Shit cucks do

ITT we talk about things that only people who vote left wing do
I'll start
>He owns a record player
Better yet
>He frequently uses his record player

Other urls found in this thread:

>He takes ritalin
>He listens to the Beach Boys
>He genuinely likes cheese whiz

Let's start here:

>browses p4k
>defends memerap

all forms of artwork appreciation are really just appreciation of cuckoldry. Art itself is nothing more than leftist dribble.

left wing people with vinyl collections would never listen to classic music when they could be listening to black music

also the DG pressings are more than your average hipster would care to spend on vinyl

>he thinks owning a record player correlates with a persons political beliefs.

What in God's name are you talking about? How do you suppose people listened to music before digital mediums took over?

Your dad probably put on his favourite LP the night he squirted you inside your mother, kek

>Drinks Starcucks iced coffee unironically often.
Dairy queen is where it's at flimfam, get moar, higher quality coffee for the same price.

stop trying to defend your vinyl collection, cuck.

and memes are even more degenerate than modern "art"