I can’t explain the state that I’m in

>I can’t explain the state that I’m in
>Album is called Illinois and full of geographical/historical references regarding the state
What did Sufjan mean by this?

>Be english speaking person
>Know that words can have more than one meaning, assuming you went through elementary school and learned about homonyms
>Wilfully ignore this common knowledge in an attempt to be funny
>It doesn't work

You must lead a sad existence

Literally autistic.

I am still a better person than you, and this thread is way more creative than that silly >I LOVE YOU JOHN WAYNE GAACY joke.

good joke i liked it


I liked it too, fpwp

>currently living in Illinois
>the state fucking sucks

Why would anybody dedicate an album to this state? It has no charm. Wisconsin is far superior

Come to Chicago. Steer clear of the south side if you're white

idk if you're pretending to be autistic or actually are but lmao dude you're retarded

He was in New York at the time.

its pretty funny, you're just autistic

if you can't tell if he's joking or not, YOU are the autistic one - not understanding social cues, etc

Someone didn't take their autism medication today.

>no u
hahaha triggered

this desu.
I actually dipped from illinois for wisconsin and its been much better.


that was a very funny joke, user. Thank you.

Should have been

>I can't explain the state that I'm in
>except that I can, I'm in Illinois.

>album is called "Pet Sounds" and features goats on cover
>goats are not animals that are commonly kept as pets

Kek. Good one op.

hey user can i steal this joke and tweet it

Not understanding social cues or understanding when someone is joking is a genuine symptom of autism. It's not just a deflection, there is actual cause to believe you might be autistic.