Whats so bad about Trump?

Whats so bad about Trump?

>wants to get rid of law breakers (wall)
>wants to raise the working pay (wall)
>wants to support Israel (greatest ally)
>wants to support small business (less tax, no medical obligation
>wants to support public health (obamacare without mandate)
>wants to make America great again (pledge of allegiance, no football kneelers)

I just dont get it. You people must struggle to find ways to hate him.

Other urls found in this thread:


He isn't part of the RNC or DNC Establishment. That's pretty much it. The RNC hated him, but had to get on board once he won. The DNC can't stand they lost to a noob politician, so they've gone full court press to try and fuck him up.

But it turns out Obama and Co. were breaking just about every law on the books to try and help Hillary win. So they're also in "damage control mode" because they realize just how deep a shit they're in if Trump's DOJ starts tossing them in jail.

Grab some popcorn and watch. This is gonna get goooooooood.

All of those issues are very important.

absolutely true



>Israel (greatest ally)

>if Trump's DOJ starts tossing them in jail.
>MFW Trump's indictment is imminent.
Ramp it up Ivan.



You're retarded if you believe that. Trump hasn't done anything wrong

I can't wait for Obama and Hillary's team to get tossed in jail.
You notice how quite the Liberal/Democratic Media has become since the memo was released and how quite the Democratic Party in Office has shut the fuck up?
That memo is gonna knock em down a few pegs and hopefully sent to jail.

This is fucking great.

>taking low energy bait
but still, it's sad to see le 56% forget the purpose of the American experiment in Liberty.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

that was written on the statue of liberty by france, whom gifted the statue to the usa.

it wasnt a national proclamation to invite every roach from every shithole country.

>libs using some gay poem that wasnt even part of the statue as written law



I don't trust politicians but Trump has one thing on his side and that's how scared he has the establishment and deep state. In my 50 years on Earth I've never seen such a coordinated attack on a sitting president from the FBI, congress, the media and the thousands of shills online. The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

agreed. as many have said, trump was our last chance to get a political outsider in the white house.

The wall will be a waste of money - hiring more border agents and flying more drones would do a much better job for cheaper. He lies so much that people can't tell what's true anymore - classic tactic used by dictators. He doesn't give a shit about rule of law unless the law suits him. Could have tied Jerusalem decision to concessions to move closer to a peace deal - wasted opportunity. Dumping TPP means China now has far more influence across Asia. Should have negotiated a better deal instead - another wasted opportunity. Lowering corporate tax rates SHOULD be contingent on eliminating bullshit subsidies and making the tax code simpler. Didn't happen, ANOTHER wasted opportunity.

Basically, he lacks all understanding of nuance. Like a surgeon using a chainsaw instead of a scalpel. And he sucks Putin's cock every chance he gets.

border agents account for like 1 capture per 20 agents at bet

trump doesnt give a shit about the rule of law, that we agree on. but hes determined to make america better. some system baby like hillary would only bog us down further in red tape and more immigrants.

trump chose to side with korea and japan who are our actual allies. china is a competitor, one who has been raping us via trade for decades.

basing a law on congindencies is not realistic. congress hardly ever agrees on anything.

You guys are all crazy.

Trump is the enemy. He is the swamp.

The market has shown the first signs of an eminent crash. Which is to be expected after a massive tax cut.

In history, the markets have always crashed after a massive tax cut.

On top of that, Trump now wants to throw a military parade. We're getting into dictator territory now.

Literally everything Trump could have done wrong, he did do wrong.

Mark my words, even though he claimed responsibility for the rising stock market, he will blame democrats as soon as it will start to fall.

If you support him and can't see all that, it's because you don't want to.

>Whats so bad about Trump?
He's mentally unstable and not competent enough to be president.

>wall is a waste of money
>repubs who control Drumpf don't give a shit about minimum wage
>He is causing chaos in Israel
>Less taxes alone will not help small businesses, you have to take power away from giant corporations who are stealing their business
>We need single payer just like all the other major developed countries, oh and Canuckistan
>He stole that line from Reagan and it's stupid because America has never been great, just powerful

5 rubles have been deposited into your account.


>But it turns out Obama and Co. were breaking just about every law on the books to try and help Hillary win. So they're also in "damage control mode" because they realize just how deep a shit they're in if Trump's DOJ starts tossing them in jail.
You're a complete fucking moron if you think going to jail was a motivating factor to defeat Trump. Trying to pin something on Obama and Hilary is a dead end. Us adults have know that for quite a long time now. So, moving on.

>wants to support small business (less tax, no medical obligation)

His government hasn't done anything like this, it's gotten worse take it from me

>must struggle to find ways to hate him.

they do and they want to hate so bad they run around like sheep not using their fucking brain

a good example of fake news
but libtards will take this source less made up bullshit as fact , when its 100% fiction

You are mentally retarded.

I hate the way he talks and presents himself. He's a poor choice of face to represent us. I'd rather go back to having dedicated sociopaths in office.
