ITT: Doctor Strange

ITT: Doctor Strange


>Cucumbersnatch and Tilda whitewash was bretty good
>Lore is neat
>Magic effects look awesome

>Most magic consists of conjuring weapons then fighting hand to hand
>Forced comic relief
>Doctor Strange is literally Tony Stark 2.0

Absolutely loved crumblebach, acting is god tier.

Creative way to beat the bad guy, refreshing that it didn't involve some bullshit sudden realisation of amazing powers or the badguy suddenly becoming inept, which would have been very easy to write in, just clever use of mechanics that were already established.

Mirror dimension scenes were top tier.

The exchanges with the librarian weren't very well written, and the 'going quantum' scene at the start was a little 2001 for my liking, but that'd be my only gripe.

Argee with the forced humor. Marvel is adding too much jokes. The Beyonce part was quite cringe worthy

Doctor Strange basically beats all his enemies with such clever use. He is essentially a Dimension Lawyer. Using contract clauses and wording and shit to beat things he should be able to (or more correctly, couldn't) beat in a 'fight'.

yeah that about sums it up. with a unique protagonist it could have actually been kino

Is Mordo being built up as the villain we need?

the jump from being good to beating the shit out of cripples was so forced and quick that it was laughable though

O-okay. What about Dormammu? Is there hope he'll be a good villain after Thanos buys the farm?

im unfamiliar with comic book lore, is dormamu a somewhat prominent villain that marvel would consider bringing back?

Yeah my thoughts exactly.

Yes, in the context of him being a Doctor Strange villain.

Prominent for Doctor Strange. Stronger than Thanos, too.

>Forced comic relief
they're called quips, my man.

I really love this movie. I think the jokes were okay, just enough for the scenes they were in. The fact was that Strange is not a funny guy but arrogant, so all of his jokes come out either flat or disrespectful. Would be interesting to see his interaction with Stark because even though they almost feel like one character, they are actually different.


I can't wait to see this. Looks like it will be really good.

the idea of a really powerful interdimensional being is pretty cool, what do you think they would need to do to make it good like the comics? (presuming it is good there)

Dormammu has a sister. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

>hates mads for the way he's using magic
>becomes disillusioned with the ancient one's methods when they're revealed
>outright rejects the path they're on when strange breaks the rules too
>decides on his new course of action because he's sick of that shit

it was a steady progression, not sudden or forced, pay attention

Will I be able to enjoy this even if I kinda dislike the cucumber?

i understand the progression they were going for, but i still think it was very sudden of him to suddenly decide to go after all magic users just because strange broke the rules (and saved the world and his ungrateful life by doing it)

>just because strange broke the rules
>just because
For someone who claims to have understood things, you sure don't seem to understand it.

I'm about to go watch it now, alone Will my pet eagle violate their single policy or does he not count?

Excuse me sir, but this is a FALCONER theater, you're going to have to take your winged behemoth to a less refined locale.

I surely can't wait to see him fight Batman!

Dude that's Adam Strange the spaceman.

anyone find the the master's bald head sexy? i want to come on it

i mean the ancient one

Not sure why people are so bothered with the humor. I didnt think anything of it.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Literally my only problem with the movie was the forced jokes. I'm not even a quip hater but why can't they leave some scenes/characters serious? Not everyone is a joker IRL.

I think they made forced jokes to lure normies. If they didn't have those jokes normies would think the movie was too serious and for no life nerds to watch on the only time of the year they leave their basements.

Think of it like pokemon go shit. It's a social thing.

Could Strange beat a Kryptonian?