Trying to get through Enterprise, Sup Forums
It's alright but archer is such a cunt
Literally what is his fucking problem
Trying to get through Enterprise, Sup Forums
It's alright but archer is such a cunt
Literally what is his fucking problem
He gets better in the third and fourth season. The whole show does, really.
I've heard the third season is shite and the fourth is the best
The writers for Enterprise were the same hacks who wrote Voyager, and they were burned out after 7 years of that. In fact, some of the episodes were just repeats of plots from other Treks.
As for Archer, the writers wanted to show humanity as inexperienced, but instead we just came off as incompetent.
Nah I'd say the last ep of 2 through the end are actually pretty good Trek.
No way. The third season is the best one.
>The writers for Enterprise were the same hacks who wrote Voyager
Outside of Braga, the only ENT writers who wrote on Voyager were Phyllis Strong and Mike Sussman, both of whom only wrote for Voyager's final season.
Berman is also a writer.
>falling for the "Enterprise is good" meme
>literally no one has ever seen a Romulan because two way video comms weren't invented during the Earth-Romulan War
>Stiles keeps hinting that Spock is a traitor and secretly a Romulan
Just watch a "Best of Trip" video or something. Enterprise was nothing ventured, nothing lost, except it actually did cause the franchise to halt and be rebooted by Jar Jar Mememan.
You won't remember Archer, you won't remember the doctor (whatever the fuck his name was), and you'll only remember T'Pol as an annoying cunt with a nice back crack.
Trip is the only character worth anything, a rare well written comic relief among a group of cardboard cutouts.
Fuck Rick Berman for his hatred of small tits and pure homosexual love.
I guess there were rumors. Enterprise saves the day again.
Ziggy says there's a 46.83% chance your just a faggot.
Stiles saw the Romulan bridge very early in the episode. I think you may be confusing his prejudice with the character being identified as a shit head beforehand.
It wasn't actually bad but I felt like it squandered an interesting setting.
>In fact, some of the episodes were just repeats of plots from other Treks.
That's not uncommon. Roddenberry liked reusing plots but in different perspectives.
>mfw my wife is only an enjoyable character when she's possesed by satan or turned into a 12 year old
>wife is a 12 yeard old
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Gee Miles, how come you get to be on TWO Star Trek shows?
Transporter fuckup #46123906456345
A starfleet professor and chief transporter officer on 13 Miranda class ships was teaching a class on Transporters.
”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the transporter and accept that it truly is the safest way to travel!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Reginald Barclay who had served 1500 tours of duty scrubbing plasma exhausts and understood the necessity of physical travel stood up.
”So is the person coming out of the transporter the same one that was beamed, or a duplicate?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite Ferengily and smugly replied “Of course its the same, you ponce”
”Wrong. If the person that came out was the same, then Thomas Riker should not exist”
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his PADD and copy of Transporters Today. He stormed out of the room crying those Transportfag tears.
The Cadets applauded and all accepted the Type-8 shuttlecraft as their lord and savior. A Warp 10 capable warpsled named “Threshold” flew into the room and perched atop the Starfleet flag and shed a self-sealing stembolt on the LCARS databank. The holodeck safety manual was read several times, and Miles O'Brien himself showed up but had to go home immediately because Keiko told him he had to.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of Transporter psychosis and his pattern was lost for all eternity.
oh god don't remind me
>Jayzus fecking wept, wot Luvcraftian horror has crawled its way into moy woifes gaping maw dis week
>It's a Kahless comes back and talks about this great sword of his TNG episode
>It's a Worf is searching for this sword which has been lost for centuries DS9 episode
How did that happen then?
What's your favourite class of starship and why isn't it Constellation? (the one with 4 nacelles
Mogai-class is the best
how did a fucking retard like archer get a captain position, he's literally dumber than his dog
Simple. He had two great swords
He had two swords that he made by plunging his hair into a river of lava?
I'd buy it, two swords means twice the honor.
>I made a sword out of dipping my hair into lava, then I killed a guy with that sword, and then I made another sword by dipping his corpse into lava
he probably had a third sword for cutting steak or the lawn, too
>Hyand ovah Jak Bower or your Captain gets it
What did he mean by this?
i hate this always smiling nigger, trip and the weapon officer, god damn they are all so unlikeable.
archer is ok.
vulkan hooker is ok.
translator whore bitch child.
star trek never was about good writing, it is a family show, but even for this the cast is horrible.
tng cast was the best.
oh and the intro music wants to make me puke, holy shit.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Because I'm a traditionalist and love the Constitution (original & refit) most of all. Constellation does have nice aesthetics, though. I think it & the Miranda were the only Constitution kitbash designs that looked any good (figures, they were the only two ever used outside of games). Voyager should have been an old rattletrap Constellation.
what did he mean by this
Didn't he keep sex slaves during the occupation? Seems kinda wrong even for a Cardassian.
>Tasha Yar
And yet you're wrong, he ends up doing the most for human-centric galaxy, and has best support crew, get to the later seasons then you'll rethink your answer.
while nothing is perfect, you'll see why people talk about it.
They weren't slaves, when Kira time travelled to meet her mom she was in the same program and decided to leave twice and they just let her.
funny, I just started rewatching TNG from the beginning and it's so fucking comfy. Even the shit episodes (and there's many) are beyond comfy. Like revisiting old friends
>being a pleb this hard
>muh honor
>pretty much all klingons we meet are dishonorable