This has nothing to do with Trump. I dont care that he hates Trump and loves Clinton. The part that stood out to me was the "mothers vs fathers" thing.
>a great father can only give 40 percent
>a shitty mother can give 200 percent
Why does he always have to throw men under the bus? I actually like Louis CK and i will still watch his next special (f he ever does one) but why does he always resort to "men are shitty, women are great"?
Could he be any more of a self hating faggot?
is that a real article? BEcause he didn't really say anything insightful it seemed more like he was workshopping a bit
it actually has to do with how much he sexually abuses budding female comics.
lewis C.k is a known pervert and exchanges sex for promotion
hes a scumbag really
Because he hopes (maybe subconsciously) that if he's pathetically self-effacing enough maybe his wife will come back to him, even though that's probably the reason she left in the first place.
Louis is a barely functional self-hating wreck and it's remarkable that people still take anything he has to say seriously.
No link
OP is a fucking faggot
Sorry bro.
I'd laugh this off as another Sup Forums conspiracy theory, but with the sheer ferocity of Louis' constant privilege-checking it's genuinely hard to believe he isn't overcompensating for something.
Any liberal talking points are "insightful" to these faggots.
when u learn from the best
Based Olga.
Cheers senpai
Of course Louis CK is pro Hillary.
She's a cuck just like him.
jerry legally dated a girl
>not voting to ensure a lifetime supply of bulls.
Who the fuck takes the time to make that pic?
I don't remember, what does CK stand for?
something really polish.
But he's self aware. He even calls himself a fat faggot in his first special.
It's the pronounciation of his last name. Just makes it easier on ever
I'm pretty sick of Louie. He started out alright but his self-hating and white-shaming bullshit gets old really fast.
Preachy as he was, at least Carlin did that shit because in his own time, people really thought they were protesting for something truly important. Louie just sort of goes "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AM I RITE LMAO!" and goes with it, and it gets boring real fast and just annoying. He's being no different than the lefty millennials of today who bitch about everything for no reason.
I'm a lib. Never watched Louie, but he called me an asshole for not voting. That's okay. I already knew I was an asshole. I'm stuck in a red state anyway Louie so my vote won't count anyway.
>I actually like Louis CK and i will still watch his next special (f he ever does one) but why does he always resort to "men are shitty, women are great"?
Because people like you keep watching it even though the only things he has to say are self-hating SJW bullshit?
Stop tuning in every fucking time and maybe he'll find something else to talk about.
>what does CK stand for?
Cuck King
>Louie just sort of goes "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AM I RITE LMAO!"
I'm pretty sure nothing close to this sentiment has ever come out of his mouth.
Autistic people are unable to cope with the fact that his stand up routines are mostly jokes or self-deprecating humor. Same thing happened with Jim Jefferies.
He's the next Cosby.
>a great father can only give 40 percent
>a shitty mother can give 200 percent
Self-deprecating humor isn't funny when he's generalizing all "people like him" and resorting to shitty stereo types.
>Here's how great it is to be white: I can get in a time machine and go to any time, and it would be fucking awesome when I get there! That is exclusively a white privilege. Black people can't fuck with time machines! A black guy in a time machine's like, "Hey, anything before 1980, no thank you. I don't want to go."
Does this guy think history began in 1776 or something? Does he not realize there are other eras and other cultures in the world? That's not even true in the current year, let alone in all of history. Is he seriously claiming there is not, and has never once been, in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY, a society in which white people were marginalized? Jesus, what a fucking retard.
Because Woody Allen has said it in a few interviews, and Louis wants to be just like his idol. Thing is, Woody Allen was a total ourguy and cucked his wife by fucking and marrying her daughter
>I don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that. We're not going to just fall from number one to two. They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever. And we totally deserve it.
Oh look, here he is, quite literally saying "fuck white people." He is literally, LITERALLY, saying white people deserve to get fucked.
Educate thineself before thine mouth runs yonder, fool.
cite me a source, boyo, and I'll be glad to jump on your wagon
>his stand up routines are mostly jokes or self-deprecating humor.
Of course it is. It's literally his style of stand up.
Here's a joke you'll hate from him
You know where the word Nigger came from? Some black guy was being a real Nigger, so they called him a Nigger.
wtf I hate Louis now
Louis is so based.
in 2016 he has taken it upon himself to be a paragon of life opinions and it's really fucking insufferable
I'd rather have more people like him than Kim Kay's and Honey Booboo's
Looks like a joke to me. Any more examples, since you seem to be claiming his entire personality is defined by this?
Sup Forums tards are right wing SJWs. No one is obligated to follow your list of pre-approved feelings-friendly jokes, you stupid piece of shit.
A 40 year old dated a 17 year old. Ya we know it's legal, that's not the point.
>Looks like a joke to me
Where's the funny part? It's not even anti-humor.
Black people deserve to get fucked.
I-it's just a joke, user. Surely if I went around spouting that in public, no bad would come of it. Since it's just a joke. Right?
>Here's a joke you'll hate from him
I love that joke. I understand it's just a joke.
>>a great father can only give 40 percent
>>a shitty mother can give 200 percent
he's spot on about this, generally speaking
>Any one who agrees with me is insightful
>Any insult directed at my opponents is good comedy
All partisan shills are the same.
>how great it is to be white
Isn't he Mexican or something?
>Why does he always have to throw men under the bus? I actually like Louis CK and i will still watch his next special (f he ever does one) but why does he always resort to "men are shitty, women are great"?
Easiest way to make comedy is to make fun of people. White men are the only group on this entire globe that everyone can mock and nobody will bat and eyelid.
It's easy and he's allowed to do it, that's why.
>be Sup Forums pathological liar
>cherry pick a few things people say, take them out of context, pretend they represent the whole person
>this is conveniently always done, 100% of the time, to further some alt right neckbeard persecution complex
You guys make SJWs look emotionally tough, honest, and dignified by comparison.
Fuck off that was hilarious
Stay mad
Why not? You're here shitposting every day. So what if someone shitdraws a picture?
Or are you just bitter because you can't draw?
What is the point? If it's legal, who fucking cares, girls are going to bang anyway at that age so it's not like it'll psychologically fuck them up more to sleep with an older guy than a local high school chad
I barely watch stand up comedy at all and I've seen jokes on just about every race and religion of people. The majority is always going to be made fun of the most for several incredibly obvious reasons unless you have Sup Forums level intelligence.
Not him, but I got you...
it is an inordinate amount of time to have to spend focusing on a black guy fucking a little white nerd. The beauty of the shitpost is that you can literally just shit it out and forget about it, the person who drew that picture probably wacked it a couple times as he was drawing the curvature on the buttcheeks
here's the sequence of events
>I'm pretty sure nothing close to this sentiment has ever come out of his mouth.
>Oh look, here he is, quite literally saying "fuck white people." He is literally, LITERALLY, saying white people deserve to get fucked.
>Looks like a joke to me.
I'm sorry, I thought "nothing close to this sentiment has ever come out of his mouth"? Now it's whether or not he, a professional comedian, was making a joke when that exact sentiment came out of his mouth?
Pic fucking related.
I wasn't the person who made that post, so no goalposts were moved. Also, he's technically right since that was part of a comedy routine, AKA insincere. It sounds like you're saying that Louis CK isn't allowed to talk about white people in his comedy which sounds suspiciously similar to the hamplanets that blog on tumblr.
What we're responding to is the hypocrisy inherent in a statement as obviously racist as "people of this race all deserve to get fucked," which one could ONLY get away with saying about white people without the exact hamplanets you're talking about losing their collective shit.
Louis CK is a racist and sexist masquerading as a comedian. As someone else said, if you or I got up on stage and started giving "fuck niggers, right?" jokes, do you think "I'm just a comedian!" would be a sufficient defense? No?
It's perfectly okay to denounce someone for """"joking"""" about how you're a bad person because of who you were born as.
>Black people deserve to get fucked
But that isn't a joke
> if you or I got up on stage and started giving "fuck niggers, right?" jokes, do you think "I'm just a comedian!" would be a sufficient defense? No?
No, but this is also a ridiculous false equivalence that only a Sup Forums-tier moron could ever make. An apt comparison would be if a black comedian said something along the lines of
>You know, we niggas gon' have to pay for all dis criminality someday
I can't tell if you alt right shitposters are borderline impossibly stupid or if you just feign extreme, absurd ignorance to get your "points" across
Either way, get a life and a brain
>it's a false equivalence
Not if you buy into the "we're all equal" multicultist bullshit his SJW audience does.
And besides, I refuse to think even a black comedian could get away with that in the current year. Maybe in past years, I can think of a few black comedians who made jokes like that, but not in the current year. Nowadays that would be "internalized racism."
>"internalized racism."
No, it'd be ironic reappropriation.
The difference being that in the black guy's case it would be taken as obviously insincere as a means of protesting racism, whereas when Louis CK does it, he actually means what he's saying.
but there is a setup and punchline in louis joke, not just "fuck white people lol"
are you retarded?
There really isn't. It's just a rant about how privileged white people are.
that's what it boils down to dumb fuck
You don't think there's a joke because you're triggered by it, you moron.
Moments when non-triggered observers might laugh, especially with Louis' delivery:
>we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that
>We're not going to just fall from number one to two.
>They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever.
>And we totally deserve it.
>Louis CK does jokes about rape being OK only under very specific circumstances, such as the person you're raping wouldn't have sex with you otherwise
>calls people who annoy him faggots and wishes they get AIDS
>does a long extend bit against the PC culture idea of saying "the N word" instead of nigger and how it's just used by sanctimonious shits trying to avoid being labelled racists by other sanctimonious shits
yeah clearly an SJW who panders to the easily offended
I see so many fucking threads arguing over this crap, you people spend too much time on Sup Forums
"SJW" is a disease that only exists on the internet and liberal arts campus
I've never in my life even met one of these people you guys on Sup Forums hate so much
western society isn't under attack by anyone, its the same bullshit that's existed since marx
Black people just don't like it when I jokingly call them niggers because they're triggered by it.
What the fuck kind of stupid bullshit argument is that?
but what are we to pretend to crusade in the name of? you can't be telling me that my memeing is only has value as cheap entertainment
people complain about comedy all of the time, but that's not the same as "not being able to do it in this political climate." Chris Rock also did a bit about how it's OK for white people to say nigger if they're singing along with Biggie, he's hardly pandering to the SJW crowd.
And it's not like Chris Rock has been blacklisted for his views or comedy, he just gets occasional criticism from random retards, just like every comedian
calling someone a nigger isn't a joke.
if you delivered it the right way it COULD be, just like anything can be delivered to be funny. the same way you could make a joke about white privilege or a joke about fucking forks or anything.
if you go around saying "hey nigger" to black people and laughing like "it's just a joke lighten up", with no setup or delivery or anything resembling a joke, you're actually a fucking retard
>only exists on the internet
>I've never in my life even met one of these people you guys on Sup Forums hate so much
>I don't see it, therefore it doesn't exist
Congrats on attaining omniscience.
Saying all white people should get fucked isn't a joke.
>Saying all white people should get fucked isn't a joke.
It's a good thing then that you're basically lying about what the joke was; simplifying it so that it supports your "point," all logic and facts be damned.
>Sup Forums can't enjoy a joke because it's too political and is too mean to their group of people
man they weren't joking when they said the SJW-bashers were the new SJW's
>basically lying
I directly quoted his exact words.
His exact words were "They're gonna hold [white people] down and fuck us in the ass forever. And we totally deserve it."
He directly stated that white people deserve to get fucked.
>How dare you get annoyed when a "comedian" stops making funny observations about the world and instead just insults you
Can someone explain to someone who isnt from America, why they always make a big deal out of "you have to vote". Whats wrong with not voting if your options are retarded as fuck, isn't that also part of democracy? It's weird.
GOTV campaigns push how important voting is to demographics they think are likely to vote for their preference.
Didn't say it doesn't exist, I said it isn't a big deal
It's all college age kids and any of the smart ones will grow out of it. There's a reason younger audiences skew left and older folks skew right. Communism and anarchy and retarded ideas like that are literally for idiots and high schoolers.
It isn't some new wave of ultra progressive gas-lighting propaganda. It's the same liberal shit thats existed since before you were born, you're only more aware of it
Yes, but only with the current gen have they grown up with isolated, hugbox bubble communities that tell them how correct they are and, in a sense, radicalize them.
They do.
you really are autistic, huh?
OK let me spell it out for you: sometimes in comedy, people use hyperbole or exaggeration for a humorous effect. They don't really mean what they say, they use purposefully extreme language to get people thinking about a less extreme aspect of the idea
So when Louis CK says white people are going to get fucked in the ass because they deserve it, he doesn't literally mean that, just that the good times will come to an end for white people someday. Likewise, when he says that the only joy in his day is being alone away from his family taking a shit, it doesn't mean he loves taking a shit and hates his kids, he's highlighting the stresses of family life
Jamal this isn't the right place for you.
While on stage at a comedy show in a certain tone of voice and body language, which is half of communication. You're lying so hard that you're basically trying to pretend he said this in a political essay instead of in a comedy show. Pathetic crybaby.
What's your point anyway? That you think Louis CK actually wants revenge taken on white people? You're that delusional? See a psychiatrist fatso.
>being upset about being insulted
first day on Sup Forums? you're going to get called a faggot, cuck, and retard on a minute to minute basis, so better toughen up sweetheart
>Whats wrong with not voting if your options are retarded as fuck
You could look at it that way but from another perspective you're giving your voting power away to the candidates you dislike the most.
I don't give anons money to hear what they think of me.
That's a fucking horrible thing to say single fathers kids are usually less emotionally maladjusted than those with single moms and the entirety of the black community is evidence of how important a father is if fathers really aren't worth shit why doesn't he let his wife has his kids the cuck
>w-well he doesn't really mean it...
I know how a joke works user, it just wasn't a terribly good joke and all it amounted to was insulting white people. This is hypocritical when it comes from someone who regularly decries racism and bigotry.
He has unresolved issues about his childhood. Every single bit of comedy he does has it's roots in that.
Hates his dad, which is fine, but he also completely lacks objectivity.
Nigger was a feelin'!!!!! Ahhhahhhahh