>be me
>tell white pig to fuck off
>He called me racist
How the fuck I can be racist? only white people has racism
>be me
>tell white pig to fuck off
>He called me racist
How the fuck I can be racist? only white people has racism
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, really makes you think.
About cranking up the "Enola Gay"?
Never change, Japan.
if it makes you feel better, im a darkie and my fiancee is from osaka. solid 8/10 bruh. also white bitches suck.
whitu pugu go homu
Are white people the equalivent of niggers there? Do we cause the majority of crime and not intergrate into society over there?
What did OP mean by this?
OP is airforce fag guaranteed.
Don't fall for the white woman are better than black meme
darkie, it only ruins and mixes our races.
>japanese posters
>a burger
Nice digits tho Juan
Use proper Japanese you faggot
I want to become Japanese
Why didn't you win the second world war
Why did you allow communism take me
Why did you allow lilith to make TABA
I don't know.
maybe Fuck you.
Hi John. I see you enjoying Tokyo life. Good.
When do you go back to your country?
The history of the world is asian, we're just living in it for a while
theyre only there for sex tourist anyway
should have gone Samurai
Can I come to Japan and help you have children?
I have light and fair skin compared to average chinks and I'm 6'1 and white washed
That's because whites are seen as the political majority.
You're nip because you're racist
Wow so edgy
Send help
Literal pigu go homu
FUCK off you're not my son
well done, white piggu go home!
Fucking proxy posters.
No, koreans and chinese are niggers here.
Hey man I refused to be associated in the same degree as Koreans
Vietnamese are even bigger niggers
Then I guess we are bro teir then. Noice.
good. Keep shitting on those gwailoes. Look at all the liberal nonsense they are creating now.
prove your in glorious nippon jap posters
fuck off disgusting idiot.
you are going to pollute Japan. Is this what you want to do?
stay fucking away or go to china
Daily reminder to chinks and gooks the other respectable Asians left are South East Asians
also, how big does pepe have a presence in Japan?
I really like your countrys cars from 70s,80s,90s op
fuck you, you rude piece of shit.
>be me
>jap cries about wanting to kill himself
>tell him to man up of fuck off
>complains on Sup Forums
>you will never have superior asian genetics.
Why live?
You japs are all fugly.
Without surgery, you are even worse than Korean.
Bockscar was a more inspired name. too bad they missed.
>be me
>in anime Island
>Seduce nip grill
>Fug her in bagina
>Hear banging on wall next door from beta old Jap man
>he comes out of the fuckin trees
>lads are freaking out, nips hopping out of holes in the ground and from bushes
>angle 4 forward, angle 4 forward this is capn' user requesting artillery mission on grid 1137 how copy?
>good copy whaitu piggu firing for effect
>mfw nips crawled into the artillery shells and fired themselves at us
>japs falling from the sky, casualties everywhere
I still see the dakimakuras in my dreams.
Some of you are ok, but lots of Chinese are awful. No manners, loud, buying up shit at convenience stores to resell it, tourists climbing on sakura trees and destroying them for selfies. Seriously nigger-tier.
Koreans are a bit better in terms of manners, but the Zainichi are masters of gibs me dat. They literally just passed a hate speech law making it illegal to criticize Koreans. Seriously. It ONLY protects Koreans.
American white people are ok. I lived in the states for a long while and you guys are mostly bro-tier.
You arrogant shit head, I bet im better looking and more mannered than you are. Fucking 部落民 low life.
>I really like your countrys cars from 70s,80s,90s op
What about us? How are we compared to Koreans and Chinese? I always wanted to visit Japan, but kept thinking about racism I'd face.
t. english teacher
how's life in nippon land white pigu?
>rice tier debating
Why are nips on our board? Shouldn't they be on 2ch.
Good work nip
>t. Nigger English teacher
Indians are ok. You guys learn Japanese way faster than white people. Great curry shops in Tokyo too.
I go to both. I like to come here to use English. I know one other Japanese guy that comes here sometimes, but his English is really bad.
god bless the holy empire of nippon. canada will always love your lame cartoons we all grew up watching on ytv.
Get back in the loo where you belong
>but his English is really bad.
I've seen him post. He is the greatest poster of all time. You Nips are a gloriously sardonic bunch of fuckers.
Do you have sex with your nip women or have you given up and become a neet like my animes?
Also how fucked is Japan really with fukushima because it seems pretty bad. How much radiation can one island take?
Do mankind a favor and stay homogeneous forever, Japan.
I thought you Nips didn't like real curry
Jap curry is very different
In my city we get a lot of you Japabese tourists during the summer, I would consider moving there if my country falls.
Oh thats good to know! Does it help that I'm a huge fan of Gaki no Tsukai as well
You guys are bro tier
Shut up Japan, haven't you got a dog cooking festival to attend you slanty eyed sushifuck
this, im black and have an asian gf. never had a retarded white cunt, only asian pussy. so damn tight. I'd advise all the other brothers out there to start claiming your asian waifu now.
Why haven't we pulled our our troops out of Japan yet? Why do we need marines hanging out in Okinawa? I have a life aspiration of getting a hot asian wife and the niggers on base are ruining it for the rest of us.
it helps that the indians have more similarities with other asians than Latin based cultures do, especially with how historically they developed alongside you folks
I'm going to rub my hands up your slim Asian body and slip my dick into your ass. I'm going to kiss your lips and look into your slant exotic eyes as you gasp. Then I'll watch your feminine like hips bounce up and down until I cum inside you. I'll have you screaming SENPAI in no time. We'll fuck until the rising son and then some. I'll wear your kimono while you wear my Wal-Mart T-shirt that say "I pooped today"
Maybe it is the guy I know. He is very right wing. Likes to defend Japan online.
I have a gf though some of my friends are still virgins. Fukushima is not as bad as it is portrayed.
We are trying!
Both types of curry are good but I prefer Japanese.
You are thinking of Koreans, Mohammed.
Im fluent in English and Chinese
How hard is it to learn Japanese
Why is there always shit going down between the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese? For some fucking reason they hate each other and hate the rest of the world.
well, you just exchange "ching chong" for "nip nong"
Chinese is literally impossible. I have no idea how you people talk that shit.
It is a long story. Mostly they are still butthurt about us kicking their asses during WW2. They still demand a lot of handouts even today.
>Fukushima is not as bad as it is portrayed.
What 600 tons of nuclear material buried miles underground polluting your groundwater and being literally un-containable with modern technology isn't that bad?
>Mostly they are still butthurt about us kicking their asses during WW2
Don't forget the atrocities Hirohito. Your neighbors certainly haven't.
Ok desu
Isn't Japanese curry typically sweeter and less spicy than Indian curry? I might like to start adding more curry to my diet, but I wonder which I should get. Are there any other spices you like?
Also, do you have any war manga to suggest? Something with furigana. None of my manga have war themes.
I think the toilets there would scare the shit out of you
When I lived in Japan I went to a cafe for my afternoon's repast. I was sitting beside an elderly couple, and heard the man mutter in Japanese with an Osakan accent to his diminutive wife, "Stupid (baka) American (Amerijin). His stink puts me off my tea (ocha). He looks like the type who likes Gundam," to which I responded in my flawless Japanese (Nihongo), "Excuse me, Uncle, but that sort of Burakumin rudeness might fly in Osaka, but here in Nagano I believe the local etiquette calls for only courtesy to be extended to one's guests, especially foreigners (gaijin)." He and his wife apologized profusely, and upon receiving this satisfaction, I proposed, "Would you share a cup of sake (rice wine) with me?" and we toasted to the health of the Emperor. In the pursuant conversation about the recent nuclear accident and the beauty of the nearby cherry blossoms (sakura), we finished our meals of sushi (fish) together, and as I bid them farewell (sayonara), I said, "Oh, and by the way, I'm Canadian (Kanadajin) and I prefer Evangelion." I winked at them as the wife blushed and giggled and her husband's jaw dropped in amused awe, and took my leave.
>netouyo detected
Never had Indian curry but Jap Currys is fucking delicios.
Three things I miss about Japan are hi chews, Aquarius, and coco I chiba ichibanya their curry chain
Ignore the I chiba my spell check is retarded
Also miss going to fast food chains and all the food looks picture perfect and made with pride
You can get a lot of JP candies in Asian food stores. I got a bag of hi-chews and a tin of sakuma drops just last week, in fact. They'll both last a long time.
If anything, 7-11s should carry the smaller hi-chew 'stick' packs, probably even if you live more towards the center of the US. Especially if you live to the western edge.
Do you have a specific curry brand to suggest getting? Any other ingredients? I've been in the mood to cook some new foods lately.
Also, is aquarius essentially the same thing as pocari sweat? I've had neither, but I've heard good things about PS.
Sage and report citizens
Sage and report
I've never been able to find hi chews in my town but out west I've seen them.
As far as brand or making them no idea, I just always would go to cocos basically it's white rice then a ton of curry sauce then you can get like chicken or pork or fish or whatever as the meat. It was a little spicy but they had a range from 1-10 you could order for heat I always got 4 since I'm white.
Aquarius is similar to Pocari sweat somewhat, but I find pocari sweat absolutely disgusting. But there both sports drinks. There was another I forget the name of that was lemon flavored which was super good too.
it is animu you leaf head
I'm sure things like hi-chew move further out if they continue becoming more popular. I used to never see JP candies or snacks in convenience stores and markets years back, but shit like pocky and hi-chew are becoming available in regular markets now--even in areas with few Asians. This trend is sure to follow if it continues picking up as well as it has so far over here.
I really want to get some curry now. Indian cuisine looks like a pain to make, though, with all of the ingredients needed for many dishes. JP curry sounds like it's easier to work with.
I've got some powder I picked up a few months ago, but I haven't used it. It smelled and tasted odd, but maybe that's because I didn't make an actual curry sauce with it.
Wow, I feel so enlightened now!