Just watched the first two episodes of DS9. My thoughts, as some else who's every Trek series (not tos lol)
>Kira is a complete QT, but her hair looks worse in the second episode
>The station is comfy as fuck
>Bashir is very likeable
>Odo is likeable enough
>That girl from the Avengers is okay
>Avery Brooks has autism, but his voice is nice to listen to
>The station is comfy as fuck
So, are any other episodes in the first two seasons worth watching? Anyone got an episode guide?
Just watched the first two episodes of DS9. My thoughts, as some else who's every Trek series (not tos lol)
Thanks senpai, I hope it's better than one of those TNG Sup Forums guides I found online. Realized I'd skipped half of my favorite episodes two thirds into my series rewatch because the guide creator hated fun.
>>That girl from the Avengers is okay
Are you confusing Jadzia Dax with Robyn from How I Met Your Mother?
>So, are any other episodes in the first two seasons worth watching?
All of them
Whoever made this should be sent to the ore refinery.
Who do I believe
I never understood why anyone would want to skip episodes. Half the fun is discussing bad eps, talking about how much of a bitch keiko is, how shitty Siskos acting was in that one ep where he was a writer. Watch them all.
DS9 is remarkably consistent compared to other Treks
It's also more serialised and you won't understand it if you skip around like a retard just because some image on the internet told you to.
Just watch them all. Every last one.
Sshhhh... We don't talk about the captain's autism
Watch the whole thing. Literally the worst episode is the one with Sisko's psychic ghost waifu, and that's only as bad as a mediocre TNG episode. It literally has no objectively bad episodes. Run Along Home is fine. The Siege of AR-558 and the follow-up It's Only A Paper Moon are pure kino.
>Watching Voyager and Enterprise before DS9
Literally why? You've already had some plot points spoiled for you without realising it
Also bet you didn't notice this in TNG
>Literally the worst episode is the one with Sisko's psychic ghost waifu
The one with Jake's psychic succubus waifu is worse, although its slightly offset in that the Lwaxana / Odo story is great.
Does anyone else wish that Julian Bashir would one day meet Gaius Baltar in some weird cross-universe episode?
Watch it all.
You've got to watch the bad ones to truly appreciate the good ones.
I used to think they were the same actor
Me too, but that they aren't means they can make out on camera while I fap...
Alright guys, I'll watch all of it.
>We don't talk about the captain's autism
Why not?
That's disgusting Garak.
> talking about how much of a bitch keiko is
Keiko only shows up in an episode if something goes horribly wrong, but overall she always seemed like a god-tier wife to me. She has a good job that she loves, she's willing to move out to the fringes of space to stay with her husband, she's given him two great children, she seems like she's always down to fuck, she gets through traumatic experiences easily and doesn't break down. And she's pretty hot.
And most importantly, she really seemed to love Miles, and always did what she could to help him
And baby I hear the Order callin'
Yamok sauce and fine kanar
And maybe I seem a bit indescript
Yeah maybe, but I got you fooled!
But I don't know what to do with all that yamok sauce and fine kanar.
Or the Tal Shiar.
Good night Cardassia!
>Sup Forums claims to be racist
>Sup Forums loves Sisko
Explain this. If the show came out in 2016 all you edgy retards would boycott it.
DS9 would piss off SJWs just as much. They would HATE Quark and not accept any of his character-growth over the course of seven-fucking seasons, saying it is rape-apologism. Or they would cite Sisko's willingness to punch people as a sign that the show writers think blacks are violent, when he's not even half as violent as Kirk was or half as potentially sadistic and genocidal as Janeway.
It would be a political chewtoy for idiots who don't even like Star Trek while the real fans who just want Trek-Kino would get shafted when it begins to affect writing and casting decisions.
Whatever drugs Dr. Mohammed has him on seem to keep him this side of nigger most of the time
And liking the character in a show doesn't mean I would let him in my country
So in Trials and Tribble-ations, Bashir meets a woman on the Enterprise with the same name as his great grandmother. Bashir's family has no idea who his great grandfather was. I've always headcanoned his great grandmother was another one of Kirk's conquests, and that Bashir was his great grandson.
>Why not?
Because that's just the way Avery Brooks is and I will fight to the death anyone who insults that sweet innocent man
Well he didn't fuck her despite getting a pretty heavy dose of the bedroom eyes, and didn't disappear, so he isn't his own grand-daddy. Although if THAT was the reason he was retarded as a kid it would have been great. Too bad they threw it out and he might be a descendant of a Kirk-bastard. Fucker probably has as many descendants as Genghis Khan.
I watched a few episodes from seasons 1 and 2, the ones that had interesting synopses.
However I'm watching every episode beginning with the season 3 premiere. I'm about two thirds through the season.
Sisko nuked a planet to get one guy who pissed him off.
Watching it now and I can't help but roll my eyes at the technobabble and think of the poor actors having to deliver it. It seemed more tolerable when I was young.
Janeway worked with the worst enemy of the entire galaxy to help them adapt to stop an enemy that was justifiably angry with them and may have ended their threat on a long-enough timeline. Species 8472 did nothing wrong.
This was all to get a ship with a 250 crew compliment home. About a quarter of the TNG crew. How many times did Picard put the Enterprise in direct risk for the greater good?
>computer, analyze Counselor Troi's last bowel movement
>construct a holographic simulation of her buttocks based on indentations from various ship seats I have catalogued, magnified 500 times
>on my mark, using the medical lab's data of Counselor Troi's last bowel movement, simulate a visual representation via the giant reconstruction of her buttocks
>"Yes Lieutenant."
>Oh, and computer?
>"Yes Lieutenant Barclay?"
>Disable all safety protocols.
This joke isn't funny anymore Broccoli poster
The hundreds of hitlers stuff was funny.
He wouldn't have access to an individual's medical data.
I think I'm in love with Julian Bashir. How do I cure my latent homosexual impulses?
Javier always gets his man
Watch it egghead
It's impossible just give up already. He even had Miles wrapped around his massive genetically modified photon torpedo.
the show is good
>genetically modified to be better than you
>so fine even the most conservative Irishman wanted him
>so fine Cardassia's most wanted spy wanted him
>Section 31 wanted him
>Dax didn't want him
>so Bashir waited for her to die and fucked her reincarnation
what are you going to do?
>When your dutiful wife is waiting for you at home with your daughters
Yoshi's a boy, and he's going to be OP when he grows up
>father is Miles O'brien
>birthed by Kira
>babysat by Worf
Coulda sworn they had two girls. Shows how little O'Brian gave a shit about his family.
>When the sole object of your sexual desires for the past seven years is off drinking with a guy whose head looks like a misshapen potato and he won't return your calls
Voyager was 100x worse than DS9 for it. There were a few moments in the early stuff delivered by Terry in her stupid wrongly EMPHASISED speech pattern but they cut that shit out quickly
>Implying Dukat discovering the Pah Wraiths on the same day Dax told Bashir she was pregnant was a coincidence
You're not a mutant so you're forgiven, but dude...
I've only just gotten around to watching DS9 after having loved TNG and TOS, liked Voyager and (depending on the season) sort of enjoyed Enterprise
As a kid I just couldn't get into it, the lack of exploration and muh Bajor muh Prophets did nothing for me. Now that I've come back with a more mature mind, I fucking love it. Dukat best boy.
I've seen a few SJW websites praise DS9 for the portrayal of Sisko. He's a black man who is still in touch with his race and culture and the show brings up racism far more directly when it comes to hew-mons.
I agree on Quark though, they wouldn't stand for him without the entire show to look at.
>Friendly reminder that Kirk has only been canonically confirmed to have slept with 4 women. Usually he just fell in love.
Is Kirk is a slut who sleeps with every alien chick he meets the first TV meme?
Sound advice for anyone getting into a TV series
>Implying you wouldn't go to some fucking dark places to get your family home safe and in one piece.
>Implying they wouldn't have gotten assimilated anyway out of Borg curiosity for what the fuck a Starfleet ship was doing out there
Janeway is flawed as fuck, but in my opinion she's the most human of all the Trek captains.
Who wouldn't break the rules to keep their family safe?
Of course it does mean she doesn't get to be all high and mighty about the crew of the Equinox using interdimensional aliens as fuel, but shhhhhhhh
>It's a Dukat and Odo team up to put the bad guy in prison (stardate 4016.5) episode
I wouldn't mind Avery Brooks doing an on stage portrayal of Javert
I'd watch an entire episode of DS9 that was just them performing Les Miz
>Quark as Monsieur Thénardier
Holy fuck, its perfect. Fund it. Now.
Speaking of, has Brooks ever done any stage/theater acting? I don't mind his over the top delivery as much as some people but he's very theatrical in his roles. He'd be great in a musical for sure
Or Negus Zek
>you will never hear Garak sing 'On My Own'
>You will never see the cut episode of DS9 where Bashir has a Prophets flashback to Mohammed Mohammed who's just an innocent terrorist trying to get along in the 2010s but the racist British cops don't want non-whites being terrorists so they fire him and lock him up for mental illness
As far as I'm aware he went into teaching people about acting on stage at some point after DS9
And he can sing really well and play the piano. If he hasn't, he's wasting a legitimate gift
The fuck are you talking about? I would have genocided the Kazon in the Ocampan system, taken the array home, and never have been stuck in the Delta Quadrant to begin with.
Well obviously, but at that point she's still
>Muh prime directive
Years later she's had time to reflect on that
Beverly Crusher was always mind wiping dumb aliens, Janeway could have got everyone to go to the cargobay and have all the psychic aliens pick who can be trusted and who needs to visit The Doctor for a check-up
>Beverly Crusher did it, so that makes it ok to undermine the prime directive
This was her first mission as a captain if I recall.
Noone wants to shit on the prime directive (prime as in first, as in most important) on their first day in the captains chair on a snazzy new ship class
He's a crazy who holds terrible zealotous religious and political beliefs these days.
What beliefs does he hold?
Just watch all of them dude. They're pretty good.
that the prophets are the true gods of Bajor
>S06E08 - Resurrection
>AKA the one where Kira meets up with her dead boyfriend
I'm watching DS9 all the way and am currently halfway through s06. I enjoy most eps, but the mirror world ones are fucking trash and a wasted concept
Also best grill. Basically Kira without the being a bitch
>basically kira while having huge tits
the mirror world is dope, everyone is horny and/or lesbian
>Halfway through s06
>Dislikes Mirror episodes
Are you me?
I adore the Mirror Universe 2 parter Enterprise had because I fucking love the concept of the Terran Empire and it's always a blast to see the actors get to ham it up as over the top villains.
Fuck DS9 and their
>The Mirror Terrans are just good guys fighting a losing battle
Fuck that. The only real difference they had was that they didn't have a prime directive.
At least in TOS and in Enterprise they were to varying degrees amoral
Not appearing until season 7 is best grill
Leeta a dumb whore. The Bajoran currency is the Lita, her name is literally Daaller.
I thought it was weird Dax wanted to fuck Sisko so bad. Did Kurzon feel that way too?
>he likes Dollar Discount Dax
>Bajoran currency is the Lita
>Ferengi love money
>mfw Rom gets to literally have sex with currency
>mfw Rom was a good Ferengi after all
Based Rom
I got sick of the evil Kira schtick fast, shoulda dropped her after the first mirror ep. Not like they have the time to develop their side of the story anyway
Smiley O'Brien was ok tho
>Not appearing until season 7 is best grill
What, Keiko comes back to the station?
Your Dax fucked a fat Hawaiin dude at her bacherlorette party too btw
What the fuck was the point of Ziyal?
>the season 6 episode where kira and jake shoot lasers at each other
>all the season 7 episodes where religious bullshit gets in the way of actually interesting plots
I don't remember if she was a dax in the mirror world, or just Jadzia?
Giving us this beauty
I bet she was very VERY fertile
mcguffin / character dev for dukat
To give Kira and Dukat a reason to see eye to eye
To humanise Dukat
To humanise Garak
To give the audience one more reason to dislike Dumar
I'll be forever annoyed that she was offed so cheaply. I was fully expecting Dukat to lose his shit when she was shot and and fuck that other Cardassian official up bigtime but NOPE, nothing
Her relationship with Garak could've been one of the more interesting dynamics in the show
I watched that episode earlier on today and I was very surprised Dukat didn't go ape shit on Dumar
>Her relationship with Garak could've been one of the more interesting dynamics in the show
What by being his beard?
Holy fucking shit do I hate Alexander in DS9
Why is he such a fucking pussy?
I'm watching the episode where he's taking part in Worfs bachelor party and O'Brien has to ask if they can turn down the heat for him.
If a fat potato nigger like O'Brien can take the heat what the fuck is his problem?
That's the beauty of it. Dukat is a flip flopping nutcase.
>Meet your daughter, decide that you will murder her
>Abandon your family and career for your new daughter
>Daughter gets killed, react like it was protocol and don't think so much about it
>Later have a psychotic breakdown over it
His love for Cardassia is his anchor to madness.
>To humanize Dukat
>And then turn him into a literal (Bajoran) Satanist Death Cult leader, of whom the only confirmation we have that he wasn't just bullshitting everyone, is that Kira thought he might have been semi serious about it
Dukat did nothing wrong my ass. He should've taken that suicide pill and joined the glorious wraiths in the afterlife, to battle the prophets
Bruh do you even know about O'Brien? Dude's a stone cold killer. Massacred Cardassian soldiers, women, and children.
The problem with Alexander is that for his entire life he completely rejected all Klingon culture and then suddenly tried to flip flop and become a true klingon overnight.
It's like when Carlton tried to join that nigger frat
i like the character, but everytime i see this guy i keep thinking of him as a knockoff willem dafoe
In Sisko's defense, the dude was a fucking leaf
Jake is worst character. I love how Kira and Odo numerously tell him to fuck off as a journalist when the Dominion take over the station again
The Visitor was the one exception though, I cried like a bitch by the end of it
>Implying the fat Hawaiian dude didn't actually fuck Morn instead
>implying morn isn't a better lay
They told him to fuck off because he was pointing out how they were tacitly aiding the Dominion occupation you mong.
The entire point of that was that his questions were hitting a little too close to home
and people complain about janeway being bipolar..
Jake is fine, he's a pretty good son and isn't absolute cancer like Wesley.
Oh I didn't cop that, guess I wasn't paying enough attention.