Hello Sup Forums Rate me

Hello Sup Forums Rate me

Nice set of mosquito bites you've got there.


5/10. Show me some insertions and I'll bump it up to 7/10.

Nice chest torpedos

fat thot, wouldn't even want top

Show that flab belly tho

Looks like beautiful skin to caress

show us your pussy and your face. so far: 4.5/10

9/10 babe. Fuck these virgin faggots. They got no taste.

*Jaw drops to the floor*
*Eyes pop out*
*Sound effect of, " AWOOOOGA AWOOOOGA!!!" *
*Places eyes and jaw back in place*
*Regains composure*

... eh hem, you look quite lovely.



kek, not this

I rate you fat

8.8 outta ten.
You could go up or down depending on the total package. Personality and looks.

What’s your Snapchat

Average, say 6/10
Hopefully you have a 11/10 face

Tits are a 3/10

fucking virgin

fat/10. The only reason you have boobs at all is because you're fat. This is unhealthy and ruins your looks. Lose weight. You'll have smaller boobs, but will look better. Lift now and save your life and your mental health.

meh. would cum on them though

There you go 18 raters. Now give us moar!

your newfag is showing, leave


Can show more of my body but not my face, and I know I'm a bit overweight

I think m'lady has lost her top. Please take my trench coat and cover up. Wouldn't want to get all the boys aroused, now would we? ;-)

I'm not going to complain... Keep em coming

You could lose a few pounds

The definition of average. You're chubby and have fairly shit tits. I'd guess the rest of you is no better but for what it's worth most women are as unremarkable as you.

you don't have to be fat to have ugly saggy tits like that you virgin.


But she is fat.

yes, but her tits would be just as awful even if she wasn't.

7/10. Gimme a better pic and it'll go up.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Would probably wife you if you aren't a slut. Seeing as how this is all hypothetical I recuse myself of this "rating" you requested. Cheerio lads

Girl your fucking sexy id fuck those tit then fuck you all night


Mmm girl c;

hotter than the first pic, post more

you like it up the butt?

Show feet
7/10 so far


Show feet. 7/10 so far

As per the rules.



not overweight

5/10 ... if indian 8/10 , indian standards are different

>3/10 would gore thread you

ok guys giving the average....what would you do to a 6/10 like me?

kill you and slice your body into pieces. you look fucking disgusting.

Need to see more of that ass

pound your ass and make you feel like the disgusting bitch you are

someone spam mexican gore thread in here

>i would build a wall

depends how drunk i am

Bitch id bend ya ass over and hit it til i cum deeo inside you

Consensual sex in missionary position, then bowl of eggs.
Also, let's see those feets

Pinch those little nips. Real hard.

You're a pussy and we know it.

I would tongue punch that fart box.

I would make you eggs

Got kik or something? You look good, I wanna see more of you.

I'd love to see you bending over for me

5/10 at best

gotta see the ass first

You look good this is a way better angle. More!!

Rate you or rate your tits?
Because I rate your tits 3/10

Turn the light on to see what you're hiding.



show your pussy pls

OP dead

Hey I'm a sexual novel author, if you are interested in hearing stories about what someone would do to you then add me on Kik and I will write my novels to you about you.
Kik: alexalex_92


and yes I like it in the ass

Then show it from the back and spread
And Jesus Christ turn on a light


show vagene

Turn on the light! Also, show us the pussy.

Show nice vagene for better rating.

Where are you from?

It's actually a really fat guy T_T

Show us more of that ass plz ;)

S A G E this shit, abandon

shit light, shit pics, shit angles, shit waiting time, shit grill

sharpie in pooper

shit post

Turn on a light you fuck

Fucking post more pic you sexy slut

This is probably where she regrets posting.

8.2/10 so far of what ive seen post pic with sharpie in your mouth

You shouldn't post pictures of yourself on the internet, young man

You need to see a dentist. Seriously