I know you retards want Trump to have the nuclear codes for the lulz, but answer me this: How is it not racist to suggest a person can't carry out a judicial process because of their heritage?
I won't even argue with you, just tell me how it's NOT racist.
Kevin Butler
Mexican isn't a race
John Wright
this is why I'm a #cruzmissile
Benjamin Lee
The judge is part of a racist mexican organization lmao
Jackson Rodriguez
The judge is member of LA RAZA faggot, saying that his Mexican heritage has no weight on his decision is stupid, most Mexicans have very biased views on Trump and s guy who is Mexican and subscribes to LA RAZA propaganda will not be impartial towards Trump, as simple as that.
Zachary Gonzalez
>membership in a foreign group presents a conflict of interest when dealing with the same foreign group Oh, but no, it's just racism.
Christopher Roberts
Because judges shouldn't have conflicts of interests between their job as fair arbiters and their personal identities you fucking leaftard.
This is so fucking stupid I'm half convinced it's bait.
Cameron Ramirez
>Guy says very loudly for a decade that the Iraq war was a disaster >People treat him like a warmonger because ????
A fuckin
Nolan Allen
>I won't even argue with you
Good attitude to have Justin. If you fight us we win anyways, so you may as well just let us win without a fight.