ITT: Characters who wouldn't be allowed today

ITT: Characters who wouldn't be allowed today

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any white male extra

imagine if they made a movie called "BLACK CHIX" starring two white male comedians playing stereotypically sassy ghetto black women. everybody would lose their minds.

I guess conversely, if you released White Chicks today the theatres would be firebombed by alt-right meninists



I didn't even know they wete playedby black men before this post.

But Zwarte Piet is allowed in the Netherlands.

actually dutch are getting cucked by immigrants
if you want the authentic experience belgium's a better bet

Matt Stone and Trey Parker could get away with it.

We aren't, fuck RTL and their pandering horseplops rural Holland (non-biblebelt) still has nigger Piets no worries

Even in the Randstad there´s a load of municipalities still using the old Piet

weren't the Piets in Amsterdam going to be rainbow colored this year?

That said honestly if you consider Zwarte Piet in any way or form racist you're not Dutch or Belgian, its a major part of our culture.


Archie bunker

maybe some weird as limburg dialect uses them?

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>if you consider being overweight in any way or form unhealthy you're not American

Nah. If you released White Chicks today, the jokes would be more mocking of white people, more focused on the personal struggle of the black male actors. Shitstorm similar to Ghostbusters too

nice analogy faggot

racism is a direct result of cultural association
blackface in the US is associated with oppression of the negro race and thus racist
however zwarte piet in the netherlands and belgium is associated with a holiday where kids get candy and toys and thus completely innocent.
If you consider zwarte piet racist your associations come from a culture that does not have the sinterklaas tradition and you're not dutch or belgian and thus poorly integrated into society

Was it autism?

imagine the shitstorm

If anything, the movie was too kind to white bitches, who have only gotten worse with the rise of social media.
