking sun.
>Be Gordon Ramsay
>Order a big dish or an entire pizza
>Take one bite
>It's shit, I'm done
Why doesn't he just request a sample sized dish? Do the cooks eat what he sends back?
>implying its not staged
He needs to see the complete dish, not just the carefully picked best looking slice.
>no slowmo replay
you had one job
Tell that to trump
Changing the culture of an organization and its managerial practices is not easy work, that's why McKinsey and companies like that make a shit ton of cash doing it.
>guy doesn't even run his own restaurants
>tries to tell others how to run their restaurants
>causes them to fail most the time
Because he's asked to
Seriously, watch Kitchen Nightmares UK version. He still goes on a rant sometimes but seems much more reasonable and grounded.
Also what's the matter with every Kitchen Nightmare US having horrible family drama behind everything?