wtf i love hillary now
General hollywood thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Emma Roberts will never beat you until you vote for Hillary
>do you realize trump wants to deport all denominations of the latina community
Well, that's just not true. Also, "denominations"? We're an ethnic group, not a religion.
>you realize Trump wants to deport every Latino? And every Black?
Wa la
I don't like either of the candidates, but do people just not give a shit about Hillary's crimes at all. "Oh no trump said something mean, he's the literal devil"
>miss the voting deadline on nov 8
>she spends the next 4 years beating the shit out of you until you can vote for killary's second term
millennials are retarded, go figure
I wish he was that based.
the fuck is this bitch on about
do people really believe that?
>you do realize that Trump wants to deport all denominations of the Latina community? And pretty much anyone that isn't American. ? Also anyone black? Anyone he deport he will. He is a racist, sick, mentally unwell man.
A look into the mind of a democrat
>you do realise that Trump wants to deport [...] pretty much anyone that isn't American. ?
How is that a bad thing?
>you do realize Trump wants to deport every Latino? And every Black?
Wtf, I love Trump now.
>latina community
We're safe, bros. Trump is only going after the women. I'm really going to miss abuela's cooking though.
>Celebrity endorses a political candidate
>Sales/views on the movie/TV Show they star in go down
Celebrities are the biggest fucking retards
No one but Fox covers her bullshit, and Fox News is treated as a joke despite being the most fair news network.
>"we over here in Ireland"
She's Irish, her mind has been twisted by a potato and lucky charm-based diet.
>We're safe, bros. Trump is only going after the women.
He's a businessman, he doesn't want us to multiply but he recognizes our value as laborers.
As opposed to being sued multiple times for discrimination
The rape accusations
The being a pawn of Putin
Yeah, Hilary is sooooooooo much worse. Those emails, man. So damaging that the FBI isn't pressing charges. Face it, you supported a retard for a candidate and you can't accept the fact he's going to get throughly embarrassed. Again.
wtf i love trump now
I can only imagine how many latinos are working for his various businesses so it wouldn't take long to shut that down but hyperbole works for social media age
very lazy, no (You) for u
Hi there! I judged to give you a friendly reminder that if you were born in or after 1980, you're a millienal!
No need to thank me, you were probably just born in the wrong generation.
shouldn't you be on twitter, kate?
>getting rid of the people undercutting and keep prices down across america
>see mexican auto repair places
Turns out the democrats have done a great service to the world and advanced the technology of brainwashing greatly
How is it lazy? Do you just ignore everything you don't agree with like a regular trump supporter?
I will unironically vote for Hillary because Bestest Emma wants her to win. Bestest Emma can destroy my country if she so wishes
Shouldn't you be on Reddit, redditor?
>turns down roles
>supports Clinton
>russian instagram
what went wrong?
>The being a pawn of Putin
I don't know about a pawn. More like a useful idiot.
"Putin will not invade Ukraine"-Donald Trump, 2016, two years after Putin invaded Ukraine
>Those emails, man. So damaging that the FBI isn't pressing charges.
She definitely broke the law. I'm not sure why the FBI isn't pressing charges.
Why is Emma Roberts literally the most pretty girl on earth right now?
c'mon at least put some effort into it, i aint hand'n these out for free
If she wanted to destroy the country she'd vote for trump
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
because it would disrupt the election.
>tfw that shirt was made by 12 year olds that work for .05¢ a day and work 20 hours a day
>literal cuck
>telling someone else to go to reddit
lmao @ ur life
She has an aura that says "i frequently commit acts of violence against me".
Literally no other feature is more attractive than willingness to commit violence
Not gonna respond? Wow, I'm shocked a trump supporter can't back anything up to prove other wise.
> Rich people voting for the status quo
Who would have thought?
wonder if she'd look better with brown eyes
Her face changed so much in just the past year or so.
>he doesn't know what cuck means
Typical redditor
so low effort
tsk tsk
Seems like every rich Hollywood person is telling me to vote for Hillary. Coincidence?
Why would someone look better with the worst tier of eyes?
appreciate the (you) cuckboi
Wow Kate Cooke is racist as fuck. And I've posted on Sup Forums before
She just convinced me to vote for Trump as a Latino. Fuck her
delete this
>getting conned by ruskies
>russian baitartist uses their snow language to try and influence our election
>news at 11
I don't know, sometimes it's just looks good.
w-well thats it.. i guess I'm a #CruzMissle now
Because the person looks good.
>Amerilard Elections
Both sides are retarded
>best emma voting for shillary
I really thought she was the one.
I want Emma to be my big sister
>le too intellectual to choose a side meme
>I'm forced to choose and if you don't you're a retard!
American politics everybody
look up john adams quote from 1790 senpai. not that user.
>le both sides are retarded meme
>we can't let a rich, famous man with a big family and everything to lose get the launch codes
>give them to one of the most corrupt politicians of our lifetime, who also happens to be an emotional woman without logic or reason, and only has a cheating husband and cunt of a daughter
I wish people had to pass an I.Q. test to vote in USA. I also think people should have to pass an I.Q. test and prove they are financially capable of providing for children, before actually producing offspring.
You would weed out most of this bullshit.
>Wa la
It's voilà you retarded millennial.
They did used to do that, and they also used to have things like needing to own land to have the right to vote.
Steadily things were peeled back as disciminatory and that every citizen regardless of circumstance has the right to vote.
Holy fuck, just one more week of this garbage until Sup Forums goes back to normal. Every other thread is cuck hillary maga trump ctr.
I wouldn't even say an IQ test, a test that proves they actually know the policies would suffice. Most voters have no idea what they're in store for with Hillary, they just go off of mainstream/social media telling them Trump is the next Hitler.
show some fucking respect
Are you people serious or what? I mean, do you really think anyone wants people who know anything about anything to vote?
US belongs to women and "minorities" now, it's over, there is no way to recover from this. Only the white male ever gave a shit about the truth, and he's outnumbered.
I don't think they should go back that far, with regards to owning land and race/gender restrictions. But, it would be a good idea to require an I.Q. test, or at the very least, require anyone voting to take an exam on current issues to prove that have some knowledge of what is going on, instead of just voting because "I FEEL LIKE...".
Yeah, that what I was just thinking.
Uninformed voting is cancer for a democracy, and the majority of women who vote will always be completely uninformed on the policies and such. The 19th ammendment is easily one of this country's biggest mistakes.
emma roberts is ugly thats even more of a travesty
>Uninformed voting is cancer for a democracy
But a great boon for the Democrats :)
Yeah, well, she's my fucking mom.
best emma thread. nice
>swn make you her human ashtray
wtf is this thread, some random pictures of 2nd best emma and political shit
what was this thread even meant ti be anyway?
Looks like shes wearing a prison shirt
looks like it was supposed to be a hollywoord general but he started the thread with a pic of best emma so now its a dedicated best emma thread
someone please post that one picture of her crying on her battered pussy boyfriend
You're so persecuted. No wonder you're a virgin, with no friends, no life, nothing. They were out to get you all along.
Her face changed so much. Is it aging? Drugs?
Do you actually disagree with anything I said though?
>battered pussy boyfriend
>implying he didnt take it with a smile on his face like any real man would
>having emma robert are a waifu
well at least he isn't a faggot, with hollywood the way it is, that at least is a plus.
its not to late to hop on board. you know you want to