When did people start using "red pilled" instead of "the truth"?

When did people start using "red pilled" instead of "the truth"?

Do they think it makes them look cool or something?

apperently some lesbians came up with the "redpill" thing.

It's an analogy from the matrix, more powerful and less retarded than saying "lol I learned the truth :^)"

Who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares
It's just part of the jargon at this point

It illustrates the tradeoff of learning an important but uncomfortable truth read some Plato you American moron there's an allegory in there about a cave that even you might understand

how does Sup Forums feel knowing that the term was propagated by the Wachowski sisters (formerly the Wachowski brothers)?

The truth is always uncomfortable and always different for everyone

The red pill analogy is faulty because it implies that you're somehow better off, which is why at the end of the Matrix they give people a choice to stay in the simulation.

The only thing retarded is how modern western culture can only communicate through memes, "the truth" has been used up until a couple of years ago.

It's the equivalent of niggers saying 'woke'.

who says being redpilled on something is going to make your life better? can't you see how happy idiots can be?

really, the truth is that the internet is destroying culture and language at an astronomical rate, and it's the very nature of the technology that's degenerate. Hell even the word "Degenerate" is just another meme used to replace "sin" or "wrong"

Unabomber was right

This. Memesters need to burn.

The danger of the "pill" analogy is that it assumes the truth is something you just consume or take, when in reality it requires doing.

But no you're not doing shit, you're just staring at a screen.

The internet has to be destroyed, it's the only thing that could actually cause action in this day and age.

it's the result of the internet destroying attention span and literacy of a whole generation. Dont pretend like "old" Sup Forums was any better, it really wasn't it was just less populated

"Da proof" lost meaning a long time ago.

Who gives a fuck anyway?

On traditional conspiracy forums, you have "truther" and "Sheeple" as the memes instead of red/blue pill.

Same difference though really.

Some faggots think they are trapped in the Matrix.

"the truth" sounds too hippy, fag. Just say redpill now.

>Who the fuck knows
Literally everyone except you.

The matrix

Could someone please blue pill me? The truth is painful.

The blue pill never worked; taking the redpill was always analogous to suspending disbelief long enough to consider the what-if of potential reality. Once you frame it like that, about 99% will follow the thought experiment to its conclusion, and then they either accept the evidence and the conclusion it frames, reject the conclusion for lack of evidence, or attempt to go back to the matrix and reject the evidence

Okay, so can someone just reinsert me into the matrix? I'd like to be wealthy if it isn't too much of a bother.

Around the time the matrix came out.

nice i just saw the matrix myself and i gotta say if the future is as white as the matrix says it is im all in :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

white is my favorite colour of the rainbow by the way

>The only thing retarded is how modern western culture can only communicate through memes
do you not understand how human interaction works or something?
the advent of memetics is a natural continuation of patterns of human interaction, when people are given the complete freedom, or at least what they think is complete freedom, to communicate

the truth can have many faces, the redpill has only one

"red pilled" is a term for people who accepts "painful truth on our reality" based in matrix film whereas "the truth" might be based on other subjects like religious organizations, cult of personality organizations, interest movements, etc.

Someone redpill me on OPs mother?

by a nigger

who /ironpill/ here?