Why does Gimli have an axe if he lives underground?
Why does Gimli have an axe if he lives underground?
Because he likes to chop orcs
They are effective but cheaper to produce than swords.
What else would he use?
inb4 Warhammer, literally a meme weapon.
what do you think you feed a furnace with?
>meme weapon
You dont know anything about piercing plate do you?
they better chopping weapons than swords
also less expesive to maintain and produce
honestly swords are kinds overrated in battle but immortalized because they were a symbol of wealth and nobility
Ok but why did he have two axes?
So he could chop orcs at range sometimes
>Has large axe
>Has smaller throwing axes
>Likes to axe questions
>Axe-identally befriends an elf
>Doesn't know how to axe-cess mines of moria
>Most axe-sessable character personality wise
Are there any other characters that used axes so prominently? Maybe Ajax from Homer's Troy?
Rudyard Kipling calIed it the White Man's Burden
because saying "you have my sword" after aragorn said it sounds retarded
this is not dark souls
>Why does Gimli have an axe
to chop things with.
swords are for stabbing and slicing, axes chop
>What else would he use?
In The Hobbit, the dwarves of the Iron Hills were described as being armed with mattocks, which are more like pick-axes than wood-axes.
>We must protect the aryan fair lady from the nigger orc menace and secure a future for the superior elvish races
How did that line even make it past the cutting room and into the final cut?
you have my ... shovel?
>gets tossed
there's always two, X and Y axe
Giant mushrooms clearly.
>short character is the comic relief
Thanks for perpetuating anti short man propaganda, Hollywood.
Reality has an anti manlet agenda, deal w/ it ankle biter.
You're literally on the wrong side of 6'
Fuck off.