This is the most important trilogy in film history
This is the most important trilogy in film history
It's a trilogy?
It's pretty awful, either way, though.
FUCK you
They did two sequels? I had no idea but I do remember the first one being pretty good.
He wasn't alone.
Stupid flim for stupid people
Fack you all
Whoops. Wrong pic.
/r9k/s wet dream?
No thanks.
The first one was good because it was pure- angry guy vs the rest, a slasher movie with guns.
And then it became a movie about muh politiks.
>Fuck the system
Killing everyone who isn't liberal isn't "fucking the system"
Uwe is retarded
he just kills random people in the first movie, it's clear they didn't think of the political angle until the second one.
It's especially funny in the third one where his waifu says "he wasn't a terrorist, he just did what needed to be done" when all he did was kill random people in the street, kek
These movies are a fucking cringefest.
Ernsthaft Uwe, ich mag deine serioeseren Filme, also so ganz unironisch, aber auf Sup Forums so billig noch fuer sich selbst werben? Wirklich?
>le "edgy is bad" meme
Let me explain.
First movie was ingenious. He showed blue collar man, surrounded by propaganda of "success" and violance. So, he made up a plan, he used violence to money and he succeed.
What happened then. Then Uwe make second and third movie and showed that this guy REALLY BELIEVES in all this bullshit and noncense in his videio messages. He took ingeniuos manipulator and turned him into some parody on himself. The Guy now is not evil born by society, he is now just average maniac with a lot of firepower. 2d movie should ended with The Guy making shit-load of money on this stream as a part of his masterplan. But Uwe fucked it all up. He ruined it all, man, he ruined it all.
>goes on a shooting spree so he can spout his "wake up sheeple-core" political views
im glad Uwe is done
>im glad Uwe is done
>ywn see "Getahded Vizzard in ze Forrest"
Why live?
>After end credits Uwe Boll is seen lifting his cap and then walking away. Stating a goodbye, since this was his last movie.
What did he mean by this?
mahvel avengers bullshit dirt
What's he gonna do now?