Johnny Depp has joined the "Harry Potter" spin-off franchise "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" as Dumbledore's buttbuddy Grindewald. They're trying to milk five new movies out of the story.
Johnny Depp has joined the "Harry Potter" spin-off franchise "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" as Dumbledore's...
ugh, ew, no
Why not Jamie Campbell Bower?
I hope he plays both halves of a set of eccentric twins.
amber heard on suicide watch
well shit
>She gets DC
>He gets Harry Potter
Who won in the end?
>shitty franchise
>biggest box office success franchise
yeah you know
hope depp stumbles and breaks a bottle over dumbledores head ina drunken argument over pixie musicals
I'm livid about the Johnny Depp casting. It's revealed that you attacked and abused your wife and then you get this? No. Absolutely not.
hes literally perfect for harry potter americuh
>Be american wizard
>Get kedavra'd
>oldfag here
>mfw more Harry Potter movies
>Make wizardry great again
Harry potter was the biggest franchise with 8 movies and it wasnt surpassed until marvel has almost twice as many films
>oblivion gif
i mean i love it but what. they are probably doing actually harry potter sequels in 5-10 years
I'm not complaining or nothing, but I'm a long time AD&D player. AD&D is canon in the rules and creatures of fantasy. Then a brittish hoboess comes along and pleases all the casuals with soccer mom fantasy, so I'm slightly agitated.
Will we get a scene where he Jerks Dumbledore off while they take the train to Hogwarts?
>seriously describing yourself as an "oldfag"
if you really are an oldfag, you should have known that the only people who describe themselves as "oldfags" are actually newfags
I remember that rule from 2008 bruh. Step it up senpai.
Why care? It will only cause you suffering to worry about this stuff.
People are always going to lap up dumb shit. You could enjoy your high fantasy literature and games and simply ignore the low fantasy crowd pleasers.
>Not wanting to see Grindelwald and Adolf Hitler take over Europe.
It's like you don't want to see mudbloods, creatures and kikes gassed.
>biggest box office success franchise
Marvel has completely raped Harry Potter though
Him obviously.
>tamw they're both on the WB lot
>AD&D is canon in the rules and creatures of fantasy.
the fuck
Isn't Grindelwald supposed to be this young attractive boytoy? Long luscious locks of hair and radiating with youth and exuberance and all that? Grindelwald was basically a charismatic twink IIRC from the books.
Maybe Depp could have played a cuteboy 20 years ago, but now he's old and dried up. He's a crusty old man. Literally why did they think this was a good idea.
He was attractive like Johnny Depp, but the movie that had him in it only showed it back in the 1890's- early 1900's. This Grindelwald would be much older as it would be set in the 1940's
Cute boys grow up to be cute adults.
a adult man can't be cute you asshat
I've never seen any of the HP movies or read the books. Fantastic Beasts however looks very interesting to me.
just never got into HP since I was more into LoTR at the time, but I'm open minded. where should I jump in? Straight from the first movie?
Oldfag here, I can confirm this
yea man i love lotr and hp, watch them all in order until the new one comes out
yea because they have 20 movies. it took them a while to surpass HP.
there's like 7 or 8 of them, right? I'll look into a binge over the holidays
>Be american wizard
>Denied scholarship because I don't fit the diversity quota
>Get shot because I cant do magic
fantastic breasts and where to find them
I don't like that hair and he looks like he hasn't slept in 2 days, I wish he would take better care of himself
Man his eyebrows look thin as fuck, that and the hair make him look weird as shit.
I hope he fixes his brows with some make up before going out, he used to have thicc eyebrows when he was young