Why is wrong to murder someone but perfectly ok to slaughter/torture/rape animals

Why is wrong to murder someone but perfectly ok to slaughter/torture/rape animals

Because humans are above other animals is that so hard to understand

At least come up with better bait for your daily vegan threads, this is embarrassing

Nobody said it's ok to torture or rape them. Also who rapes animals, lol. But it's okay to kill them generally if you want to eat them because they are JUST ANIMALS and they do not have moral weight

OP definitely sucks dick

Because a majority of America doesn't see it happen

Its not wrong to murder someone, humans do it all the time in war. We kill humans when it benefits us same as we kill animals. Its taboo to kill people who are your neighbors because they help you out by working and producing stuff for you. Plus women are good for having sex with so don't kill them.

It's ok to murder the retarded ones like you.

Have a fat nigger.

You hear that?

Murder and torture is wrong?

We hate murder.

op here. i most definitely do, and you are a homophobe and animal killer

>Why is it ok to eat animals?
Because animals have been eating other animals since the dawn of life.

And since humans are god damn animals (see: "niggers") then I'm going to eat animals

>b-b-b-b-but if you had to slaughter your food you wouldn't do it
Like hell I wouldn't. I raise food rabbits, chickens, goats, and pigs.

I can dress out a rabbit in less than 2 minutes.

Not ok to rape or torture, but perfectly fine to slaughter. Animals have no rights. I think it is wrong to be cruel to them, but raising them for food isn't cruel.

>Raping animals

Like saying doctors rape their patients by performing on them... you know because it's not just random people fucking donkeys.


You are talking about three completely different things you vegan cuck. You are correct you are fucking brain dead kys




No I'm not homophobic and not an animal killer. I just eat them and you're still gay

You don't have to murder the cow to get the milk...so who cares?

I buy local and the farmers I buy from are good to their animals. I do this because it tastes better and I know they dont feed it anythinf that will give me the laughing sickness. If other customers and I all stopped eating meat, the farmers would stop keeping the animals. The animals would eventually be greatly reduced in number and likely confined to preserves due to thousanda of years of being tailored to our requirements of them. Why do you want to kill the entirity of cows, pigs, chickens, etc? The ones i eat are well treated, but they are only kept to satiate my desire to eat them.

Yes, and humans evolved for using spears and bows. Sorry.

Animals are not moral agents so they can't be murdered, just tortured and killed. Anyone who hurts animals for fun is a retard who deserves to be shot.

Is almond milk for baby almonds?

>mixing water and almonds
>calling it milk

Not only would we have to kill off millions of them, but we'd just about have to wipe out all deer and other herbivores. Otherwise we'll be in competition with them and can't have them eating our food supplies, since we'll need to increase farming significantly.

Of course, that means that the predators which rely upon herbivores for food will either die from starvation/disease, or we'll have to kill them when they become aggressive and start attacking domestic animals and humans.

What if it's both for food AND for sport? I enjoy bow hunting and deer meat. I like to try to stalk/track (though easiest imo is to just sit still and wait)

The last line of this describes my mating habits.

I'm pissed too. I thought when Trump became president we would be allowed to hunt women for sport. Thats what the libs kept saying. This is not the america I voted for.

>"rape animals"

At least Hilary didn't win and we are not a Muslim police state that's banned all free speech, guns and white cocks in america.