Why does she hate Filipinos so much? Why is she so racist?
Why does she hate Filipinos so much? Why is she so racist?
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Why did she disappear all of a sudden? She used to be so big.
Have you ever met one? You'll get it quickly enough.
she ages well. I may fap to sharon stone if I find good fakes or bikini pic
>good fakes or bikini pic
Why? She was the Eva Green of the early 90's
Who are those people?
I do not have materials on her.
some stacey and a chad providing for her
Basic Instinct has possibly the most famous nudity moment in film history.
She's still around but her initial burst of star power after Basic Instinct and Sliver kind of fizzled out when she did a whole bunch of flops.
She's the reason Russell Crowe got into Hollywood though, she saw him in Romper Stomper and decided to cast him as her male lead in The Quick and the Dead.
>Why does she hate Filipinos so much?
She's been sued in the past for specifically targeting Filipino employees and shouting racial slurs at them while treating them worse than her other staff.
she was perfection
Literally the perfect woman. Would still smash.
>it's real
but why
why filipinos
Racism is a disguised fetish
she probably played dota for a while
in dota filipinos and peruvians are the worst
by far
Not BRs?
I haven't played video games online in years (or video games in general besides some odd occasions at friends' houses), but from my experience BRs and the Dutch were always the worst. BRs were loud and annoying and the Dutch rude and incompetent.
Why DON'T you hate flips, user?
>tfw I'm Filipino.
>Why does she hate Filipinos so much?
There are a lot of reasons to hate Filipinos...
She's right though, Us Chinese treat filipinos like the niggers of Asia.
The viets are the mexicans.
>She's right though, Us Chinese treat filipinos like the niggers of Asia.
And Japs treat you Chinks like the lowlife moneygrubbing shits you are.
Jap/Koreans: pure Aryans of Asia
>Jap/Koreans: pure Aryans of Asia
>filthy korean pig trying to covertly name themselves as aryans of Asia
Hahaha fuck off
>Us Chinese treat filipinos like the niggers of Asia.
Rich chinese basically import flips as indentured servants... it's pretty great.
they do your house work, you can fuck them and not pay them. they can't do shit.
He hasn't heard.
>thread getting overrun with bickering Asians
just like my neighborhood!
Since there are so many mommy/milf fans here:
1. Does the idea of mom/son incest turn you on?
2. Does the idea of sex with your own mom turn you on?
3. How hot is your mom?
How does one become her live in boytoy?
be hung like John Holmes of gorillas
was he gay?
You never know with bodybuilders.
Did Arnold get to fuck her IRL?
Verhoeven was already too busy grooming her.
He took 3 weeks or something to film the beaver shot from Basic Instinct.
I recall reading/hearing something similar. I just did some Googling and there are about a million contradicting stories about how the shooting of that scene went down.
>bald britcuck
He never had a chance
Ahmed is unironically better looking.
Do I need to post that webm of that flip stabbing a guy in the heart, that flip shooting a woman in the face and dancing a jig afterwards, or the flip communists in a truck that all opened fire on a random house and accidentally killing each other in the process?
Because that's what /gif/ is for.
Be black.
you're gonna post them all, right
Does anyone respect the fucking fillipinos? bunch of whores and monkeys
>two mongrel races
>pure aryans
They are the nigger-Asians
I don't know who she is, but is there anyone out there that says "Man I fucking love filipinos!"
>I don't know who she is
Insulting the most powerful race in the world tends to do that.
me, when Manny heemd that fat britbong Ricky Hatton
Alot of asian posters here are filthy chinks. I like how uncle Sup Forums are keeping them in check.
She insulted the jews?
Neck yourself.
Jesus christ those are some terrible looking people
Well, they're British.
Ahmed is marrying down so he can get citizenship and money.
Clever Ahmed.
Sure. Dave Chappelle's wife is flip
Is she based?
so she's Walky.