What did General Mills mean by this?
What did General Mills mean by this?
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Why is a kids cereal promoting Alien: Covenant?
She's so fucking ugly and the box art was so uncreative that they decided only to make a limited number of these boxes, thus making it a "limited edition."
I fucking hope to god this young woman never comes to this website. Nobody deserves this.
Marshmallows are a natural flavour?
really makes you think
>sequel defenders getting their panties in a bunch
you're in for a long ride, faggot.
I thought TFA was 'meh'-tier, completely lacking that Lucas feel.
But the hate she gets here is horrendous.
>they decided only to make a limited number of these boxes, thus making it a "limited edition."
Can't wait to sell them for thousdands of dollars in a few years.
>Natural flavors
I don't think its horrendous, for the most part before TFA, all of the people in starwars movies were pretty much, beautiful people: the movie. So..you have that going and it is hard to not make comparisons. She reminds me of an ordinary girl which isn't a bad thing, even with her five head and xeno mouth. She is being compared to women who were epitome nerd bait for decades. Men never judge in a vacuum.
Well that's good because you would have to wait for something that wouldn't happen.
Another TFA hate thread?
That's one botched job I tell you what
whoever made that image, well done.
That its overpriced GMO garbage.
>waaaah these anonymous people on a website that literally everyone else hates are criticizing me ;_;
>Now excuse me as I go wipe my tears with all the money I made from this shitty rehashed film that required no effort or imagination whatsoever
This. It wasn't a very good movie, but it's not like it was some abomination. And I always find it strange how actors get the blame for horrible writing (look at Christensen having to rattle off Lucas' awful lines in the prequels).
>$4.99 for what probably cost 20 cents to produce, box and """"cereal"""" included
Jesus christ
However overpriced cereal is in comparison to how much it costs to produce, it's actually a good deal in comparison to how long it lasts, though you could get it even cheaper in bulk.
They also have to pay royalties to Disney.
I bought the Yoda version of this, feels like fucking years ago man.
She's usually next to the Kylo one.
They really weren't. Luke is cute but isn't stunning in any respect. Han is hot enough I guess but Leia's face is entirely average. The prequel trilogy got more typically Hollywood pretty actors, though..
Is that just badly worded or do amerifats really think marshmallow is a natural flavor?
compared to TFA, besides oscar, yeah they really are.
Leia was nerd bait for decades. Women loved Han solo.
Compared to what one imagines as Hollywood pretty, it was hardly beautiful people the movie. They're average looking for movie stars other than Harrison. Leia's body was hot but her face was eh.
I don't know, all I do know is based on my own random ancedotes that a lot of women loved harrison ford while I was growing up, I'm not sure leading men have to be a certain definition of pretty but.
he feels text book definition of hollywood pretty to me, we obviously disagree but if we put out polls and stuff and tried to do it right, I think he would get a lot of love since he probably built his entire career on that.
Hamil before his accident definitely felt that way. the problem with ranking attraction is it is ultimately subjective so I suppose that is a caveat but when I compare daisy to other women she is always very bottom and the others are in various positions above.
Fuck Disney in the ass. Marvel movies suck worse but at least they are copying themselves and Iron Shit etc will be forgotten in 10 years. With Star Wars they've destroyed generations of legacy.
here is hamil later on
I think if you compare them to modern counterparts for most part, my argument seems valid
I already said that the PT went more typically Hollywood pretty.
>>Natural flavors
Companies can manufacture food coloring from dead beetles and still label it as natural ingredients because it was created from natural animals.
You joke, but I have a Republican cousin who is avoiding GMOs and gluten in general due to reactions she has been getting that might be linked to GMO foods. There might be a link between growing gluten allergies and the rise of GMOs in food.
Stupid sexy Billy D.
Works every time.
The coke queen!