Is he not the best character (at least in the teen storyline)

Is he not the best character (at least in the teen storyline)

>Bit of a jerk but early on you can tell hes not that bad
>Way more mature than his shitty friend and friends slutty GF
>Didnt have to totally force a girl to fuck him. Got it being a true Alpha
>Was caring
>Wanted to clean the spray paint
>Saved John or whoever. Even if he could have fucked off

Is Steve /ourguy/.

Also which one of the kids is /ourkid/
>Missing boy

Other urls found in this thread:


what a cunt.

My vote is with toothless frogface as /ourkid/

I don't even know what the teenager plotline was good for.

Toothless is /ourkid/
Don't let the pedos tell you otherwise, he's a much better character than the frogfuck.

Childhood is idolizing Steve
Adulthood is realizing Jonathon made more sense

It's the other way around actually.

The teenager plotline was all building up to the three teenagers coming together to ambush the monster and violently attack it

.,..except after the battle it still seemed to be at full strength at the school killing all those soldiers and was 1 shot killed by Jean Grey anyway so yeah it was all fucking pointless.

It's really stupid that they went so far as to claim it's injured and had a path of blood in the twilight, but then it was all completely irrelevent

Official power ranks:
God Tier:
>invincible Cop God
>Science Teacher

Okay tier:
>Skeleton waifu
>head scientist guy

Garbage show ruining trash tier
>Winona "look at me act" Ryder
>Lucas (black kid)

Completely forgot about and left to rot tier:

What do you mean by our guy? Most like tv? None of them are shitposting retards though. Iunno, maybe millie because she likes that frog dude.

this guy is the biggest faggot

got cucked by bootleg river phoenix

put the dinner owner in god tier

and the two other cops in okay tier

>DK main
Is he /our guy/?

He literally didn't get cucked though. He thought he was but it was a misunderstanding. Ultimately he got the girl and he's the only one that fucked her

did anyone else think it was super racist how they portraty the token black as the most violent reactionary unstable memeber of the group

i thought it was super racist

Eleven wasn't garbage you take it back

I hated this shit so much fuck this guy in particular.

bootleg river phoenix could have smashed skeletor anytime

steve was a huge fucking cuck

Your literally saying the only guy who has sex in the show is a cuck. That word means nothing anymore does it

He was just the bravest

Good call, what was the diner owners name anyone remember? I wanna say Billy or something

Eleven was dumpster tier dude honestly couldn't stand the character and the episode where they first dressed her up as a girl left me traumatized.

The fact that they let her ass live is ridiculous too. Season 2 is going to be such a shit show

I hate Steve. He's a badly wirtten, 1,5 dimensional character, typical jock trope personified. Poor development arc, still got the good ending.

You have no idea what alpha means and he's not /ourguy/.

Toothless looks like that annoying little shithead kid in school, I don't know why you pedos like him so much

That shit was the cutest most adorable thing ever you fuck.

You posted in the wrong place man, these NEETS will be eternally mad Jonathon didn't get the girl just like all the cookie cutter teen movies they watch before going to bed at night

I had different thoughts about him. Ever notice how black people are more likely to be afraid of supernatural shit either in a forceful denial or a complete belief way? Whites just shrug it off. "There is no monster in the woods that eats human skin, don't be such a baby."


I think black people can sense out supernatural shit the same way dogs can sniff out Terminators. If we can utilize this we will gain the upper hand in the war on monsters, freaks, and ghosts.

Mike is a so so character but Finn is the man

post YFW 11 ends up with the nigga boy and Mike has to watch em kiss


Winona and Hopper belong together in too tier you take that back

its probably for the best anyways. He's so fucking beta he even hover hands his cousins. Fuck even erkle had more balls.

Not even reformed chads can be ourguy, sorry.

I think his right hand is on the girl's belly though. The left one isn't because he's holding a phone or something.



I would be more proud of this pic for him if it weren't his cousins. Millie really got him beat down girl wise.

Childhood is idolizing the "nice guy" Jonathan

Adulthood is realizing Steve is an actual well rounded human being who takes risks, has his faults, may stumble, but always finds the correct path in the end.

Holy shit.

I seriously can't believe I'm the only one that noticed.
>Watching ST
>Man, I know I've seen this kid before
>Following day, going through my reaction folder
>Find pic with file name that says "BANANAS"
>Open pic
>Its this
>Son of a bitch

I feel that Steve is generally talented and will get some work after the show.



You think that's bad? He joins the Black Panthers in Season 2.

at least he gets her in real life tho. pic is recent.

Steve is basically the only reason I kind of like Stranger Things.

He completely defied his character cliches. In EVERY fucking show or movie that character is supposed to be an irrational self-obsessed dick, but he absolutely deconstructed that trope and showed selfless bravery, objectivity, and actually stayed with the girl.

Steve is fucking awesome.

If Leonardo Dicaprio was raised on a terrible diet in Bongistan...

Why? Jonathan kinda sucked. That bullshit "American Beauty" speech he gave her was a cringefest.

HEy man Science guy was totally smashing blasian pussy. Even though I think they put that in so people didn't think he was a diddler.

Yeah but what does it say about the girl for going back to a guy that was laughing while his friends painted her a slut all over town?

Lucas was the most rational and realistic person on the show.

Look at it through a normal person's eyes and not like you're some omnipotent person watching all the events unfold on TV.

Anybody would be highly skeptical of what is going on and not so ready to jump into paranormal explanations for things.

The teenage plot line was the best part of the show. The kids were annoying, and Winona Ryder's overacting was so distracting.

The teenage plot line was the only area of the show where all the actors across the board were solid, and had the least predictable story writing.

Only noteworthy characters
>Black Kid
>Skeleton qt girl
>Science teacher
>Diner owner (absolutely based)

She knows he's not a cuck. He has no tolerance for her fucking around.

It says she she's mature enough to realize that people make mistakes, especially at that age.

Jonathan was a fucking autist. One night of sexual tension because you just experienced the most traumatic moment in your life does not equate to a good relationship.

It's refreshing that she actually stayed with the guy who, realistically, is so much more alpha and prize-worthy than a disheveled trailer park weirdo, lest you get the beta losers hopes up that they think life works out like it does in finctional movies.

>ITT: People who are jealous of based steve thinking she should have went with pathetic Jonathan who lives in a house with literal holes in the walls

>>It says she she's mature enough to realize that people make mistakes, especially at that age.
Nah. Its typical teenage girl shit to not break up with the popular guy that was shit to her. IRL 95% chance the girl goes back to Steve but this is a movie and supposed to be about the time that it worked out for the underdog.

Steve is the underdog.

This. I'm pretty sure the entire audience expected her to end up with Jonathan. It's become a total cliche for the weirdo outcast to get the girl in the end

You can immediately tell anyone who is seething because Jonathan didn't win is an undesirable in society who wanted to feel vindicated through a beta loser.

Steve was always the superior option.



Are these kids going to start looking weird by the time season 2 is filmed?
I don't want a bunch of pimply mustached teens running around.

Actual 4channers like Steve
Redditors like Jonathan

This is basically inarguable.

Steve and Jonathan are both great characters

they defy expectations in their own way

Do you mean stop looking weird?

Go watch anime then, it panders to NEET losers. I'd rather see virtuous but unrealistic tropes deconstructed.

dude, on some of finn's most recent vines, he already is looking older. I imagine this has girls going wild but as far as the story goes, s2 will definitely have a different feel from s1. Even with the tone of the kid's dialogue the same.

Sup Forums, much like Sup Forums and /fit/ are Chad boards. Go back to /r9k/ you disgusting undesirable autist.

Man Steve seems like a really funny and charismatic dude, I wish I was like that.

They are pretty much going to have to do a time skip

Jonathan looks like a young Leo Dicaprio

Relax nigga you just know Steves gonna fuck off to Indiana State while Jon and Nancy are left behind because its still the 1980s and only the wealthiest and smartest go to universitylike it should be.

I'm a bit sad they didn't make Steve work with the kids and become a brother to Mike, while slowly distancing from skelifu. Would of made him a more likeable character to me, but God forbid a tv show has a great alpha lead without redeeming a beta cuck with a girl instead of letting Steve help Jonathan out.

Steve was the best teen

Nigger was the best kid

Hopper was the best adult.

You have to be clinically diagnosed with autism to disagree.

he's probably done with puberty and still looks weird.

>done with puberty at 13

How retarded are you

invincible cop god was definitely the best part of the show

steve was a necessary antagonist, i hated how he turned good at the end

It's the opposite buddy

is that john ralphio?

>I love overused movie cliches and it angers me when shows deviate from them

Are you actually aware of how fucking stupid you sound?

finn is perfect