Film & Television moments that men are allowed to get emotional over
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There will never be another show like this :(
He didn't deserve it
the only right choice
Bobby was the only one that wasn't going to hell
This is just gonna be a sopranos thread, isn't it?
>thinking you have to be "allowed" to do something
you're not a male you're a neutered redditor
Gandolfini was a fucking legend
Best deadwoof scene, swearengen is the second greatest tv character of all time
>people actually pretend that there are shows better than this
Mediocre show but had some of the best emotional moments.
Is Walk Like a Man the most underrated Sopranos episode ever?
>Tony tells AJ to stop crying
>Is really saying it to himself because he's about to start crying
like poetry
Yes, here's another brilliant and sad scene
How has nobody posted these yet.And these are just a few.
oh boy here we go
You do remember he killed people right?
He only killed the Russian and it was only because tony ordered him to
>the Russian
You know the person in the laundromat
You mean Harpo, Janice's son
The ending is one of the best.
1) Tony
2) Christopher
3) Al
surprised this hasn't been posted yet
>when it's cold i'd like to cry
I'm surprised none of you lads haven't posted this, easily the best scene, only time I felt bad for tony
>how come you don't love me man?
>"...Is this all there is?
Fuck, that line kills me.
stop it. they're sociopaths who only pretend to have emotions to manipulate others
Jesus i forgot how bad his voice got towards the end. Sounds like fucking bugs bunny.
Still a great scene though
Women will never understand this scene.
>tfw Stranger Things used this song at the end of the Season 1 finale and that's what normies will associate this song with from now on
Are you implying The Sopranos isn't normie television?
They're sociopaths, but sociopaths are capable of love and genuine relationships. Just not self-sacrifice.
Tony legit did love Carm, his kids, Jr., even his own mother.
>achilles cankle
>How has nobody posted these yet.
Cus TWD is just a shitty horror flick in show form.
One of the most beautiful and sad scenes in the history of television not just in Sopranos
why do all you Sup Forums fags ride sopranos dick so hard? It's not even top 10 of the biggest website on the planet. Breaking Bad has scenes like Walt under the house, or season 5's Hank and the Neo Nazis
holy shit. i'm not even a trump supporter but this was KINO
As a recovering oxymorphone addict, the Chris and H thing hits home every rewatch
Post Sup Forums's kino patrician list
Not anymore. People shit on it because they think the ending is shit unfortunately
t. Pleb
This is the worst list I've ever seen, got that fucking high, how the hell is that possible
>tony is a sociopath meme
Just stop.
>i'm not even a trump supporter
Being a contrarian doesn't make you look cool or intelligent. It makes you look close minded, because you are. If everybody likes it, and you don't, you're the wrong one with brain problems
You don't actually believe that list do you, if so you have shit taste and should probably go back
>The Sopranos and Mad Men at 22, 23 respectively
GTFO, this is the shittiest list ever conceived
He sure meets the signs, and Melfi the expert (and her colleagues) sure know what the fuck they're talking about
fucking leddit
Enough of this Soprano shit.
Those are so vague as to easily apply to everyone.
And I like how you didn't post the DSMV definition because we both know it doesn't apply to Tony.
>Avatar cartoon
>House of Cards
>Mr. Robot
>Rick and Morty
>Parks and Rec
how did those manage to beat The Sopranos? Are they just newer so more plebeians have seen them?
It sure applied to him from 1997~2007, and even if he's not the ultimate sociopath, he still practices it and tries to be a better one every day.
>so you do miss me
>everyday of my life, brother
>waah, I don't like something popular, so I must be contrarian
Nah got was good from s1-s4, but the last two seasons have been terrible, you can easily see that writing has diminished greatly
>>using TV psychologists as an arguement
We're literally arguing about the real life definition. What they said on the show is irrelevant; Tony shows clear signs of remorse and caring for other individuals. He only acts like he does because he THINKS that's how a mob boss should act. That was the whole point of his character, moron.
Say what you will about the BSG, but you can't help but tear up for Bill.
bobby : (
>mad men and the sopranos barely making top 25
>the most overrated two shows of all time make 1 and 2
>absolute garbage like community at 11
>flavor of the month crap like mr robot and rick and morty that high
>fucking ARCHER is ranked higher than curb
this is even worse than their list of top films. this might actually be the worst list that was made with genuine intent that i've ever seen
A clear example that Democracy doesn't work.
>No The 100 on the 2015 list
Confirmed kino?
>The Leftovers in 39
>Hannibal in 31
What a piece of shit
>wanting Hannibal higher
Maybe you'd fit in better on tumblr than here OR lebbit.
>dexter 54
literally the worst tv show ive ever seen, that dragged on for 5 seasons of pure shit, is ranked higher than great series like peep show, chapelle's show, justified, deadwood, cowboy bebop, six feet under
hannibal wasnt bad. 31 is pretty accurate using just the 100 listed
Hannibal is atleast top 10 greatest tv show, you fucking faggot.
>disgusting pig american Italians
I dont know how you people stand to put up with such a show
Just not retarded I guess
never really see tv discuss BoB though i probably just miss all the threads