Who will play him in the biopic?
Should've made him a tranny fucking racist sexist islamaphobic claustrophobic xenophobic systematic hydromagnetic CISshit parents.
This happened to me too. It literally still hurts almost 20 years later.
>wanting to party with normies
that's what he gets
Welcome to the real world jackass
>All that cake
lucky fucker
Anyway you might as well get used to it, no real man needs friends, and you most likely wont have any as an adult, not really.
I'm pretty sure this has happened to us all.
he looks like a little faggot
fuck man that sucks, doesnt help that his parents are retarded enough to put this shit on the news
Never wanted a birthday party because I knew nobody would come to one.
Yeah they have permanently killed his social life for sure
Look its the birthday kid!
Deal with it pussy. Now you've learned that life is actually terrible and you can never unlearn that lesson
That's just sad. However you cant force people to be your friends at any age, even if you feel you "deserve" it.
>this is literally you at that age
>in grade 3 you invited, what you thought, were all your friends to your birthday party on saturday
>gave them all invitations
>you were so excited because this was the first time you truly thought you had lots of friends
>i fantisized about how awesome my party would be before bed
>day of
>only 1 person out of 10-12 showed up
>and he was a quiet indian boy that smelled
>mfw i was so embarrassed and heartbroken
>ruined my confidence at school because i thought no one was my friend
>started becoming selfaware that i was an autistism
>never had a birthday after that
Me on the right.
future fa/tv/irgin
>Hey son we could teach you how to cope with this kinda shit so you can grow up and mature as a person but nah I'ma post this shit on the internet and now you'll get a bunch of attention you will probably never ever get again in your life specially after me and your mom are gone
I mean I know he's just a kid but Jesus man, he's gotta learn some way.
This. The only adults adults I know that have a super active social life are needy as fuck. Go out drinking ever several weeks with my friends every several weeks is good enough for me.
Nah I was popular as a kid, I only started being shit in teenagehood, you don't really celebrate birthdays after the 10-11 here anyway
This, sad days
as a kid i always wanted relatives only for my birthday party because i was afraid that it would happened to me to
My parents weren't retarded enough to set up a party, we just gave food to our neighbors.
Most people eventually end up having some friends. The 'real world' isnt a disney movie, but in most cases its not as bleak as some of you cynical fucks are making it out to be either.
Me on the cake
I was the kid that was never invited to parties.
We should send him a DVD of Drive, a scorpion jacket, a hammer and gloves and mold him to be our Driver.
>stupid name
>egotist mother
There was no other way this would play out
>they fucking put this on the internet
What the fuck is wrong with the parents? This shit will be with him forever.
Are you unironically me?
So the kid got a bunch of presents and shit from celebrities and stuff because this got viral.
I'm pretty sure this was staged
>have autistic kid
>be smart parent
>prepare a small 'party' and cry on the internet nobody came (nobody was invited anyways)
>get free shit from the internet and become e-famous for a couple of days
sounds like a Seinfeld episode
I had a large birthday party planned when I was a kid. However my birthday fell in July several weeks after school had ended. I started having suspicions that it too much time had passed and no one would show up so I shut that shit down. I still think I made the right decisions.
>Who will play him in the biopic
Kids can be so cruel sometimes.
>not even having any cousins or grandparents that care enough to come
Pretty fucking sad desu
must have been, look at who was invited to the party, they are all made up or dead
>F R E G L Y
Let's do it!
Well this will definitely make him popular instead of getting that little faggot bullied even more.
>19th birthday
>just want to be at home with my parents and eat a nice dinner
>awful family members show up, didn't bring a gift and ate most of the cake
>one of them brought a friend uninvited who stole the money I got from my parents as a gift off the table, got caught later though
>23rd birthday, just want a fucking nice dinner and time with my parents
>not going to have a repeat of the 19th ever again, decide we should go on vacation
>shitty family pushes hard that they want to go along, garbage fatfuck and whitetrash always wanted to go to Vegas and see this as their chance
>put my foot down firmly but politely stating I only want to spend time with my parents and not extended family
>now I'm the enemy of the entire family
I feel bad for him but the kid might be a little ass hole. The type that would turn off the playstation if he was losing. It sucks because this will mostly stick with him for a while but there might be a reason behind it.
>mother puts this on the web so she can suck up all the attention
Modern mothers are terrible people.
>Wanting friends
He deserves it.
Give me his address. I'll order him some gloves and a hammer from Amazon.
we need to act again. one of us needs us.
Is it really cruel if you dont want to be friends with someone? Should the parents force their kids to go some classmates birthday party if the kids themselves dont want to? Im not sure.
Teaching kid how to slay pussy at young age. What a slut
ViVid Strike
Also those 3 little shits deserved it.
Holy shit this is infuriating, the worst thing is that he's probably not even fucking his mom. What a waste of money.
I'm sure they did
>Wimpy Kid cake
What terrible fucking parents
Brutal. It's honestly only so bad to have a party not work out, but the real thing that pisses me off is how kids and even adults feel totally free to shit on this kid and talk like he deserves to have no friends or that he's a bad kid for feeling 'entitled' to have a social life, like these guys do
People feel really comfortable just doubling down on insulting someone and insisting things aren't right when something like this happens. It's a reaction people have to their own guilt that they could have prevented this kid from experiencing something so sad for him, and all they needed to do was be a bit friendly. They'll instead just tell themselves 'wow that wouldn't happen to me, must be because I'm the coolest person in the world and this kid must be a loser faggot, so I'll treat him that way from now on'.
this is actually good tho
My parents never talked about womyn just about how I needed to study and never get a girlfriend becuase "I was too young and you need to study" now i'm too old and a loser
also she's going to give the money to the kid again in toys and shit