Are you ready? Now after the communism is gone, millions and millions of Russians are ready to unleash new ideas into the world of film.
Unseen in the movie history, a brilliant masterpiece of the Nikita Argunov's genius, comes Coma.
Are you ready? Now after the communism is gone, millions and millions of Russians are ready to unleash new ideas into the world of film.
Unseen in the movie history, a brilliant masterpiece of the Nikita Argunov's genius, comes Coma.
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Of course there are no answers in a thread that discusses films.
But the cunny posters, cuck posters, 4U posters and all the other shit gets three hundred all the time.
Wow Inception + Solaris made entirely with CGI
Im sure its more because most people dont like foreign films. Personally i am really excited but then I like russian films and i am dating a russian so im sure im the exception not the rule. Plus im from australia so i do not have the hate that americans and russians have towards each other
Most people don't like foreign films?
I'm sure most of this board watches more french, russian and japanese films than american ones.
Looks like one of those 7-10 minute long CG videos guys make for art class at college, impressive and pretty but meaningless, which is fine when you're just trying to get a grade, not when you're pushing it as art
looks meh.
Is this a videogame?
Well maybe you should've added some cunnies to your post you idiot.
This is a full feature film.
The CGI looks like a videogame.
The CGI is a means to an end. It is only because the Argunov's imagination is too complex to show on screen using any other current method.
>clearly a shilling thread
>gets butthurt because it doesn't immediately generate interest with no effort put in
I will avoid it on principle just for that. I won't even give the trailer a free view.
>it's a "coma dream" episode
Looks better than Dr Strange anyway
what kind of retarded fucknut names a film after a grammatical symbol for a pause?
Fucking stupid, I don't care if English isn't their first language, they could at least come up with a relevant title and not that fucking jizz
supreme bait
>watching degenerate ruskie """""art"""""
tip top pleeeeb
Yeah, if you're still in kindergarten.
Ugh... looks like a video game. Too much CGI. Not Kino confirmed.
Fuck off, snownigger alcoholic.
These dumb vodka-apes take the worst aspects of hollywood and manage to make even more heinous shit.
Bollywood at least has its style. Fucking communists don't. They copycat hollywood cliches, and it looks miserable.
I would assume thats what its supposed to be. The movie is called COMA and its about humans wakeing up. Looks like Matrix to me.
Post cinematographic art. I'll wait.
>not watching top qts kino
looks like some deviantart shit
kys slavnigger
Communism is literally the only reason Russians ever learned how to read or make kino.
>Thinking that most people come on Sup Forums to have actual tv and film discussion instead of shitposting memes.
this post is easily the shittest and most retarded one i've read today, congratz
looks like shit