How do these movies exist?
How do these movies exist?
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God willed it.
Could you argue that the trilogy is literally a miracle?
yes its a valid comment
Yeah it was made in the perfect time where Hollywood had so much money that they could just chance these movies.
>meme posters
please leave
racist white males
Hello reddddit
this is a patrician thread
i unironically think fellowship is a perfectly shot fantasy movie and we won't get anything better for a very long time. look at those fucking stills, they're beautiful.
cinema perfection
>How do these movies exist
There's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.
>Post yfw this plays
I don't think I've ever felt so into a movie as when watching the first one in theaters. It was so expansive and well built, those Hobbiton scenes could have gone on forever.
Can you make it through this scene without tearing up, Sup Forums?
Peter Jackson created one of the most fantastic fictional worlds of all time. The effort he put into the lore is fucking incredible, there's an entire wiki dedicated to LotR
Theoden King stands alone.
You have to be subtler with your bait, m8.
Nice try dude
Bunch of talented people cooperated toward a valid goal without hollywood forcing diversity, quips or major dumbing down of the content to appeal to the masses.
Basically right timing.
I didn't know someone could be this wrong
Damn rotk looks like shit compared to the other 2
>mfw emulating the Two Towers and ROTK gamecube games on dolphin right now
holy fuck I've just been transported in time back 14 years ago
Why not PS2?
>No not alone!
>For the king!
better emulation
I played them on PS2 as a kid
>LOTR finishes releasing
>video games are still coming strong
>imagine how many more good movies will come out as I grow up
>imagine how much better gaymes will get
>imagining how much better my life will be when I'm not 10 anymore
my life will never get better than spending Christmas break with my best friend co-oping Return of the King. Movies and games will never get better in my lifetime.
What did Jackson mean by this?
Funnily enough, Tolkien is a Catholic
>It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy.
>How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
>Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Not really since jackson spent years shopping it around to every studio he could get a hold of.
Calling it a miracle kind of shits on the staggering ammount of work that went into the movie. Fact is it was a story that a director really wanted to tell, compare and contrast to the hobbit which was made with a sense of begrudging obligation to keep it out of the hands of brett ratner.
This is my copy of the book
Literally and unironically kill yourself
Bro that printing isn't even that old. Take better care of your books.
1994. I do now, I was just careless as kid.
Dubs of feels
And there is a ton of Christian imagery in the books that Jackson was wise enough to let carry over into the movies.
My books I've had since 2000
>separate books and not just one tome
It was my 17th birthday gift from my parents dude, don't be a prick
>memeing th is hard
>not having 3 separate books as when they were first published and what tolkien preferred
both of u kys
>what tolkien preferred
Tolkien preferred one book. His editor insisted it be split and for once in his life Tolkien let his editor have it his way.
Since I'm a fan I've got about five or six versions of the books (anniversary, 50th, illustrated etc) which I just leave on the shelf because they look awesome. I also have a couple of 'junk' paperback copies, these are the ones I actually read so I don't mess up the nice versions and they're absolute dog-eared messes a bit like this.
The Lord of the Rings is a single novel, dummy
>The work was initially intended by Tolkien to be one volume of a two-volume set, the other to be The Silmarillion, but this idea was dismissed by his publisher.
Well this is awkward
Probably godlike timing and the perhaps most passionate crew of a movie ever Also extreme respect for the source material, but also, and this is very important, a tremendous respect and almost fear of bad adaptation, meaning if something bogged down the story or didn't work, there was relentless editing and shedding of scenes. It's like the antithesis of how The hobbit plays out.
no, but i still think merry and pippin shoulda bowed
I have the 1968 edition, fairly sure it was my fathers, which looked completely fucked even when I got it as a kid.
We also as a family have 3 separate 1966 editions of The Hobbit, in decent shape.
>being this wrong
Tried a couple of weeks ago and I teared up. Watched The Two Towers some days ago and cried at Sams speech about how there is good in the world that is worth fighting for.
>spending Christmas break with my best friend co-oping Return of the King
Fuck you just transported me back to the same Christmas, where I played it with my cousin.
iirc there are six books
The Ring sets out
The Ring goes south
The Treason of Isengard
The Ring goes East
The War of the Ring
The End of the Third Age
>video games are still coming strong
>imagine how many more good movies will come out as I grow up
>imagine how much better gaymes will get
Fuck youuuuuuuuuu I didn't ask for this feel.
I too used to play that game co-op with my friend.
Fellowship of the Ring is the greatest film of all time alongside Lawrence of Arabia.
What are we holding on to?
Merry and Pippin accomplished their share of work though
It was a work of passion, and not money
back to Sup Forums please
>I would have followed you my brother
Not trolling here, but these movis kinda suck.
>sated cgi
>terrible action scenes
>boring and lopsided
>bad humor
>tries to hard to be epic in like every fucking scene
The first movie's okay, but the second one kinda looses the magic. Return of the King is trash though.
The Finnish edition has a great cover I think
I don't negotiate with (You) terrorists
Let's not go that far, true i cant name another but there must be
>Sauron wearing a hot-pink bathrobe
Not sure about that.
This and its sequel used to be my favorite game.
Fuck, forgot image
Hey you have the same shitty dubbed dbz seasons that walmart sells as I do.
But I have older LOTR books that my dad purchased
But I can't find them so I may as well be lying
>i don't take care of my belongings
>it means i love them
Is it written in spurdo language?
someone saw a popular book series and made some expensive movies out of them, don't really know what you're not getting
Thinking about watching this. Is it kino?
Yeah there was a paperback print that really sucked. My dads books look like this and he kept them pretty safe.
It's in Finnish, yes
Tolkien loved Finnish folklore
LotR: Conquest was kinda fun, especially the evil ending in which Frodo failed and Sauron basically went on a rampage all the way through Rivendell and The Shire.
Yep. I bought it on blu ray last month and it's comfy and interesting. It ends a bit suddenly before mount doom etc. Besides that it's a must watch for lotr fans.
mfw the book is called "Sagan om Ringen" in swedish which roughly translates to "The story of the ring" instead of lord of the rings
The cgi hasn't aged well.
It's not brilliant, the rotoscoping is kinda weird, but it's surprisingly good at capturing the atmosphere of the story. Jackson even pinched a few of the scenes.
the fuck is this shit
It's fine. As usual with older CG it will blend in better on a properly calibrated display.
CG always stands out worse when people are watching shit on their awful ass PC monitors or TVs that are stuck in super bright dynamic mode or some shit.
I watched them not too long ago on my ips monitor that's actually good. The cgi is mostly fine.
Well in Finnish it's "Taru Sormusten Herrasta" which literally means "the legend / story of the lord of the rings" instead of just "the lord of the rings"
>terrible as the dawn
What did Galadriel mean by this?
you guys too, huh. I assumed you had the straight translation becasue of "herrasta" like "herre" as in lord in swedish
My heart sank when I found out the Weinstein brothers produced them.
But then I wondered how (((they))) inadvertently produced one of the Whitest movie trilogies of our time.
Why do you shill so hard for Nazism? Are you brain dead?
Tolkien likes that description a lot. I think he means that though beautiful, the dawn implies a lot of power, with the rising sun, so one trembles in front of the immense power that is inherent there
They didn't have much say in the production. That's why Jackson spent so long looking for a studio that would grant him as much creative control as possible
low quality bait.avi
>gave creative freedom to director
>director literally in love with source material
>entire team commit painstaking effort to treat the source material with respect
>hundreds of dedicated Tolkien fans behind the production.
>dealing with the story matter seriously and not like some D&D schlock
There are a million ways this could have been shit, remember that lads. It could have been shit so easily.
This is one of the best examples of letting movie makers have a complete vision for something.
>meme posters
literally what?
jesus fucking christ how far up your ass can you be? Hollywood is dominated by a lot of jews yes, but what are they interested in? Making money. Jewish actors or black actors don't necessarily sell, especially not back then. They won't interfere for no reason if it could make the product worse.