W/ Westworld Thread General

Rape Edition

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why can't white bois see that white women prefer big black cock?

do robots eat and poop?

Best in the West.

Arnold is alive

what the fuck where all the flies about though

Will he have the same fate as Caleb?

Does anyone else think this show went to shit real fast, first two episodes were great, the last 3 on the other hand were terrible and dialogue keeps getting worse. How long are they going to drag this mystery bullshit out, it's pretty lazy writing


Inside of Dolores.

yeah but she's a dyke so


she's only a dyke cause she's sick of white bois not knowing how to pleasure her properly.

she'll go for the BBC if the opportunity arises.

How many episodes left?
Yeah, it's become a bit boring....but I'll continue to watch.
Really disappointed with this episode. I thought it was supposed to be the one to watch after comments were made by the actors prior to it airing.

So the fly stuff has pretty much been dropped like the numbers on lost then?

The flies have infiltrated her subconcious. The flies are the vector for the self-awareness virus.

No, it got better

>How many episodes left?


???? It was literally a device to show change in Dolores.

Yea i dont get what the big happening in this episode was supposed to be? The last scene? The transmitter in the arm? The orgy? It was all pretty meh

Mostly character development for Dolorable. She had a huge change in her behavior shooting all those guys when she couldn't even defend herself previous, it's showing she's breaking out and becoming more self aware and violent.

>what the big happening in this episode was supposed to be?
shrink ray placed on matrix-like factory on mars

Black penis


i was hype as fuck and still don't understand what they were talking about

maybe they just say it every episode and we just so happened to fall for it this episode

That's a big co-

set of dubs



Fucking hell, it's been five episodes you absolute autists. At least give it until the end of the season before deciding if you think it's shit.

It wasnt good to start with, one of the most overrated series in a long time. Nolan is so full of himself it infects everything he touches with disgusting sense of self aggrandizement. Dialogue varies from cliches to plain garbage. Not to mention the plot itself is full of cliches and worst of all practically ALL characters are one dimensional cartoon caricatures.

Steaming pile of garbage with top tier production values, good cinematography and HBOs trademark coating of sex and violence turned to 11.


>Butcher makes Maeve able to hurt humans, ups her intelligence
>Maeve waits at night, kills two employees (you see her stop moving the moment they walk into her room)
>Steals their uniform thing
>Escaton and ? infiltrate the lab with wearing the inspection gear, pickup snake, maeve, and whore
>Butcher gives them all the ability to harm
>They take out the analysis+security team
>They all escape the lab?

>Lawrence says its a long way to "The front"
>The entrance to westworld is through a train
>Pariah train possibly goes there
>You see dolores walking through the WW main building, dead bodies everywhere

>Bernard asks Dolores for help, "hes made a mistake" could be anything from reactivating hosts, satellite thing
>Bernard escorting a shadowed figure somewhere in westworld
>Bernard sad as fuck, possibly a flashback, maybe someone was kill

>MIB throat got cut a bit and was bleeding, look of shock on his face

Thats all well and good but remember she is shrunk so unless she finds the enlargeray she is no real threat

>it's totally a different timeframe guys
>in 30 years that table and that pot are still in the exact same spot and trees haven't grown an inch

honestly the shrink ray fags are better because at least they're having a laugh with how stupid their theory is instead of taking it seriously

If the theory is true, someone wrote storyline where dolores has her parents killed and she is then raped. The scripted rape happens only if there is no guest to interfere, only if there is no one to see her getting raped. Who ever wrote the storyline could have had her simply killed, but the writer chose to add rape, make robot rape other robot in a barn, away from everything, without any purpose what so ever.

It's the 'Lost' style of screenwriting. Pile a ton of good stuff into the first few episodes to hook people and hope it's enough to keep viewers loyal for five years while they draw out ever increasingly ridiculous sub-plots.

everything in westworld except for the flies are robots

even the trees

Most dykes like a good dicking on occasion

>Butcher doing something as stupid as giving a bunch of robots who can't hurt him an ability to hurt him and everyone else
>MiB getting shat on that early and degenerating form a real threat
>no mention of maze

no, all of the animals are robots for safety reasons. You don't want a horse to get spooked and kick a guest in the face, or for someone to stumble on a real rattlesnake when they're alone and get poisoned
No one is going to get a killed by a real tree, there is 0 reason for Westworld to make artificial ones, especially when it would probably mean an absolutely different manufacturing process from flesh and blood

thing is, there are many things happening at the moment and they keep introducing more questions. I know HBO is aiming for 50 episodes, but I would really hate if NOTHING is resolved this season.

Wow thats fucking original


Mib knows ford
Dolores is Arnolds singularity or something
William left logan
Fuckfu uncovered a diabolical plot
Maeve came alive

Fuck more do you want?

Ford sees himself as a God.

The amount of ass in the last episode was decent af. Someone have webms? I might just download it again tbfh.

Ok, he may not have given them it

He thought the bird was cool, he could have put the new upgrade into Maeve, and then he takes a suggestion from Maeve, which he implements
Since Maeve is WOKE she couldve maybe figured out how to use the machine or had it explained to her by him

The rest get woke somehow either from this guy or them

Still no clue what these cultists in the woods/indians have to do with anything

Actually just as I was writing this I remembered that that guy in WW told Maeve that the gods the Indians worship happen to be wearing the same suits Escaton+? steal, they could possibly have instigated the indian invasion

Why was she an orthodox jew in Westworld? Did Mel Brooks direct that episode?

I hear ya. I dl a shitty.yify tier rip and want that hd dolorable butt crack now



i somewhat agree. i'd rather see less of the maze and more of the day to day storylines and guest interactions. the maze went from some ominous, tertiary storyline to being mentioned 6 times in the last episode.

i really hope it doesnt let down

do NOT post this image again, i'm warning you

It's not that big. He popped a semi. In his defense who wouldn't?
> Penis inspection day on set.

Dats a cute tushy.

>cuts to Ford sniffing the stool

>Dats a cute tushy.

Not her's though.

Anytime you don't see a face it's a body double.

So far the only episode are enjoyed completely was the Pilot. Probably because it had good pacing and the mystery was still fresh.

All the episodes since then have been mundane and the cinematography went to shit for some reason.

>do NOT post this image again,

Being this homophobic

You have to go back, they miss you there.

The actress has done nudes before.

>consider yourself God
>waste time gardening shrubs instead of creating conscious minds and societies from the ground up

Woah, you guys are still talking about the BIG BLACK COCK. Why is everyone so obsessed with BIG BLACK COCK? I mean yeah, it's kind of jarring to have a BIG BLACK COCK THRUST on the scene, but hey it's HBO. And after all it's 2016, who Hasn't seen a BIG BLACK COCK at this point? I barely even notice the BIG BLACK COCK nowadays, the BIG BLACK COCK just sort of blends into the background.

So anyway, just stop talking about the BIG BLACK COCK so much. There's gonna be more BIG BLACK COCK scenes in the future, and I'd hate for a BIG BLACK COCK to ruin these generals.


>The actress has done nudes before.

Not in awhile and think about it. If there's no face in the scene why would she still do the nude?

It's a stand-in my friend. Plain and simple.
I wish i was wrong but I'm right.

That guy wasn't even black, he's just olive-skinned.

Hosts that are programmed not to "hurt a living thing" aren't supposed to be able to swat flies. When Dolores swats a fly, it shows that she has begun to act outside her programming in at least the smallest way.

Watch Hopkins' eyes.

He cant resist a swatch, the dirty beggar.

my exact same feeling

She has an impressive frame, I thought she'd be fatter, but she's slim and qt.

Not to mention the shit they're doing with cgi these days, I feel like I can't trust anything anymore.

>I feel like I can't trust anything anymore.


>I thought she'd be fatter, but she's slim and qt.

It's not her you stupid kid.

>being this dumb

It's her in the profile view

>BBC obsessed faggot user can't even take a screenshot right
You should learn, it would help improve your BBC fap image collection.

I thought they were gonna be the main trio.

>It's her in the profile view

It's called editing.

Are you really that dumb?


Are you fucking retarded? Occam's razor, fuckwit.

>It's her in the profile view

>the asshole
>the nice guy
>the girl next door

I can see why.

>Are you fucking retarded? Occam's razor,


Must be nice to be retarded.
Life must be beautiful.

mib = logan
william = teddy

>4 seconds


please enlighten us what other shows you watch and I'll laugh at you

I see Tumblrfags and their samey shitart have discovered Westworld

Elsie a cute! CUTE!

Nice Strawman.

I bet that chair is real fucking filthy

izzat 30-years-ago Dolores? Why does she look brain damaged?

That user is right though. They're teasing out this mystery shit at the expense of actual plot progression.

>I see Tumblrfags blah blah blah

You edgy kids and your tumblr hate.

Hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

The sequel to the original film, called Futureworld (1976), included a plot by the Delos Corporation to lure influential people to the park, in order to replace them with androids and take over the world.
The Hosts are not nuts-and-bolts machines, they are flesh-and-bone. So, the technology uses some form of consciousness-downloading (as we see the Hosts being extracted and downloaded into duplicate bodies, backstage, when the staff want to conduct interviews).
We have heard Logan claim that Delos Corporation is "hemorrhaging" cash and that his company intends to take them over. . .
It is possible that Logan's company has already submitted a merger proposal to the Board of Directors. . .
The Board of Directors has sent a representative to the park . . . AND Ford knows about it.
Logan has, so far, been dragged kicking-and-screaming on the path to The Maze by William and Dolores. If William hadn't gotten engaged to Logan's sister, and asked for the promotion, Logan wouldn't presently be at Westworld.
THEORY: MIB is a red herring, just a fanboy who has accidentally stumbled onto something he shouldn't have. When the one host tells him "the maze isn't for you", this was Ford speaking through her and she meant it was for another GUEST. The centre of the maze is a place, maybe a hidden lab, that has something to do with the downloading/uploading of consciousness and it is here that Ford intends to replace people with Androids under his command. William is an android who was sent to infiltrate Logan's life and manipulate him into coming to Westworld so he can be killed and replaced, to help prevent the merger.

Nigga It's an HBO show, she's done nudity many times before.

It's a platonic nude scene with Anthony Hopkins, not even graphic.

If I'm an edgy kid who thinks poopy diaper MLP hermaphroporn art and anime knockoff trash is less than favorable, and you're an adult who does, what does that say about you?


she's being questioned by bernard.

do you even watch the show?

Go be a Steven Universe GooGooGaGa Femmypeeny Warrior someplace else, this is \w/. You probably don't even believe in shrink rays

Why is William such a fucking pussy

>Nigga It's an HBO show, she's done nudity many times before.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

Holy Shit.

DO you even know what a stand-in is?

100% that's NOT Evan Rachel Wood.

Good god grow up kid.

Being THIS edgy.

Tumblr has tons of rape porn and sluts getting slutty. Sure there's idiots there but idiots are everywhere.

I mean you're here so that proves my point.

You're so triggered that you can't stop spouting literal nonsense words. Just take a look at yourself.

>she's done nudity many times before.

no she hasn't. Especially since she became a mother.

> Not to mention the plot itself is full of cliches and worst of all practically ALL characters are one dimensional cartoon caricatures.

Caricatures are literally what most of the characters are supposed to be you twathair.