Has anyone on here managed to break free from the miserable life of wage cucking?

has anyone on here managed to break free from the miserable life of wage cucking?

I am a logistics manager which makes ok money, and good benefits like a company car and bonus

but i want to kill myself every single day thinking about i hate this fucking wage cuck life

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It's pretty simple, google some of the early retirement websites for various plans

I wake up at 6, walk my dog, then sit down on my couch, open my laptop and make 70k/yr doing software development. A few hours of easy coding a day. So at least I don't have to go into the office.

OP here

this is basically my life

>wake up at 5am
>eat, shower, get ready
>leave to work at 6am
>get there by 7 am
>deal with tons of bullshit all day long
>leave by 7 pm
>spend an hour and a half stuck in traffic jams
>get home by 8.30
>eat and if i get energy and mental sanity left go to the gym
>prepare food
>go to sleep by 11pm

weekend i must also work on shit i didnt get done

all this time i consider if life is worth living or should i kill myself

i could take an easier job but then i'd have even less money and would be even further away from financial freedom

smh fml

how do you manage to sleep only 6 hours a day, fuck, I wish I could do that

if you go to the gym maybe strive for something there?
Like "i wanna deadlift 500lbs"?

i am exhausted all the time

fall asleep all the time in traffic

I make 55k€ a year now and I'm very happy with my job, have to be there when i want, can go when i want, can do home office when i want and got 30 days vacation a year

there are nice jobs out there

i have been bodybuilding for 15 years since my early teens

its not the solution it just gets you big and jacked

Then go for competition? Or pick up something like modeling?

Also pic or didnt happen

thats very little money tho

what job

how would competing help me escape wage cucking?

i think suicide is the only realistic solution

>Aiming for financial freedom
>Kill yourself burning out instead
Yeah, quit that job.

No but for distracting or maybe get a new passion that drives you.
Modeling could give some extra money if you look good.
Isnt there a chance to move up the career ladder?

>i think suicide is the only realistic solution


Basically Software Engineer

there is

the further i move up the worse my life becomes

then take up another job.

and make less money while still being a wage cuk
all options suck

i see no positives in my life

Its what most people have to suffer through user. I do 10 hour shifts of IT work at a call centre,and it is pure hell. Im talking about dealing with: stupid clients that have NO place even being near technology,angry/rude people,etc. Sometimes it gets to me,other times it doesnt.

What keeps me going is that i know this situation is not permanent. You can always change your job,and try something new that excites you. Search around user,youll find something :)

get a new job??????????

respectfully i disagree with your makebelieve cookie cutter answer

if you pick up a job where you can move up, you have to invest some time.
So either do it or dwel in despair


If you're not exaggerating about time spent working/commuting and the pay, you're only getting paid 13.65 euros an hour m8. That's pretty shit. Think about the time spent. You can probably find 2 shitty jobs with short commutes and relatively short hours and end up making more per unit of time.

And why exactly do you disagree?

Get into cell phone sales. Free oc porn, good drugs, and you can troll people irl. Always good to rip into the occasional customer.

I wish i didnt have to work, money doesn't motivate me at all, had jobs where i was making 1,500 a week, and left if for a job that was only paying $10 an hour (planetfitness over night guy) and even though i was hurting money wise, i was much happier.

As of now i found a gig where i work 30 hour weeks monday-friday. Though i doubt ill be there much longer

Opposite problem for me, I need a job or I face eviction soon.

but i make 80k€ with company car and bonus

its tough tho. strong unions etc to deal with. stretched targets etc

I was in a job that i was earning approximately 80k a year.. and i hated it. Never any time to myself and i always felt exhausted. Though the money was pretty good.

I left that job and became a security guard. I only earn about 40k a year now, but i love my job and i am happier. I have more free time, even whie working.

The way i see it.. is that you only have one life, then its gone forever. So why waste half of it working in a job you hate going to every single day? If your answer is for the money, youre an idiot.
Its far better to enjoy what little time you have on this earth, and that means doing a job that sure, doesnt pay as much, but you dont mind waking up for, and maybe actually somewhat enjoy doing.

Still only comes out to 20 an hour. Salaries mean nothing, break everything down into pay/unit of time.

Go to college and get a proper degree and go into management, HR, or something you fancy. Stop whining like a little bitch on an Internet forum and take control of your fucking life.

“Woo me, I make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but I have to wake up early and go to work. I’m so saaad I should kill myself.”

Bitch fuck your. We have 24 hours in the day. 8 for sleep, 8 for work, and 8 for play. You drive 2-3 hours a day back and forth, that still gives you 4-5 hours to do whatever the fuck you want. You have money to do it, too. If you don’t want to work so much, stop taking overtime like you clearly are.

Wagecucking is a myth. What would you do if you didn’t work? Sit inside all day and watch TV and play video games? You would never socialize, you would have no reason to wake up, and you would be totally isolated. Working is God’s gift to mankind - it gives us purpose. If you don’t like your job or field, shut the fuck up and pursue something else. What are you fucking 12? Fuck off cunt.

Because it beats doing all that anyway to go out and hunt then get killed by a bear at age 35.

Sometimes i put i large cucumber up my ass and proceed to pour chocolate syrup over my delicate nipples.

how the hell can anyone get up in the morning and just feed themselves like some animal? what kind of primitive fuck do you have to be to perform work to further the idiotic goal of your own survival and genetic preservation? it sounds dumb, because youre dumb.

buy my book, just $9.99

Dude honestly ive been home all day, woke up at 10am, and hardly left the bed. Im hella bored, but id rather be bored then go to work.

why don't you take a less paying job and lower your living standards?

I pay 500 a month in rent, and 500 in food. those are literally my only expenses. I can do what I want every single day.

Right, you think that now - but give it a week of doing nothing. It’s fucking hell and you’ll look at work like Heaven. I’ve known professional athletes - you know people who get paid millions to play baseball and golf - who absolutely tread going to “work” every day. Basically, everything sucks after awhile of doing it. Take a vacation for a few weeks and come back.

how the hell can table get up in the table and just feed themselves like some table? what kind of primitive table do you have to be to perform work to further the idiotic table of your own table and genetic table? Table sounds dumb, because youre table.

buy my table, just $9.99

>No job no purpose!
Good goyim, good.

Nobody says you need a job. Go live in your car (oh wait how you gonna pay for that?) and go live in Nevada or some shit. Nobody’s forcing you to have a job, dumb soyboy

What about those financially independent folk?

No you're not wrong, at somepoint this would be agonizing. But with my current job id prefer this over working. I understand one has the choice to find a better job, and honestly no matter your level in skills, there is always a better job out there, but job hopping is frowned upon, going to school or back to school takes time and money. Among other stuff.

op here

when i was stick in traffic this morning i was observing 2 armed guards standing around doing jack shit

i dreamed off wondering how much they earned and how many hrs they worked

>big and jacked
>not the solution
try again

What else would you be doing with your time? I always say get a career that you can learn from and in turn use those skills to make more money, but all the anons get shit jobs that go nowhere

>Working is God’s gift to mankind
imagine being this much of brainwashed delusional cuck

>smh fml

socializing is for losers

Have a friend who works 40 hour weeks, at a do nothing job just about, where his boss gives him weed, and never has to worry about drug tests, even built a tiny house on his parents land so doesnt have a lot of bills, my gf has a job where she tests soil, she comes home dirty, but also gets to finish a shit ton of netflix shows because her job has a lot of down time. while I get to wake up everyday at 5am, sweat my balls off. And come home at 6-7pm.

Im right there with you, i want a job with a lot of down time.

I own a business with my wife now, so hopefully soon

i did 9 years ago. Binned my mrs of 10 years - gave her the house and cars and fucked off to Bangkok. Traveled for years and took weird new jobs and different counties. Ended up having 3 kids and now live in SE Asia - have 3 businesses - work for myself spend as much time as i want at the beach in the mountains with my kids. Drink beer whenever i want at work. Pick and choose jobs. Sit and watch movies. Miserable as fuck

Seize the means of production, cuckpitalist fag.

Look up bus para jobs, you sit on a bus 90% of the time and the rest is just making sure kids dont kill eachother

I finished my law degree and right after that, become freelance guitar player. Parents were shocked and most people around was thinking insanely dumb. It has been 4 years but it finaly starting to look like decent job. Its tough (especialy first few years) but I dont regret a single day of this life.


>very little money
that's a little more than the average household income in the US. and depending on where you live you can easily make 50k look like 70k or more.

although in europe I imagine it's like making 30k here.

Become paralyzed and fuck the government till your death millions do it

lol at thinking you can get my job without a masters degree


i have no savings for when im older

literally making about 100k a year, working for a major company, in my early 30s

never really count my bank account or how much i have stowed away for the furture

soon will be over125k yearly salary..




Cryptocurrencies, where have you been I'm up pretty nicely and that's with selling off to buy actual stuff

>company car and bonus
>I don't even earn enough to be able to eat properly
and you want to kill yourself ? Get the fuck over yourself you american bitch

Im doing this. Started last month, bought into ripple... that bear market though.

So, if you want to get free from working, this is already a solved problem, there's no need to stress. Here:


The link explains everything.

Just the thread for me. Started a new job in December. Very well paid and the perks are good, but I fucking hate it. I've been depressed about having to go in since I started. I'm currently working on a book rewrite as I've got a lit agent interested in my shit, and the dream is to sell this manuscript and write full-time at home. May never happen, but I have to try.

I haven't worked since October and though it is true my days are now full of drugs, vidya and fapping to 2d porn I am by no means ever bored.. friends and family and the occasional ex make more than enough socializing.. my purpose now a days for waking up is to shit post on this board and contemplate the millions of ideas of why we are here on Earth and eagerly awaiting the discovery of what comes after our life is up

Cool vision. Just try it or you will doubt your whole life if you havent missed a chance.

What made you free from the teather that is bills/money

I'm a wagecuck in training. Developed a drinking habit because of the stress.

Seriously considering quitting RIGHT NOW and just taking whatever money I have and starting a business from the ground up. Fuck this. The only way to be rich and successful in a capitalist society is to go for it yourself with your own vision.

Friendly reminder that the same person made this Quote.

You know when this quote Op posted hits you ? if you fucking winged school because you're an anime watching videogame playing degenerate who couldn't get his life past entry level jobs and your spoiled life didn't teached you to work harder.
I hate garbage like that because it implies you hate your job. I am just a Chemical technician and I love my job, have a pretty tight car, an 115.000 € worth appartment that is payed of in 5 years and I am only 24. and I still do whatever strikes me fancy.

buckle up twats, no one and especially yourself will never look up to you.

IMHO it takes all types. If we didn't have people who eschewed the norm I would not be able to walk my stoned ass to 7-11 and get a hot dog at three in the morning.

Bukowski was however full of shit

apple cuck detected

>bought cripple
fuck idiot right here or a pajeet bagger

switch it out for Dent or something that isn't a banker scheme

You're not a panic-seller?

95% of faggot normies who bought in to bitcoin because they read about it on buzzfeed are the same type of fickle retards who will panic sell and crash it. It's like the internet: The more normalized it became, the worse it got.

The whole idea of cryptos has been tainted. It's dead. On to the next thing.

I leave the house at 4:50 in the morning and get back home at 16:45 in the afternoon. Monday till Thursday. Fridays I get home two hours earlier.

I like most of the work (CAD-construction) I do though. Only those bitches from project management are breaking my balls.

I own my company and I love my job. I like the stress. The only thing I hate is repetitive work and if it's repetitive, most of the time it can be automated. If it can't, I have employees to do it for me.

>my days are now filled with drugs

nigga I'm a swing trader
in the most forgiving market in history at
year 1.5 of a 20 year bull run

>my nigga

I'm a mech. eng. 28 and have grey hair already.

At my workplace half-an-hour early (6:30) and some days don't leave until 9-10PM if something needs to get done. Pays well, but it's taking a toll on my lifespan I'm sure of it.

>you work in a box to live in a box and drive a box so you can watch a box and eat out of a box.

the status quo is maintained no matter how horrifying that status quo is.

called him a cuck [x]

Found the juden

Not fooling me, you nasally enriched shitstain

op here

you are dirt poor lol 115k apartment and you need a loan for that

I'm a mick actually

It's not that fucking complicated Learn to read charts there are only and few dozen core principals and their abstractions to learn

>has anyone on here managed to break free from the miserable life of wage cucking?

Stop being a retard and save.
Then invest.
Then once your investment earn you more than wage cucking, retire

The end.

Everybody can do it provided you're in a first world country, your job/commitment only changes how quickly (if at all) you pull it off.
Good luck.

I prefer my Chinese snake sign, over my celtic cat sign, though the age of Aquarius is coming. Haha.

you did it !

>believes in zodiac signs

You're just making it harder and harder to take you seriously.

630 would be sleeping in

I am a chinese tiger and a celtic fox and an Aries, which is something I am actually think if I were Greek..because they do that weird horoscope shit..If I were in austrailia or some shit It would probably be opposite, I would be like a tapir or a wombat or some weird marsupial shit.

>but i want to kill myself every single day thinking about i hate this fucking wage cuck life

then stop framing your life like that you fucking mong

>giving a fuck what niggas with a shit portfolio think

Hope you buy some debitum.network/|
I got in it's make me a cool half million in a year or so for 1 ETH

I had $36k in savings when I walked out of my last job that will last me till I die.
2k left on car loan
Feed myself and do chores while hopping between friends/family/ex's houses
Its honestly amazing to break away from 80 hour work weeks and have nearly 0 responsibilities aside from having to remember to breathe
If you have at least some savings, hell even a tax check coming soon fall back on it and live a little. If you want to work for yourself buy low and sell high pick 1 thing to deal and only 1 thing make it your specialty.

>thinking youre tough for waking up early
>being this obviously weak of a human
Hang out in the salty spitoon lately?

yes goyim! very good!

Far from free. On the way tho.

Read this book and you will dickpunch yourself over all of the obvious shit we've been conditioned to ignore.

You already got a jump start with a descebt living.

Went from 400s to almost 800 credit score and 3rd house at 32. Still a wage cuck.

...for now

That's where I keep my shit tho