Why are Disney movies so sexist?
Why are Disney movies so sexist?
All this proves is that nobody wants to hear women bitch for 2 hours straight and Disney, being a company that wants to stay in business, knows this.
now we have to have equal speaking time in movies? jesus h. christ in a cup.
That is feminism. Instead of going out and creating what they want in a free society. They complain that the results are not what they want.
And then racial equality too. and every race gets equal dialog too.
Because you're feminist.
Sexism only exists in the mind of a feminist.
Everything must be equal!
Race, sex, religion, philosophy, it's all equal! It an offense that Marx should be thought of as less valid than Hobbes, that Locke is held to such a standard while Nietzsche is so widely condemned! If we all share the same philosophy, then the world can truly progress!
The most interesting world is one where nobody is different! Nothing changes, no stories are written, nobody experiences anything different! Art, literature, music, all should be the same, so that we all can be happy! A nice sterile grey is exactly what the world needs!
The very utterances that come from our mouths must be made equal! It is a crime that T should sound so different from K, A from O, B from Y! Come my friends, let us all shut our mouths and forever cease to speak, so that we may finally be truly equal in our thoughts!
But most importantly, don't forget to smile!
this is a fate worse than death.
why do feminists hate freedom.
Classic movies like 12 angry men are SEXIST
Literally 100% male dialogue sickening
The Jews have been in total control of Hollywood since it's inception in the early 1900's.
They are responsible for all movies.
If movies are "sexist", it's their fault. Not mine.
Cmon, no one wants to sit through 2 1/2 hours of a all female cast, whining
i remember Bridesmaids being ok.
he dindu nuffin, he was a good boy
could have been a good movie if it wasn't dindu propaganda
All that will change once Hillary gets elected president.
That's because they won't shut the fuck up in real life
you are now aware that pretty much every university in America has at least one professor dedicated to studying gender roles in Disney movies and how Mcdonalds is racist
>Schaefer Name Meaning. German (Schäfer) and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a shepherd, from an agent derivative of German Schaf, Middle High German schaf 'sheep'. JXE, AB This name is widespread throughout central and eastern Europe.
Just a coincidence.
Sleeping beauty probably sways it a lot.
Somebody took the time and energy to make this fucking graph. Femenist actually have autism
Well when Snow White is sleeping with seven men, of course they'd have more lines, that's how porn works too.
ok now show how popular the movies are that are all female speaking
>only high grossing films ranked in the top 2500 by US box office
women confirmed for talentless hacks
literally it's like the school bully making the nerd do their homework. women demand we make movies and books centered around them and for them and we have to come up with stuff for that or what? they take our kids away, they burn coal, they destroy masculinity and the housewife and ruin everything
sometimes it's so easy to hate women and I don't want to. I want to love and cherish women, I want to get married someday soon and have lots of kids with a good housewife and mother and i'm so sick of women these days, the only porn that turns me on now is legit like abuse porn, rape porn, humiliation, etc
before the redpill I used to love romantic couples porn where the woman feels good and comfortable and it's all about the tits and a good fuck. now I need to see women gagged and spanked and I actually hate myself right after I cum
anyone else actively avoid any "rom com" or female-centric movies?
why the fuck would I want to turn my brain into mush?
>TFW even fucking my little pony is catching on to these people
I wonder what this would look like for anime.
What the left wants is a totalitarian society made up of clones.
She had frizzy hair and glasses but turned out to be beautiful Anne Hattaway.
The end.
>then they made the same move again and called it "The Devil Wears Prada." Save me.
Well said, this is the logical conclusion to the solutions feminists seek for things they see as unequal
I actually likes the devil wears prada bc I want to be the assistant to a powerful and high-expectations type boss
but, preferably, a male boss.
Negotiation's built into their blood user. Men are built for the world of things, we have strong bodies for manipulating the world around us and sharp, robust, methodical minds for making sense of it and turning it to our use.
Women were built for the world of people. They aren't particularly strong or creative or driven to succeed like men, but they are good at using language to coax others into behaving like subordinates who can be commanded. Women do that to negotiate the stuff men create, and the problem solving skills men have, to better their own lives were they find themselves inadequate. They've done it since the species began, and proudly continue the tradition through the social justice movements and political agitations they overwhelmingly represent.
You wouldn't hate a child for crying when in need. It's their nature, they're designed to find ways to negotiate from the capable. Just remember not to take them seriously in any way, give them any important positions of responsibility in politics or business and never, ever give them the right to have a say in how your country is ru...oh..
I see .cool is on the way to becoming the new .tumblr.com
Are they counting Fantasia and the like in that?
They have nothing but a male voice over at the beginning and then just music.
Can't wait for that societal collapse.
Because freedom is what you agitate for when you can create for yourself, and want to separate yourself from a system to lessen how much it takes from you.
Feminists want access, because it's what you agitate for when you cannot create for yourself, and need to negotiate it away from those who can.
If social justice were agitated for by the capable, it would agitate to lessen ties to the system. Social justice agitates to increase ties to the system, and is thereby an access movement for the incapable.
it was a spic, though
ya, our man in ottowa is just as good a woman el oh el
ya know every boss I've ever had in life who has been a woman has always fired me in four months or less after I started talking to other employees in different positions, and finding likeminded right leaning people who also hate refugees, etc. it's so biased and unfair, because I'm usually the top employee in two months or less
I should just start my own business just to have watercooler or lockerroom talk that wont be interrupted by wrinkly lard tards demanding I do their work for them as well, I don't even care about money
Watch this instead.
but you have none of the qualities you profess, hypocritical leaf, you just bitch on Sup Forums making faux-intellectual observations garnered from conventional hearsay on /r9k/ and Sup Forums without any real personal applicative experience
While Disney movies may be male dominated in dialogue, the merchandise is dominated by female toys. That's where the real money is. Those Disney princesses are a goldmine.
>Having anything valuable to say
I know it's fantasy but that would break the immersion a bit
oh I have, was such a great movie. watched it several times, very much enjoyed the dynamic and wish there were more films like it (oh maybe I should write some then and not be a hypocrite)
thanks user,
Women talk more in the real world, I go see movies to escape that.
I go see movies for that little bit of time right after you leave the theatre and your skin is buzzing and you can imagine you're a character from the movie you just saw and make up scenes and dialogue in your head
Gender is a social construct shitlord
why do you think trans women are liked more than trans men? people like men more than women, even when said man is more feminine and girly than men should be. a woman, or a owman trying to be a man, is still just a woman.
This is something filmmakers have known for years.
Women will watch movies about men, but men won't watch movies about women.
Ergo, all the movies are about men because that broader appeal.
Free market in action.
Women are generally shit voice actors, Ellen makes a good dory though.