what’s your tinder anthem Sup Forums? has anyone ever even paid attention to it?
What’s your tinder anthem Sup Forums? has anyone ever even paid attention to it?
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I don't have Spotify but it would probably be Digital Bath.
does anyone have luck with tinder?
No. I find Whisper actually works better. Especially for hookups, but could also work for dating.
curious as well considering the chances of me meeting a girl in the real world are pretty much zero
Future Days
Are you attractive?
Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper. It used to be Mambo No 5.
I think I’m okay looking, I don’t really know
if I am I’m sure my crippling social retardation will cancel it out anyway
Tinder is full of normie "NO I'M NOT A WHORE" whores who apparently all like hiking.
Hiking up and down chad's cock
i've gotten 12 matches and only one girl actually met up with me. date was awkward af.
for me it usually dies off when they add me on snapchat and shit. im not into that shit.
my friend was an ex-model and gets 60 matches but only gets to fuck 4-5 girls a month.
the only good thing about tinder is the off-chance u meet somebody who likes the same niche shit you're into. if not you're better off meeting girls in college while doing tinder on the side
Explain in detail how the date went.
>thinking the least important part of a tinder bio matters
>meeting girls in college
how do you do this
t. junior with zero (0) friends
If you've already made it to being a junior and you still don't have a single friend, you're fucked.
I usually get notifications that I got matches but then there's nothing there when I open the app, which I think means they unmatched me immediately. Whenever I manage to send someone a message they unmatch me.
Hey Moon by John Maus. One girl said she istened to John Maus because she was obsessed with me. I wasted two weeks on her before she revealed she has a boyfriend already and was just looking for friends.
i mean i've got like two but they don't count because they're my roommates and don't have any friends either.
come to think of it literally everybody i've roomed with so far had no friends, i even joined a club and the guy who's supposed to be teaching me how things are done doesn't have any friends in the club either
this is what i get for breaking that mirror isn't it
a song about electrocuting a girl in bathtub? nice
Hell yeah, those bitches don't know any better. It sounds sexy.
Better than all the "I love watching Netflix on Friday nights" chicks on Okcupid.
I change mine once in a while when I feel like it. I just picked Anal Cunt songs with funny names and then had Close to the Edge for a while. Right now its this:
How do you not just talk to people? Don't people ever talk to you? Do you not respond to people when they try to talk to you? I'm shy as fuck, but I've never had any problem making friends.
Those are the ones you should be going after, user.
I'd rather Netflix and chill than hike, you're more likely to get laid because you're in a home environment and just sitting together, allowing you to touch her and get her in the mood.
>girl starts texting me couple days prior every 10mins like we are a couple
>demands we meet up because she feels like we have chemistry
>day of the date she snapchats me the outfit she picked out
>decide to meetup at the local mexican restaurant since its half-price tacos
>get there 10mins early and text her i got a table
>she shows up 15mins late and makes up some excuse she got loss(even tho she gave me directions to the place)
>ignore and try to keep my autism down and ask general shit and continue convos we had via text
>she randomly blurts i look cuter in person and i autistically say y-you too
>convo starts getting dead because like a dumbass i already told her majority shit i like via text
>food comes and whenever i say something she answers one word replies
>get pessimistic and realize i must have fucked up somewhere
>finish food and offer to take her to grab some ice cream and she says no
>hug her like a beta and drive home
>she texts me 30mins later she had a great time and wants to see me again
she did keep texting me and sent me a boob pic randomly on snapchat but could never get a 2nd date.
talk to ppl in your class. even if its for borrowing notes and making chit-chat. i've met majority of my friends in math class because of how hard it is so everybody just wants to get it over with.
then again is your lectures in a auditorium or room?
>sent me a boob pic randomly
Sounds like a whore. You're better off without her.
nobody tries to talk to me, my classes are almost always big lectures or just anti-social in general. in lab classes some of us start talking while we're waiting for reactions or whatever but that's it, and i've never had anybody try to talk to me while i'm just sitting around waiting for class or anything
Damn, that's why you don't burn out conversations via text, gotta save some stuff to talk about in real life.
You might give off unapproachable vibes. Get your posture checked.
Im thankful for the fap material . can't get better at sex if i never have it
yeah that was 4 months ago. been learning about how to handle situation based on the person.
you're probably poor but popular band t-shirts might help you out.
Not him but it definitely happens. I find it infuriating when normalfags say "how do you not make friends" it happens. I gave up trying to make friends in high school because nobody ever approached me and every time I tried to talk to people they would seem disinterested and give one sided responses. In college I still don't have friends. I learned how to pick up girls but I still have no friends
well i've pretty much always got headphones on but that's because i walked around for the entirety of freshman year without them because i figured someone might want to talk to me at some point and then realized that i was wrong at the end
Guy you replied to here, I should mention I'm not in college and have never been, but at work I usually make friends pretty quick when people start talking to me. They heckle me and I just laugh it off which gives off that I'm a chill dude, or I complain about work to them which they relate to. Then they start trying to get to know me, and suddenly I get people wanting to drink, smoke or party with me.
>I'm shy as fuck, but I've never had any problem making friends.
Normies get out.
That's good, I learned from experience too. My dating life so far has been shit, but it's getting better every time.
yeah i used to be like this also. i got better at reading ppl when i took uber rides 3x a week and chit chat with the drives.
i'm a pretty likeable guy i think, everybody tends to like me at parties and shit
at least the dudes do anyway
i used to be an EMT and literally the only part of that job i was any good at was the chit chat
>everybody tends to like me at parties and shit
Holy FUCK normalfags need to go back to Facebook
>ywn double team a roastie with one of your bros from Sup Forums while cpt beefheart frownland plays in the background on loop
If you go to parties and people like you, why aren't they your friends? You're the junior with zero (0) friends right?
Honestly don't pretend you belong here if you have any friends or go to parties. You don't.
>meeting girls on Tinder irl after talking for less than a week
You have to be an autistic virgin NEET right? I'm a loser too, just a different kind of loser.
honestly i'd be up for that if a qt roastie agrees to this
You need to go back. Seriously. Influx of people like you is what killed Sup Forums
>You're the junior with zero (0) friends right?
>If you go to parties and people like you, why aren't they your friends?
beats me
>go back to /r9k/, some people here are just trying to talk about music
t. virgin with alot of friends
Go back where? I've been on Sup Forums since 2011, when I was 17.
>tfw too socially awkward for Tinder
I mean I'd prefer it if it was like this but really Sup Forums has changed so much, it's kind of sad to complain about it.
>goes to parties
>thinks he has no friends
Honestly fuck off. I hate narcissistic normies
Uh, you realise there's a difference between having friends and having acquaintances?
Are you false flagging?
I resent normies pretending to not be normies, but christ you are insufferable.
it would be in constant rotation.
>has anyone ever even paid attention to it?
dunno, don't really care. I do it for myself.
The Terminator 2 theme by Brad Fiedel.
yeah, fuck that I'm not downloading that app and posting my pics just so someone can find it and roast me.
and how the fuck would I even start a conversation? what the fuck.
this so much
I’m not a total turbo sperg or anything but how in the fuck do you talk a girl into banging
My friend told me she had 223 matches man, I want to shoot myself in the face.
When I had tinder it was Ballad of Big Nothing by Elliott Smith and I ended up hooking up with a match as a result, so thanks for that, Elliott, I owe you one.
You have to talk to them and see if they're flirting, and then subtly steer the conversation toward sex.
how do I detect flirting
Women tend to get a ton of matches on tinder while men only get a few because there’s a lot more men on tinder I think. I know when I had it for a few weeks I only got 5 and maybe 3 actually responded.
>subtly steer the conversation toward sex
ya what the fuck
Look at them and notice the way they're talking to you and act around you. Some girls are cockteases though and act flirty but fake you out.
Spermswamp - Raped With A Cell Phone While A Long-Distance Call With Your Uncle
Gets them every time
>but only gets to fuck 4-5 girls a month.
you know most people here would kill to have sex 5 times a month
Honey Power - mbv. No comments on it since the feature was released. I'm happy about it tho...it's like a normie filter
He's not saying that having sex 5 times a month is a super small amount in general. But for a male model (read: very attractive man) who is on tinder, you'd think he could get laid more than that.
That's more than once per week. That's literally what I desire, if I could I would have sex every weekend. Until I have a woman I live with, I don't think I could ask for anything more.
nine inch nails - heresy
i pull mad dick cuz of it
i probably started college with a hundred different contacts, and by senior year had one
I would kill to have sex one time just to cancel out the mess that was losing my virginity
Was losing your virginity really that much of a mess?
yeah it sucked
honestly I’d have rather just kept it
Yeah, me too.
MFW i lost my virginity to my first girlfriend after which we maintained a loving relationship for three years
waiting for story
it's not a good story but ok
>get drunk
>go out to shitty bar with roommate, some asian chick and 5.5/10 who was into me
>fuck it whatever
>get to bar and commence some very awkward dancing/groping that haunts me to this day
>for whatever reason she still wants to come back to my room
>get back
>start making out, fingerblast her a bit
>she blows me for a while, it sucks
>try fucking
>it sucks, at this point it's pretty obvious she's either a virgin or close to it, plus the pussy stank
>can't get hard, at first because i'm drunk and then because i start to sober up and realize that i'm not attracted to this girl at all
>she sucks my ding dong some more, still sucks
>in a last ditch effort to nut try to do it myself
>doesn't work
>kick her out and go to sleep
Current dating a girl that I met on Tinder, already 6 months.
I wish I wasn't the way I am bros.
Usually it's that or "I'm A Nasty Hoe". I usually get a few laughs out of it.
That's a good story. I'll tell my story.
>friend hooked up with a woman on Whisper
>he asks me to give him a ride because he can't drive
>on the way he tells her that I'm giving him a ride and she asks if I wanted to join
>we talk about it and I had just stopped dating this other girl (that I didn't fuck) and decide "fuck it, I'm in"
>we get to this parking lot and she tells us to come to her van
>we get in and start to talk while she undressed
>find out she's 46, but she was bomb as hell
>we start making out but it feels awkward
>she tries to give me a blowjob but I couldn't get it up
>she lays down and she takes her bra off
>make out some more and suck her tits
>go down and start fingering her, then say I wanna lick her pussy
>turns out to be a mistake because that pussy was dank, I gagged
>tagged my friend in because I never got hard
>we leave realizing we didn't even get her name
At least she told me I was good at licking her pussy.
I have a gripping store for y'all:
>messaged a girl on tinder
how old were you?
now there's a story
frownland makes me cry, so I don't think I could do it.
The only relationships I’ve ever had have been with tinder girls. All horrible. Got laid by like 10 though. Unless you’re a 10/10 white dude you’ll be only interacting with the female dregs desu
a girl literally asked me out the other day
she was a hapa who likes "dank memes"
surely there's a way to meet girls that doesn't involve going outside or having a healthy social life
listen mate, i have over 400 matches after using the app for a year and i still haven't found anything worthwhile. havent had much luck beyond 1 night shit. a lot of girls with bpd and daddy issues in particular. i did match with my oneitis from high school though, so that made it worthwhile.
Met my current gf off there and she’s great
Jesus christ
Holy shit I've stumbled onto the wrong board. As my CAPTCHA said, cedez le passage!
secret to making friends is making funny observations. Being nice 100% of the time is not going to make you friends cause it's probably fake. Make fun of something or someone -- ull eventually find someone who will laugh
all I do is talk shit user