ITT: actors with only one good performance or movie
ITT: actors with only one good performance or movie
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adam sandle
He was also good in Reign Over Me, so you're wrong.
what movie is that? here's my pick
Dustin Hoffman
It's punch drunk love and tom hardy has been other good movies and has better performances
Dustin Hoffman was good in Rain Man, Marathon Man, Kramer vs Kramer, The Graduate, Papillon... and more.
Did he touch you were you were a kid or something?
Dan Aykroyd
He was only good in Blues Brothers.
Tom Hardy has never been in a good film
Remember when everyone thought Sandler was gonna be a serious actor after this
>serious bait
Before you start talking shit about Ghostbusters, you need to fully understand that you're wrong.
dragnet, ghostbusters
Reign Over Me was pretty decent
>the actor with probably the most consistent and great filmography during the late sixties and seventies
>the graduate
>midnight cowboy
>little big man
>straw dogs
>all the president's men
>marathon man
>kramer vs kramer
Nice bait you got me to reply
Owen Wilson
I dunno, his old movies were kinda funny. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, etc.
But yeah, his later stuff was shit.
I thought The Do Over was pretty funny.
>implying Drillbit Taylor isn't Pure Kino
I'm talking out my ass honestly because I haven't seen any other films with Dwight Yoakim.
I remember being excited when I heard he would be in the Green Hornet
He's pretty good in Problem Child I guess but Kramer isn't that big of a kino man.
>implying Doc Schultz wasn't the main of Django
Nigga I love Waltz even Hornet because it was a fun movie not your serious capeshit.
Django was awful
Neck yourself you filthy fucking casual
That's you're opinion.
Best Tarantino film imo
never watched that
am i being meme'd?
He played the same role in this movie, differnce is the character was written for him.
>implying he isn't magnificent in every Wes Anderson movie he's in
it has Drake Bell playing someone that's supposed to be intimidating
what do you think
Watch True Romance
>mention Dan Aykroyd
>the only movies listed are Blues Bros, Ghost Bros, and Cop Bros
fuck all of you
You mean Josh Peck
>no mention of Gross Pointe Blank
You niggas don't know kino
yeah you're right, he's so good n life actuatic
GPB was great
honestly it was decent, but for whatever reason the schlock wasn't the type of schlock that I liked usually.
tinker tailor soldier spy
UHF motherfucker
I like Trading Places
What about zoolander?
>not thinking Fury Road was good
>being this much of a contrarian
Fucking Sup Forums up to their usual faggotry I see
This is why you guys are hated more than Sup Forums/
damn take it easy user, we all know this is the worst board but don't be such a winny bitch
stanley spadowski > kramer
lol didn't mean to trigger u newbitch
That movie sucked. Grown Ups blows this out of the water.