You are the president of the U.S and you are informed that the Thing has landed in Northern Alaska aprox. 1 hour ago.
What do you do?
You are the president of the U.S and you are informed that the Thing has landed in Northern Alaska aprox. 1 hour ago.
What do you do?
Nuke Canada
"If you kill your enemies, they win." - Obama
Drop a nuke on it
That was Trudeau
Call in backup from my fellow lizard people aliens. Then nuke the area multiple times. Check satellites to see if there was any travel from that area and nuke that as well
Reinstate slavery
Build a wall.
stuff my fat american pig face with hotdogs and pizza like all fat disgusting american pigs
and then porbably shit myslef, for the american is a coward.
after then, get out my ak-47 (I need it for self-defence and hunting loolololol) and shooot some helpless children in a school, for that is the american passtime, and being a fat sack of useless shit
then I'd dissapoint my parents my being a loser who spends all day playing video games and masterbate
then I die of diebetees because too much fat and no money for doctor
very strange post
>this is what jealously looks like
You guys learn how to make fire yet?
Grab its pussy
Send Kurt Russell, obviously
announce to the people our supreme trans genderfluid overlord has arrived
Excellent post Mr. Kekhold.
napalm everything
Marauder Protocol.
Let's be honest guys. Sure this guy was shitposting but that pretty much sums up the average life of an American normie.
If you took the average Joe off the street and made him POTUS he wouldn't do much better.
Shitty b8
probably just blow my brains out then and there.
There is no full proof way to stop the thing and it would already be too late if it had reached any major continent. As soon as its taken over any aquatic or avian life the whole planet is done for
Be pointless to even bother trying to fight that shit really
HAHAHAHAHA "the american passtime" HAHAHHA
disrupt communications
ask ripley from aliens
State wide nukes and tons of napalm, bleeding over into Yukon.
Consistent bombing of napalm over the span of forever
Like what this user said if it assimilated a bird or fish, then the world is fucked.
Report promptly for assimilation and re-designation