Of all the Holocaust and black slavery films ever made, which ones are actually good and which ones only get recognition because it's an automatic Oscar nomination to make films on the subject?
Of all the Holocaust and black slavery films ever made...
The Pianist is good.
Django Unchained is decent. It has a great first act but then it gets progressively shittier as Tarantula's coffee gets hotter and hotter.
I don't think I've seen any others. Not even Schindler's List.
Don't promote the movies of child molesters.
Avoid this. Or rather, avoid the first hour.
Django Unchained was shit. You don't even have to mention that you haven't seen any others because it's already blatantly obvious given your dumbass opinions.
The Pianist is a really good movie, it's one of my favorites. Not because it's a holocaust movie but because it shows you a perspective of the war you don't usually get in mainstream war movies (i.e. from pollacks pov, jews, germans, russians.) Keep in mind I don't think I've seen any other holocaust movies so I don't know how original this is.
Too bad it's made by a child rapist so I can never recommend it to anyone.
Chappelle's take on black slavery in the Time Haters skit is the best we'll ever see.
Django unchained was literally poop on a cuckstick.
No, user, your opinions are shit and so are you. Glad I could help.
>He actually unironically thinks Django Unchained was a good movie and wasn't just trolling the first time
>He actually unironically is retarded
Also, I never said it was good, I said it was -decent- and parts of it were shit, therefore bringing the film down as a whole.
It was over-the-top violent and pointless, just like basically every Tarantino movie.
What exactly was actually good about it?
I tried rewatching The Pianist this year again.
It is such trite, schmalzy propaganda holy fuck. It might even outpropaganda and outschmalz Schmalzer's List
When that nazi officer shot one of the old nagging kike women in the head in front of everyone I stopped watching and deleted that piece of shit.
No single soldier or officer in Nazi-Germany had the authority to publicly execute kikes without repercussions.
Of course I didn't know this when I watched this piece of juden dreck back when it came out and believed the filthy kike propaganda.
can we just take a moment to appreciate how glorious thomas kretschmann's hair is?
Schindler's List, The Pianist, they're all garbage.
>No single soldier or officer in Nazi-Germany had the authority to publicly execute kikes without repercussions.
Son of Saul
Shoah and Night and fog are pure kino. Son of Saul is 95% kino. Schindlers list is 50% kino
>Nazis didn't do nuffin
>they were good boys
without fail. Just say you didn't like the movie and it was over the top and unbelievable, don't make it completely obvious you retard
also plenty of soldiers and officers had the authority to shoot Jews on sight, especially on the Eastern Front where literally anyone you wanted could be summary tried as a partizan